library(cluster) ## Compare on these: nms <- c("clustering", "objective", "isolation", "clusinfo", "silinfo") nm2 <- c("medoids", "", nms) nm3 <- nm2[- pmatch("obj", nm2)] (x <- x0 <- cbind(V1 = (-3:4)^2, V2 = c(0:6,NA), V3 = c(1,2,NA,7,NA,8:9,8))) (px <- pam(x,2, metric="manhattan")) stopifnot(identical(x,x0))# DUP=FALSE .. pd <- pam(dist(x,"manhattan"), 2) px2 <- pam(x,2, metric="manhattan", keep.diss=FALSE, pdC <- pam(x,2, metric="manhattan", cluster.only = TRUE) p1 <- pam(x,1, metric="manhattan") stopifnot(identical(px[nms], pd[nms]), identical(px[nms], px2[nms]), identical(pdC, px2$clustering), ## and for default dist "euclidean": identical(pam(x, 2)[nms], pam(dist(x),2)[nms]), identical(p1[c("", "objective", "clusinfo")], list( = 6L, objective = c(build=9.25, swap=9.25), clusinfo = array(c(8, 18, 9.25, 45, 0), dim = c(1, 5), dimnames=list(NULL, c("size", "max_diss", "av_diss", "diameter", "separation"))))), p1$clustering == 1, is.null(p1$silinfo) ) set.seed(253) ## generate 250 objects, divided into 2 clusters. x <- rbind(cbind(rnorm(120, 0,8), rnorm(120, 0,8)), cbind(rnorm(130,50,8), rnorm(130,10,8))) .proctime00 <- proc.time() summary(px2 <- pam(x, 2)) pdx <- pam(dist(x), 2) all.equal(px2[nms], pdx[nms], tol = 1e-12) ## TRUE pdxK <- pam(dist(x), 2, keep.diss = TRUE) stopifnot(identical(pdx[nm2], pdxK[nm2])) spdx <- silhouette(pdx) summary(spdx) spdx postscript("") if(FALSE) plot(spdx)# the silhouette ## is now identical : plot(pdx)# failed in 1.7.0 -- now only does silhouette par(mfrow = 2:1) ## new 'dist' argument for clusplot(): plot(pdx, dist=dist(x)) ## but this should work automagically (via eval()) as well: plot(pdx) ## or this clusplot(pdx) data(ruspini) summary(pr4 <- pam(ruspini, 4)) (pr3 <- pam(ruspini, 3)) (pr5 <- pam(ruspini, 5)) data(votes.repub) summary(pv3 <- pam(votes.repub, 3)) (pv4 <- pam(votes.repub, 4)) (pv6 <- pam(votes.repub, 6, trace = 3)) cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time() - .proctime00,'\n') ## re-starting with medoids from pv6 shouldn't change: pv6. <- pam(votes.repub, 6, medoids = pv6$, trace = 3) identical(pv6[nm3], pv6.[nm3]) ## This example seg.faulted at some point: <- data.frame(V1= c(9, 12, 12, 15, 9, 9, 13, 11, 15, 10, 13, 13, 13, 15, 8, 13, 13, 10, 7, 9, 6, 11, 3), V2= c(5, 9, 3, 5, 1, 1, 2, NA, 10, 1, 4, 7, 4, NA, NA, 5, 2, 4, 3, 3, 6, 1, 1), V3 = c(63, 41, 59, 50, 290, 226, 60, 36, 32, 121, 70, 51, 79, 32, 42, 39, 76, 60, 56, 88, 57, 309, 254), V4 = c(146, 43, 78, 88, 314, 149, 78, NA, 238, 153, 159, 222, 203, NA, NA, 74, 100, 111, 9, 180, 50, 256, 107)) dd <- daisy(, stand = TRUE) (r0 <- pam(dd, 5))# cluster 5 = { 23 } -- on single observation ## pam doing the "daisy" computation internally: r0s <- pam(, 5, stand=TRUE, keep.diss=FALSE, (ii <- which(names(r0) %in% c("call","medoids"))) stopifnot(all.equal(r0[-ii], r0s[-ii], tol=1e-14), identical(r0s$medoids, data.matrix([r0$medoids, ])) ## This gave only 3 different medoids -> and seg.fault: (r5 <- pam(dd, 5, medoids = c(1,3,20,2,5), trace = 2)) # now "fine" ##------------------------ Testing pam() with new "pamonce" argument: ## This is from "next version of Matrix" test-tools-1.R: showSys.time <- function(expr) { ## prepend 'Time' for R CMD Rdiff st <- system.time(expr) writeLines(paste("Time", capture.output(print(st)))) invisible(st) } show6Ratios <- function(...) { stopifnot(length(rgs <- list(...)) == 6, nchar(ns <- names(rgs)) > 0) r <- round(cbind(..1, ..2, ..3, ..4, ..5, ..6)[c(1,5),], 5) dimnames(r) <- list(paste("Time ", rownames(r)), ns) r } n <- 1000 ## If not enough cases, all CPU times equals 0. n <- 500 # for now, and automatic testing sd <- 0.5 set.seed(13) n2 <- as.integer(round(n * 1.5)) x <- rbind(cbind(rnorm( n,0,sd), rnorm( n,0,sd)), cbind(rnorm(n2,5,sd), rnorm(n2,5,sd)), cbind(rnorm(n2,7,sd), rnorm(n2,7,sd)), cbind(rnorm(n2,9,sd), rnorm(n2,9,sd))) ## original algorithm st0 <- showSys.time(pamx <- pam(x, 4, trace.lev=2))# 8.157 0.024 8.233 ## bswapPamOnce algorithm st1 <- showSys.time(pamxonce <- pam(x, 4, pamonce=TRUE, trace.lev=2))# 6.122 0.024 6.181 ## bswapPamOnceDistIndice st2 <- showSys.time(pamxonce2 <- pam(x, 4, pamonce = 2, trace.lev=2))# 4.101 0.024 4.151 ## bswapPamSchubert FastPAM1 st3 <- showSys.time(pamxonce3 <- pam(x, 4, pamonce = 3, trace.lev=2))# ## bswapPamSchubert FastPAM2 st4 <- showSys.time(pamxonce4 <- pam(x, 4, pamonce = 4, trace.lev=2))# ## bswapPamSchubert FastPAM2 with linearized memory access st5 <- showSys.time(pamxonce5 <- pam(x, 4, pamonce = 5, trace.lev=2))# ## bswapPamSchubert FasterPAM st6 <- showSys.time(pamxonce6 <- pam(x, 4, pamonce = 6, trace.lev=2))# show6Ratios('6:orig' = st6/st0, '5:orig' = st5/st0, '4:orig' = st4/st0, '3:orig' = st3/st0, '2:orig' = st2/st0, '1:orig' = st1/st0) ## only call element is not equal (icall <- which(names(pamx) == "call")) pamx[[icall]] stopifnot(all.equal(pamx [-icall], pamxonce [-icall]), all.equal(pamxonce[-icall], pamxonce2[-icall]), all.equal(pamxonce[-icall], pamxonce3[-icall]), all.equal(pamxonce[-icall], pamxonce4[-icall]), all.equal(pamxonce[-icall], pamxonce5[-icall]), all.equal(pamxonce[-icall], pamxonce6[-icall])) ## Same using specified medoids (med0 <- 1 + round(n* c(0,1, 2.5, 4)))# lynne (~ 2010, AMD Phenom II X4 925) st0 <- showSys.time(pamxst <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, trace.lev=2))# 13.071 0.024 13.177 st1 <- showSys.time(pamxoncest <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=TRUE, trace.lev=2))# 8.503 0.024 8.578 st2 <- showSys.time(pamxonce2st <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=2, trace.lev=2))# 5.587 0.025 5.647 st3 <- showSys.time(pamxonce3st <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=3, trace.lev=2))# st4 <- showSys.time(pamxonce4st <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=4, trace.lev=2))# st5 <- showSys.time(pamxonce5st <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=5, trace.lev=2))# st6 <- showSys.time(pamxonce6st <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=6, trace.lev=2))# show6Ratios('6:orig' = st6/st0, '5:orig' = st5/st0, '4:orig' = st4/st0, '3:orig' = st3/st0, '2:orig' = st2/st0, '1:orig' = st1/st0) ## only call element is not equal stopifnot(all.equal(pamxst [-icall], pamxoncest [-icall]), all.equal(pamxoncest[-icall], pamxonce2st[-icall]), all.equal(pamxoncest[-icall], pamxonce3st[-icall]), all.equal(pamxoncest[-icall], pamxonce4st[-icall]), all.equal(pamxoncest[-icall], pamxonce5st[-icall]), all.equal(pamxoncest[-icall], pamxonce6st[-icall])) ## Different starting values med0 <- 1:4 # lynne (~ 2010, AMD Phenom II X4 925) st0 <- showSys.time(pamxst <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, trace.lev=2))# 13.416 0.023 13.529 st1 <- showSys.time(pamxoncest <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=TRUE, trace.lev=2))# 8.384 0.024 8.459 st2 <- showSys.time(pamxonce2st <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=2, trace.lev=2))# 5.455 0.030 5.520 st3 <- showSys.time(pamxonce3st <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=3, trace.lev=2))# st4 <- showSys.time(pamxonce4st <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=4, trace.lev=2))# st5 <- showSys.time(pamxonce5st <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=5, trace.lev=2))# st6 <- showSys.time(pamxonce6st <- pam(x, 4, medoids = med0, pamonce=6, trace.lev=2))# show6Ratios('6:orig' = st6/st0, '5:orig' = st5/st0, '4:orig' = st4/st0, '3:orig' = st3/st0, '2:orig' = st2/st0, '1:orig' = st1/st0) ## only call element is not equal stopifnot(all.equal(pamxst [-icall], pamxoncest [-icall]), all.equal(pamxoncest[-icall], pamxonce2st[-icall]), all.equal(pamxoncest[-icall], pamxonce3st[-icall]), all.equal(pamxoncest[-icall], pamxonce4st[-icall]), all.equal(pamxoncest[-icall], pamxonce5st[-icall]), all.equal(pamxoncest[-icall], pamxonce6st[-icall])) ## Medoid bug --- MM: Fixed, well "0L+ hack", in my pam.q, on 2012-01-31 ## ---------- med0 <- (1:6) st0 <- showSys.time(pamxst <- pam(x, 6, medoids = med0 , trace.lev=2)) stopifnot(identical(med0, 1:6)) med0 <- (1:6) st1 <- showSys.time(pamxst.1 <- pam(x, 6, medoids = med0 , pamonce=1, trace.lev=2)) stopifnot(identical(med0, 1:6)) med0 <- (1:6) st2 <- showSys.time(pamxst.2 <- pam(x, 6, medoids = med0 , pamonce=2, trace.lev=2)) stopifnot(identical(med0, 1:6)) med0 <- (1:6) st3 <- showSys.time(pamxst.3 <- pam(x, 6, medoids = med0 , pamonce=3, trace.lev=2)) stopifnot(identical(med0, 1:6)) med0 <- (1:6) st4 <- showSys.time(pamxst.4 <- pam(x, 6, medoids = med0 , pamonce=4, trace.lev=2)) stopifnot(identical(med0, 1:6)) med0 <- (1:6) st5 <- showSys.time(pamxst.5 <- pam(x, 6, medoids = med0 , pamonce=5, trace.lev=2)) stopifnot(identical(med0, 1:6)) med0 <- (1:6) st6 <- showSys.time(pamxst.6 <- pam(x, 6, medoids = med0 , pamonce=6, trace.lev=2)) stopifnot(identical(med0, 1:6)) stopifnot(all.equal(pamxst[-icall], pamxst.1 [-icall]), all.equal(pamxst[-icall], pamxst.2 [-icall]), all.equal(pamxst[-icall], pamxst.3 [-icall]), all.equal(pamxst[-icall], pamxst.4 [-icall]), all.equal(pamxst[-icall], pamxst.5 [-icall])) # FasterPAM finds a better solution here, by chance stopifnot(pamxst$objective >= pamxst.6$objective) ## Last Line: cat('Time elapsed: ', proc.time() - .proctime00,'\n')