msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: cluster 1.15.1\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To:\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2021-01-30 22:00\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2014-03-27 17:34+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Łukasz Daniel \n" "Language-Team: Łukasz Daniel \n" "Language: pl_PL\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 " "|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: iso-8859-1\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 10 # stop("invalid clustering method") msgid "invalid clustering method" msgstr "niepoprawna metoda grupowania" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 11 # stop("ambiguous clustering method") msgid "ambiguous clustering method" msgstr "niejednoznaczna metoda grupowania" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 22 # stop("'par.method' must be of length 1, 3, or 4") msgid "'par.method' must be of length 1, 3, or 4" msgstr "'par.method' musi być długości 1, 3, lub 4" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 28 # stop("NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed.") # cluster/R/diana.R: 11 # stop("NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed.") # cluster/R/pam.R: 13 # stop("NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed.") # cluster/R/fanny.R: 12 # stop("NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed.") msgid "NA-values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed." msgstr "wartości NA w macierzy różnic nie są dozwolone." # cluster/R/agnes.R: 35 # stop(gettextf("%s is not and cannot be converted to class \"dissimilarity\"", dataname)) # cluster/R/diana.R: 18 # stop(gettextf("%s is not and cannot be converted to class \"dissimilarity\"", dataname)) # cluster/R/pam.R: 20 # stop(gettextf("%s is not and cannot be converted to class \"dissimilarity\"", dataname)) # cluster/R/fanny.R: 19 # stop(gettextf("%s is not and cannot be converted to class \"dissimilarity\"", dataname)) msgid "'x' is not and cannot be converted to class \"dissimilarity\"" msgstr "" "argument 'x' nie jest i nie może być przekształcony na obiekt klasy " "\"dissimilarity\"" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 53 # stop(gettextf("%s is not a numeric dataframe or matrix.", dataname)) # cluster/R/clara.R: 15 # stop(gettextf("%s is not a numeric dataframe or matrix.", dataname)) # cluster/R/diana.R: 36 # stop(gettextf("%s is not a numeric dataframe or matrix.", dataname)) # cluster/R/pam.R: 40 # stop(gettextf("%s is not a numeric dataframe or matrix.", dataname)) # cluster/R/fanny.R: 37 # stop(gettextf("%s is not a numeric dataframe or matrix.", dataname)) msgid "x is not a numeric dataframe or matrix." msgstr "argument 'x' nie jest ramką liczbową ani też macierzą" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 68 # stop("need at least 2 objects to cluster") msgid "need at least 2 objects to cluster" msgstr "potrzeba co najmniej 2 obiektów do grupowania" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 92 # stop("No clustering performed, NA values in the dissimilarity matrix.", "\n", sep = "" ) # cluster/R/fanny.R: 120 # stop("No clustering performed, NA values in the dissimilarity matrix.") msgid "No clustering performed, NA-values in the dissimilarity matrix." msgstr "Nie wykonano grupowania, wartości NA w macierzy różnic." # cluster/R/clara.R: 13 # stop(gettextf("%s is a \"dist\" object, but should be a data matrix or frame", dataname)) msgid "'x' is a \"dist\" object, but should be a data matrix or frame" msgstr "'x' jest obiektem klasy \"dist\", ale powinien być macierzą lub ramką" # cluster/R/clara.R: 18 # stop("The number of cluster should be at least 1 and at most n-1." ) msgid "The number of cluster should be at least 1 and at most n-1." msgstr "Liczba grup powinna wynosić conajmniej 1 oraz co najwyżej n-1." # cluster/R/clara.R: 20 # stop(gettextf("'sampsize' should be at least %d = max(2, 1+ number of clusters)", max(2,k+1)), domain = "R-cluster") msgid "'sampsize' should be at least %d = max(2, 1+ number of clusters)" msgstr "'sampsize' powinien być co najmniej %d = max(2, 1+ liczba grup)" # cluster/R/clara.R: 22 # stop(gettextf("'sampsize' = %d should not be larger than the number of objects, %d", sampsize, n), domain = "R-cluster") msgid "'sampsize' = %d should not be larger than the number of objects, %d" msgstr "'sampsize' = %d nie powinien być większy niż liczba obiektów, %d" # cluster/R/clara.R: 24 # stop("'samples' should be at least 1") msgid "'samples' should be at least 1" msgstr "'samples' powinno wynosić przynajmniej 1" # cluster/R/clara.R: 32 # stop("when 'medoids.x' is FALSE, '' must be too") msgid "when 'medoids.x' is FALSE, '' must be too" msgstr "kiedy 'medoids.x' jest FALSE, '' musi być również FALSE" msgid "" "Distance computations with NAs: using correct instead of pre-2016 wrong " "formula.\n" "Use 'correct.d=FALSE' to get previous results or set 'correct.d=TRUE' " "explicitly\n" "to suppress this warning." msgstr "" # cluster/R/coef.R: 10 # stop("invalid 'twins' object") #, fuzzy msgid "invalid 'correct.d'" msgstr "niepoprawny obiekt 'twins'" # cluster/R/clara.R: 96 # stop("Each of the random samples contains objects between which no distance can be computed.") msgid "" "Each of the random samples contains objects between which no distance can be " "computed." msgstr "" "Każda z losowych próbek zawiera obiekty pomiędzy którymi żadna odległość nie " "może być obliczona." # cluster/R/clara.R: 98 # stop(gettextf("For each of the %d samples, at least one object was found which could not be assigned to a cluster (because of missing values).", samples)) msgid "" "For each of the %d samples, at least one object was found which could not be " "assigned to a cluster (because of missing values)." msgstr "" "Dla każdej z %d próbek, co najmniej jeden obiekt został znaleziony, który " "nie mógł być przypisany do grupy (z uwagi na brakujące wartości)." # cluster/R/clara.R: 100 # stop(gettextf("invalid 'jstop' from .C(cl_clara,.): %s", res$jstop)) msgid "invalid 'jstop' from .C(cl_clara,.):" msgstr "niepoprawny 'jstop' z '.C(cl_clara,.)':" # cluster/R/clusGap.R: 20 # stop("'B' has to be a positive integer") msgid "'B' has to be a positive integer" msgstr "'B' musi być dodatnią liczbą całkowitą" #, fuzzy msgid "invalid 'spaceH0':" msgstr "niepoprawny typ" msgid "index has to be a function or a list of function" msgstr "" # cluster/R/coef.R: 10 # stop("invalid 'twins' object") msgid "invalid 'twins' object" msgstr "niepoprawny obiekt 'twins'" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 8 # stop(gettextf("%s is not a dataframe or a numeric matrix.", dataname)) msgid "x is not a dataframe or a numeric matrix." msgstr "argument 'x' nie jest ramką danych ani też macierzą liczbową" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 15 # stop(gettextf("invalid %s; must be named list", sQuote("type"))) msgid "invalid %s; must be named list" msgstr "niepoprawne %s; musi być nazwaną listą" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 21 # stop(gettextf("%s has invalid column names", paste0("type$", nt))) msgid "%s has invalid column names" msgstr "%s posiada niepoprawne nazwy kolumn" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 25 # stop(gettextf("%s must be in 1:ncol(x)", paste0("type$", nt))) msgid "%s must be in 1:ncol(x)" msgstr "%s musi być w przedziale 1:ncol(x)" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 27 # stop(gettextf("%s must contain column names or numbers", paste0("type$", nt))) msgid "%s must contain column names or numbers" msgstr "%s musi zawierać nazwy kolumn lub liczby" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 38 # stop("at least one binary variable has more than 2 levels.") msgid "at least one binary variable has more than 2 levels." msgstr "przynajmniej jedna zmienna binarna posiada więcej niż 2 poziomy." # cluster/R/daisy.R: 40 # warning("at least one binary variable has not 2 different levels.") msgid "at least one binary variable has not 2 different levels." msgstr "przynajmniej jedna zmienna binarna nie posiada 2 różnych poziomów." # cluster/R/daisy.R: 48 # stop("at least one binary variable has values not in {0,1,NA}") msgid "at least one binary variable has values not in {0,1,NA}" msgstr "przynajmniej jedna zmienna binarna posiada wartości poza {0, 1, NA}" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 71 # warning(gettextf("binary variable(s) %s treated as interval scaled", pColl(which(tI)[iBin]))) msgid "binary variable(s) %s treated as interval scaled" msgstr "zmienne binarne %s traktowane jako interwał zostały przeskalowane" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 92 # warning(gettextf("%s has constant columns %s; these are standardized to 0", sQuote("x"), pColl(which(sx == 0)))) msgid "%s has constant columns %s; these are standardized to 0" msgstr "%s posiada stałe kolumny %s; zostały one ustandaryzowane do zera" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 102 # warning("with mixed variables, metric \"gower\" is used automatically") msgid "with mixed variables, metric \"gower\" is used automatically" msgstr "z mieszanymi zmiennymi, metryka 'gower' jest używana automatycznie" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 117 # stop("'weights' must be of length p (or 1)") msgid "'weights' must be of length p (or 1)" msgstr "'weights' musi być o długości 'p' (lub 1)" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 125 # stop(gettextf("invalid type %s for column numbers %s", type2[ina], pColl(which( msgid "invalid type %s for column numbers %s" msgstr "niepoprawny typ %s dla liczb kolumn %s" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 28 # stop("NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed.") # cluster/R/diana.R: 11 # stop("NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed.") # cluster/R/pam.R: 13 # stop("NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed.") # cluster/R/fanny.R: 12 # stop("NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed.") msgid "NA values in the dissimilarity matrix not allowed." msgstr "wartości NA w macierzy różnic nie są dozwolone." # cluster/R/diana.R: 76 # stop("No clustering performed, NA's in dissimilarity matrix.\n") msgid "No clustering performed, NA's in dissimilarity matrix." msgstr "Nie wykonano grupowania, wartości NA w macierzy różnic" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 14 # stop("'x' must be numeric n x p matrix") msgid "'x' must be numeric n x p matrix" msgstr "'x' musi być liczbową macierzą n x p" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 16 # warning("omitting NAs") msgid "omitting NAs" msgstr "pomijanie wartości NA" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 20 # stop("no points without missing values") msgid "no points without missing values" msgstr "brak punktów bez brakujących wartości" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 39 # stop("computed some negative or all 0 probabilities") msgid "computed some negative or all 0 probabilities" msgstr "" "niektóre wyliczone prawdopodobieństwa są ujemne lub wszystkie są zerami" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 107 # warning(gettextf( # "FANNY algorithm has not converged in 'maxit' = %d iterations", # maxit)) msgid "algorithm possibly not converged in %d iterations" msgstr "algorytm prawdopodobnie nie uzbieżnił się w %d iteracjach" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 92 # stop("'A' must be p x p cov-matrix defining an ellipsoid") msgid "'A' must be p x p cov-matrix defining an ellipsoid" msgstr "'A' musi być macierzą kowariancji p x p określającą elipsoidę" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 106 # stop("ellipsoidPoints() not yet implemented for p >= 3 dim.") msgid "ellipsoidPoints() not yet implemented for p >= 3 dim." msgstr "" "'ellipsoidPoints()' nie została jeszcze zaimplementowana dla p >= 3 wymiary." # cluster/R/fanny.R: 55 # stop("'k' (number of clusters) must be in {1,2, .., n/2 -1}") msgid "'k' (number of clusters) must be in {1,2, .., n/2 -1}" msgstr "'k' (liczba grup) musi mieścić się w przedziale {1,2, .., n/2 -1}" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 58 # stop("'memb.exp' must be a finite number > 1") msgid "'memb.exp' must be a finite number > 1" msgstr "'memb.exp' musi być skończoną liczbą > 1" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 60 # stop("'maxit' must be non-negative integer") msgid "'maxit' must be non-negative integer" msgstr "'maxit' musi być nieujemną liczbą całkowitą" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 69 # stop("'iniMem.p' must be a nonnegative n * k matrix with rowSums == 1") msgid "'iniMem.p' must be a nonnegative n * k matrix with rowSums == 1" msgstr "'iniMem.p' musi być nieujemną maceirzą n x k z rowSums == 1" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 107 # warning(gettextf( # "FANNY algorithm has not converged in 'maxit' = %d iterations", # maxit)) msgid "FANNY algorithm has not converged in 'maxit' = %d iterations" msgstr "algorytm FANNY nie uzbieżnił się w 'maxit' = %d iteracjach" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 144 # warning("the memberships are all very close to 1/k. Maybe decrease 'memb.exp' ?") msgid "the memberships are all very close to 1/k. Maybe decrease 'memb.exp' ?" msgstr "przynależności są bardzo bliskie 1/k. Może zmniejszyć 'memb.exp'?" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 241 # stop("'m', a membership matrix, must be nonnegative with rowSums == 1") msgid "'m', a membership matrix, must be nonnegative with rowSums == 1" msgstr "macierz przynależności 'm' musi być nieujemna z rowSums == 1" # cluster/R/internal.R: 18 # stop("'n' argument must be >= 2") # cluster/R/internal.R: 26 # stop("'n' argument must be >= 2") msgid "'n' must be >= 2" msgstr "argument 'n' musi być >= 2" # cluster/R/mona.R: 6 # stop("'x' must be a matrix or data frame.") msgid "x must be a matrix or data frame." msgstr "argument 'x' musi być macierzą lub ramką danych." # cluster/R/mona.R: 10 # stop("All variables must be binary (factor with 2 levels).") #, fuzzy msgid "" "All variables must be binary (e.g., a factor with 2 levels, both present)." msgstr "Wszystkie zmienne muszą być binarne (czynnik z dwoma poziomami)" msgid "mona() needs at least p >= 2 variables (in current implementation)" msgstr "" # cluster/R/mona.R: 40 # stop("No clustering performed, an object was found with all values missing.") msgid "No clustering performed, an object was found with all values missing." msgstr "" "Nie wykonano grupowania, znaleziono obiekt któremu brakowało wszystkich " "wartości." # cluster/R/mona.R: 40 # stop("No clustering performed, an object was found with all values missing.") msgid "" "No clustering performed, found variable with more than half values missing." msgstr "" "Nie wykonano grupowania, znaleziono obiekt któremu brakowało wszystkich " "wartości." # cluster/R/mona.R: 44 # stop("No clustering performed, a variable was found with all non missing values identical.") msgid "" "No clustering performed, a variable was found with all non missing values " "identical." msgstr "" "Nie wykonano grupowania, znaleziono zmienną z identycznymi niebrakującymi " "wartościami." # cluster/R/mona.R: 46 # stop("No clustering performed, all variables have at least one missing value.") msgid "No clustering performed, all variables have at least one missing value." msgstr "" "Nie wykonano grupowania, wszystkie zmienne mają co najmniej jedną brakującą " "wartość." msgid "Cannot keep data when 'x' is a dissimilarity!" msgstr "" msgid "have %d observations, but not more than %d are allowed" msgstr "" # cluster/R/pam.R: 56 # stop("Number of clusters 'k' must be in {1,2, .., n-1}; hence n >= 2") msgid "Number of clusters 'k' must be in {1,2, .., n-1}; hence n >= 2" msgstr "" "Liczba grup 'k' musi zawierać się w zbiorze {1,2, .., n-1}; tak więc n >= 2" msgid "Set either 'variant' or 'pamonce', but not both" msgstr "" # cluster/R/pam.R: 64 # stop(gettextf("'medoids' must be NULL or vector of %d distinct indices in {1,2, .., n}, n=%d", k, n)) msgid "" "'medoids' must be NULL or vector of %d distinct indices in {1,2, .., n}, n=%d" msgstr "" "argument 'medoids' musi być wartością NULL lub wektorem %d różnych indeksów " "w {1,2, .., n}, n=%d" # cluster/R/pam.R: 109 # stop("No clustering performed, NAs in the computed dissimilarity matrix.") msgid "No clustering performed, NAs in the computed dissimilarity matrix." msgstr "Nie wykonano grupowania, wyliczono wartości NA w macierzy różnic." # cluster/R/pam.R: 116 # stop("error from .C(cl_pam, *): invalid medID's") msgid "error from .C(cl_pam, *): invalid medID's" msgstr "błąd w '.C(cl_pam, *)': niepoprawne 'medID'" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 70 # stop("NA values are not allowed in dist-like 'x'.") msgid "NA-values are not allowed in dist-like 'x'." msgstr "wartości NA nie są dozwolone w 'x' typu odległości." # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 79 # stop("Distances must be result of dist or a square matrix.") msgid "Distances must be result of dist or a square matrix." msgstr "Odległości muszą być wynikiem 'dist' lub macierzy kwadratowej." # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 81 # stop("the square matrix is not symmetric.") msgid "the square matrix is not symmetric." msgstr "macierz kwadratowa nie jest symetryczna." # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 94 # warning(">>>>> funny case in clusplot.default() -- please report!\n") msgid ">>>>> funny case in clusplot.default() -- please report!" msgstr "" ">>>>> zabawny przypadek w 'clusplot.default()' -- proszę zgłosić raport!" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 116 # stop("'x' is not a data matrix") msgid "x is not a data matrix" msgstr "argument 'x' nie jest macierzą danych" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 120 # stop("one or more objects contain only missing values") msgid "one or more objects contain only missing values" msgstr "jeden lub więcej obiektów zawierają jedynie wartości brakujące" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 122 # stop("one or more variables contain only missing values") msgid "one or more variables contain only missing values" msgstr "jeden lub więcej zmiennych zawiera jedynie wartości brakujące" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 125 # message("Missing values were displaced by the median of the corresponding variable(s)") msgid "" "Missing values were displaced by the median of the corresponding variable(s)" msgstr "" "Brakujące wartości zostały zastąpione przez medianę odpowiednich zmiennych" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 164 # stop("'x' is not numeric") msgid "x is not numeric" msgstr "argument 'x' nie jest liczbą" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 174 # stop("The clustering vector is of incorrect length") msgid "The clustering vector is of incorrect length" msgstr "Wektor grupujący posiada niepoprawną długość" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 177 # stop("NA values are not allowed in clustering vector") msgid "NA-values are not allowed in clustering vector" msgstr "wartości NA są niedozwolone w wektorze grupującym" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 303 # warning("Error in Fortran routine for the spanning ellipsoid,\n rank problem??") #, fuzzy msgid "" "Error in C routine for the spanning ellipsoid,\n" " rank problem??" msgstr "" "Błąd w procedurze Fortran dla elipsoidy obejmującej,\n" " problem rang?" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 353 # stop("'col.clus' argument should have length 4 when color is TRUE") msgid "'col.clus' should have length 4 when color is TRUE" msgstr "" "argument 'col.clus' powinien mieć długość 4, gdy 'color' ma wartość TRUE" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 508 # stop(gettextf("no diss nor data found, nor the original argument of %s", deparse(x$call))) msgid "no diss nor data found, nor the original argument of %s" msgstr "nie znaleziono różnic ani danych, ani oryginalnego argumentu %s" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 514 # stop("no diss nor data found for 'clusplot()' function") msgid "no diss nor data found for clusplot()'" msgstr "nie znaleziono różnic ani danych dla funkcji 'clusplot()'" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 7 # stop("invalid partition object") msgid "invalid partition object" msgstr "niepoprawny obiekt podziału" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 21 # stop("full silhouette is only available for results of 'clara(*, = TRUE)'") msgid "" "full silhouette is only available for results of 'clara(*, = TRUE)'" msgstr "" "pełna sylwetka jest dostępna jedynie dla wyników 'clara(*, = TRUE)'" msgid "specified both 'full' and 'subset'; will use 'subset'" msgstr "" msgid "'full' must be FALSE, TRUE, or a number in [0, 1]" msgstr "" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 35 # stop("'x' must only have integer codes") # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 82 # stop("'x' must only have integer codes") msgid "'x' must only have integer codes" msgstr "'x' musi posiadać tylko kody będące liczbami całkowitymi" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 42 # stop("Need either a dissimilarity 'dist' or diss.matrix 'dmatrix'") # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 94 # stop("Need either a dissimilarity 'dist' or diss.matrix 'dmatrix'") msgid "Need either a dissimilarity 'dist' or diss.matrix 'dmatrix'" msgstr "Potrzeba albo różnic 'dist' lub diss.matrix 'dmatrix'" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 44 # stop("'dmatrix' is not a dissimilarity matrix compatible to 'x'") # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 96 # stop("'dmatrix' is not a dissimilarity matrix compatible to 'x'") msgid "'dmatrix' is not a dissimilarity matrix compatible to 'x'" msgstr "'dmatrix' nie jest macierzą różnic kompatybilną z 'x'" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 48 # stop("clustering 'x' and dissimilarity 'dist' are incompatible") # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 100 # stop("clustering 'x' and dissimilarity 'dist' are incompatible") msgid "clustering 'x' and dissimilarity 'dist' are incompatible" msgstr "grupowane 'x' oraz różnice 'dist' nie są kompatybilne" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 134 # stop("invalid silhouette structure") msgid "invalid silhouette structure" msgstr "niepoprana struktura 'silhouette'" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 158 # stop("invalid 'silhouette' object") msgid "invalid 'silhouette' object" msgstr "niepoprawny obiekt 'silhouette'" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 210 # stop("No valid silhouette information (#{clusters} =? 1)") msgid "No valid silhouette information (#{clusters} =? 1)" msgstr "Brak poprawnej informacji o sylwetce (czy liczba grup =? 1)" # cluster/R/clara.R: 91 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(nNA, "Observation %s has *only* NAs --> omit it for clustering", "Observations %s have *only* NAs --> omit them for clustering!", domain = "R-cluster"), pasteC(i)), domain = NA) msgid "Observation %s has *only* NAs --> omit it for clustering" msgid_plural "Observations %s have *only* NAs --> omit them for clustering!" msgstr[0] "" "Obserwacja %s posiada *tylko* wartości NA --> pomijanie jej w grupowaniu" msgstr[1] "" "Obserwacje %s posiadają *tylko* wartości NA --> pomijanie ich w grupowaniu" msgstr[2] "" "Obserwacje %s posiadają *tylko* wartości NA --> pomijanie ich w grupowaniu" # cluster/R/clara.R: 93 # stop(sprintf(ngettext(nNA, "%d observation (%s) has *only* NAs --> omit them for clustering!", "%d observations (%s ...) have *only* NAs --> omit them for clustering!", domain = "R-cluster"), nNA, pasteC(i[1:12])), domain = NA) msgid "%d observation (%s) has *only* NAs --> omit them for clustering!" msgid_plural "" "%d observations (%s ...) have *only* NAs --> omit them for clustering!" msgstr[0] "" "%d obserwacja (%s) posiada *tylko* wartości NA --> pomijanie jej w grupowaniu" msgstr[1] "" "%d obserwacje (%s ...) posiadają *tylko* wartości NA --> pomijanie ich w " "grupowaniu" msgstr[2] "" "%d obserwacji (%s ...) posiadają *tylko* wartości NA --> pomijanie ich w " "grupowaniu" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 76 # warning(sprintf(ngettext(sum(ilog), # "setting 'logical' variable %s to type 'asymm'", # "setting 'logical' variables %s to type 'asymm'", domain = "R-cluster"), # pColl(which(ilog))), domain = NA) msgid "setting 'logical' variable %s to type 'asymm'" msgid_plural "setting 'logical' variables %s to type 'asymm'" msgstr[0] "ustawianie zmiennej 'logical' %s na tym 'asymm'" msgstr[1] "ustawianie zmiennych 'logical' %s na tym 'asymm'" msgstr[2] "ustawianie zmiennych 'logical' %s na tym 'asymm'" #~ msgid "NAdiss" #~ msgstr "NAdiss" #~ msgid "non.diss" #~ msgstr "non.diss" #~ msgid "no distance can be computed." #~ msgstr "żadna odległość nie może zostać obliczona." #~ msgid "For each of the" #~ msgstr "Dla każdej z" #~ msgid "" #~ "samples, at least one object was found which\n" #~ " could not" #~ msgstr "próbek, co najmniej jeden obiekt został znaleziony, który nie mógł" #~ msgid "be assigned to a cluster (because of missing values)." #~ msgstr "być przypisany do grupy (z powodu brakujących wartości)." #~ msgid "invalid" #~ msgstr "niepoprawny argument" #~ msgid "type" #~ msgstr "type" #~ msgid "type$" #~ msgstr "type$" #~ msgid "binary variable(s)" #~ msgstr "zmienne binarne" #~ msgid "x" #~ msgstr "x" #~ msgid "has constant columns" #~ msgstr "posiada stałe kolumny" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 42 # warning(gettextf("algorithm possibly not converged in %d iterations", maxit)) #~ msgid "possibly not converged in" #~ msgstr "algorytm prawdopodobnie nie uzbieżnił się w" # cluster/man/plot.mona.Rd: 9 # gettext("Separation step", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/plothier.R: 199 # gettext("Separation step", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "iterations" #~ msgstr "iteracjach" # cluster/R/pam.R: 64 # stop(gettextf("'medoids' must be NULL or vector of %d distinct indices in {1,2, .., n}, n=%d", k, n)) #~ msgid "'medoids' must be NULL or vector of" #~ msgstr "'medoids' musi być wartością NULL lub wektorem" #~ msgid "rank problem??" #~ msgstr "problem rang?" #~ msgid "'clara(*, = TRUE)'" #~ msgstr "'clara(*, = TRUE)'" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 135 # gettext("Call: ", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/clara.R: 141 # gettext("Call: ", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Call:" #~ msgstr "Wywołanie:" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 136 # gettext("Agglomerative coefficient: ", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/agnes.R: 149 # gettext("Agglomerative coefficient: ", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Agglomerative coefficient:" #~ msgstr "Współczynnik aglomeracyjny:" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 137 # gettext("Order of objects:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/agnes.R: 150 # gettext("Order of objects:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/mona.R: 75 # gettext("Order of objects:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/diana.R: 115 # gettext("Order of objects:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/diana.R: 136 # gettext("Order of objects:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Order of objects:" #~ msgstr "Kolejność (rząd) obiektów:" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 140 # gettext("Height (summary):", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Height (summary):" #~ msgstr "Wysokość (podsumowanie):" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 141 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/agnes.R: 158 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/mona.R: 82 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/clara.R: 147 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/clara.R: 179 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/diana.R: 122 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/diana.R: 143 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/pam.R: 183 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/pam.R: 213 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/fanny.R: 189 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/fanny.R: 214 # gettext("Available components:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Available components:" #~ msgstr "Dostępne komponenty:" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 148 # gettext("Object of class 'agnes' from call:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Object of class 'agnes' from call:" #~ msgstr "Obiekt klasy \"agnes\" z wywołania:" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 153 # gettext("Merge:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/diana.R: 113 # gettext("Merge:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/diana.R: 135 # gettext("Merge:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Merge:" #~ msgstr "Złączenie:" # cluster/R/agnes.R: 154 # gettext("Height:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/diana.R: 118 # gettext("Height:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/diana.R: 138 # gettext("Height:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Height:" #~ msgstr "Wysokość:" # cluster/R/clara.R: 48 # gettextf("calling .C(cl_clara, ..., DUP = %s):", doDUP, domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "calling .C(cl_clara, ..., DUP = %s):" #~ msgstr "wywoływanie .C(cl_clara, ..., DUP = %s):" # cluster/R/clara.R: 142 # gettext("Medoids:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/clara.R: 160 # gettext("Medoids:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/pam.R: 175 # gettext("Medoids:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Medoids:" #~ msgstr "Medoidy:" # cluster/R/clara.R: 143 # gettext("Objective function:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/clara.R: 161 # gettext("Objective function:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/pam.R: 177 # gettext("Objective function:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Objective function:" #~ msgstr "Funkcja celu:" # cluster/R/clara.R: 144 # gettext("Clustering vector:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/clara.R: 171 # gettext("Clustering vector:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/pam.R: 176 # gettext("Clustering vector:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Clustering vector:" #~ msgstr "Wektor grupujący:" # cluster/R/clara.R: 145 # gettext("Cluster sizes:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Cluster sizes:" #~ msgstr "Rozmiary grup:" # cluster/R/clara.R: 146 # gettext("Best sample:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/clara.R: 170 # gettext("Best sample:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Best sample:" #~ msgstr "Najlepsza próbka:" # cluster/R/clara.R: 159 # gettext("Object of class 'clara' from call:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Object of class 'clara' from call:" #~ msgstr "Obiekt klasy \"clara\" z wywołania:" # cluster/R/clara.R: 162 # gettext("Numerical information per cluster:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/pam.R: 197 # gettext("Numerical information per cluster:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Numerical information per cluster:" #~ msgstr "Numeryczna informacja na grupę:" # cluster/R/clara.R: 165 # gettext("Average silhouette width per cluster:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/pam.R: 205 # gettext("Average silhouette width per cluster:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/fanny.R: 206 # gettext("Average silhouette width per cluster:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Average silhouette width per cluster:" #~ msgstr "Przeciętna szerokość sylwetki na grupę:" # cluster/R/clara.R: 167 # gettext("Average silhouette width of best sample: ", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Average silhouette width of best sample:" #~ msgstr "Przeciętna szerokość sylwetki dla najlepszej próbki:" # cluster/R/clara.R: 173 # gettext("Silhouette plot information for best sample:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Silhouette plot information for best sample:" #~ msgstr "Informacja o wykresie sylwetki dla najlepszej próbki:" # cluster/R/clusGap.R: 33 # gettextf("Clustering k = 1,2,..., K.max (= %d): .. ", K.max, domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Clustering k = 1,2,..., K.max (= %d): .." #~ msgstr "Grupowanie k = 1,2,..., K.max (= %d): .." # cluster/R/clusGap.R: 36 # gettext("done", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "done" #~ msgstr "wykonano" # cluster/R/clusGap.R: 46 # gettextf("Bootstrapping, b = 1,2,..., B (= %d) [one \".\" per sample]:", B, domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Bootstrapping, b = 1,2,..., B (= %d) [one \".\" per sample]:" #~ msgstr "Bootstrapowanie, b = 1,2,..., B (= %d) [jeden \".\" na próbkę]:" # cluster/R/clusGap.R: 127 # gettext("Clustering Gap statistic [\"clusGap\"].", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Clustering Gap statistic [\"clusGap\"]." #~ msgstr "Statystyka przerwy grupowania [\"clusGap\"]." # cluster/R/clusGap.R: 128 # gettextf("B=%d simulated reference sets, k = 1..%d", x$B, K, domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "B=%d simulated reference sets, k = 1..%d" #~ msgstr "B=%d symulowane zbiory referencyjne, k = 1..%d" # cluster/R/clusGap.R: 132 # gettextf(" --> Number of clusters (method '%s', SE.factor=%g): %d", method, SE.factor, nc, domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "--> Number of clusters (method '%s', SE.factor=%g): %d" #~ msgstr "--> Liczba grup (metoda '%s', SE.factor=%g): %d" # cluster/R/clusGap.R: 134 # gettextf(" --> Number of clusters (method '%s'): %d", method, nc, domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "--> Number of clusters (method '%s'): %d" #~ msgstr "--> Liczba grup (metoda '%s'): %d" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 157 # gettext("NA values in the dissimilarity matrix!") #~ msgid "NA values in the dissimilarity matrix!" #~ msgstr "Wartości NA w macierzy odmienności!" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 171 # gettext("Dissimilarities:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Dissimilarities:" #~ msgstr "Odmienności:" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 178 # gettext("Warning: ", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/daisy.R: 208 # gettext("Warning: ", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Warning:" #~ msgstr "Ostrzeżenie:" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 179 # gettext("Metric: ", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/daisy.R: 202 # gettext("Metric: ", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Metric:" #~ msgstr "Metryka:" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 181 # gettextf("Types = %s", paste(aT, collapse = ", "), domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/daisy.R: 204 # gettextf("Types = %s", paste(aT, collapse = ", "), domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Types = %s" #~ msgstr "Typy = %s" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 183 # gettext("Number of objects:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/daisy.R: 206 # gettext("Number of objects:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Number of objects:" #~ msgstr "Liczba obiektów:" # cluster/R/diana.R: 120 # gettext("Divisive coefficient:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/diana.R: 139 # gettext("Divisive coefficient:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Divisive coefficient:" #~ msgstr "Współczynnik podziału:" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 37 # gettext("Error in Fortran routine computing the spanning ellipsoid. Probably collinear data", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "" #~ "Error in Fortran routine computing the spanning ellipsoid. Probably " #~ "collinear data" #~ msgstr "" #~ "Błąd w procedurze Fortran dla elipsoidy obejmującej, prawdopodobnie " #~ "współliniowe dane" #~ msgid "" #~ "ellipsoid in %d dimensions:\n" #~ " center = (%s); squared ave.radius d^2 = %s\n" #~ " and shape matrix =" #~ msgstr "" #~ "elipsoida w %d wymiarach:\n" #~ " centrum = (%s); kwadrat przeciętnego promienia d^2 = %s\n" #~ " oraz macierz kształtu =" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 69 # gettextf(" ellipsoid's area = %s", format(volume(x), digits=digits), domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "ellipsoid's area = %s" #~ msgstr "powierzchnia elipsoidy = %s" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 70 # gettextf(" ellipsoid's volume = %s", format(volume(x), digits=digits), domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "ellipsoid's volume = %s" #~ msgstr "objętość elipsoidy = %s" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 73 # gettext("** Warning: ** the algorithm did not terminate reliably!\n most probably because of collinear data", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "" #~ "** Warning: ** the algorithm did not terminate reliably!\n" #~ " most probably because of collinear data" #~ msgstr "" #~ "** Ostrzeżenie: ** algorytm nie zakończył się w sposób wiarygodny!\n" #~ " prawdopodobnie z powodu wspóliniowych danych" # cluster/R/ellipsoidhull.R: 75 # gettext("** Warning: ** the algorithm did not terminate reliably!\n (in the available number of iterations)", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "" #~ "** Warning: ** the algorithm did not terminate reliably!\n" #~ " (in the available number of iterations)" #~ msgstr "" #~ "** Ostrzeżenie: ** algorytm nie zakończył się w sposób wiarygodny!\n" #~ " (w dostępnej liczbie iteracji)" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 172 # gettext("Fuzzy Clustering object of class 'fanny': ", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Fuzzy Clustering object of class 'fanny':" #~ msgstr "Obiekt rozmytego grupowania klasy \"fanny\":" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 179 # gettext("Membership coefficients (in percent, rounded):", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Membership coefficients (in percent, rounded):" #~ msgstr "Współczynnik członkostwa (w procentach, zaokrąglony):" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 180 # gettext("Fuzzyness coefficients:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Fuzzyness coefficients:" #~ msgstr "Współczynniki rozmycia:" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 181 # gettext("Closest hard clustering:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Closest hard clustering:" #~ msgstr "Najbliższe twarde grupowanie:" # cluster/R/fanny.R: 183 # gettextf("k_crisp (= %d) < k !!", x$k.crisp, domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "k_crisp (= %d) < k !!" #~ msgstr "k_crisp (= %d) < k !!" # cluster/R/pam.R: 203 # gettext("Silhouette plot information:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/fanny.R: 204 # gettext("Silhouette plot information:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Silhouette plot information:" #~ msgstr "Informacje o wykresie sylwetek:" # cluster/R/pam.R: 207 # gettext("Average silhouette width of total data set:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/fanny.R: 208 # gettext("Average silhouette width of total data set:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Average silhouette width of total data set:" #~ msgstr "Przeciętna szerokość sylwetki pełnego zbioru danych:" # cluster/R/mona.R: 42 # stop("No clustering performed, a variable was found with at least 50 percent missing values.") #~ msgid "" #~ "No clustering performed, a variable was found with at least 50 percent " #~ "missing values." #~ msgstr "" #~ "Nie wykonano grupowania, znaleziono zmienną z co najmniej 50 procent " #~ "brakujących wartości." # cluster/R/mona.R: 73 # gettext("Revised data:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Revised data:" #~ msgstr "Przeglądnięte dane:" # cluster/R/mona.R: 78 # gettext("Variable used:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Variable used:" #~ msgstr "Użyte zmienne:" # cluster/R/mona.R: 80 # gettext("Separation step:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Separation step:" #~ msgstr "Krok separacji:" # cluster/R/pam.R: 198 # gettext("Isolated clusters:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Isolated clusters:" #~ msgstr "Izolowane grupy:" #~ msgid "L-clusters:" #~ msgstr "L-grupy:" # cluster/R/pam.R: 200 # gettext(" L*-clusters: ", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "L*-clusters:" #~ msgstr "L*-grupy:" # cluster/R/plothier.R: 6 # gettextf("Dendrogram of %s", paste(deparse(x$call), collapse = ""), domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/plothier.R: 98 # gettextf("Dendrogram of %s", cl, domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/plothier.R: 153 # gettextf("Dendrogram of %s", cl, domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Dendrogram of %s" #~ msgstr "Dendrogram %s" # cluster/man/pltree.twins.Rd: 11 # gettext("Height", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/man/bannerplot.Rd: 11 # gettext("Height", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/plothier.R: 7 # gettext("Height", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/plothier.R: 24 # gettext("Height", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Height" #~ msgstr "Wysokość" # cluster/R/plothier.R: 91 # gettextf("Agglomerative Coefficient = %s", round(x$ac, digits = 2), domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Agglomerative Coefficient = %s" #~ msgstr "Współczynnik aglomeracyjny = %s" # cluster/R/plothier.R: 97 # gettextf("Banner of %s", cl, domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/plothier.R: 152 # gettextf("Banner of %s", cl, domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/plothier.R: 198 # gettextf("Banner of %s", deparse(x$call), domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Banner of %s" #~ msgstr "Baner %s" # cluster/R/plothier.R: 113 # gettext("Make a plot selection (or 0 to exit):", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/plothier.R: 168 # gettext("Make a plot selection (or 0 to exit):", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 26 # gettext("Make a plot selection (or 0 to exit):", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Make a plot selection (or 0 to exit):" #~ msgstr "Wybierz wykres (lub 0 aby wyjść):" # cluster/R/plothier.R: 146 # gettextf("Divisive Coefficient = %s", round(x$dc, digits = 2), domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Divisive Coefficient = %s" #~ msgstr "Współczynnik podziału = %s" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 154 # gettextf("CLUSPLOT(%s)", deparse(substitute(x))) #~ msgid "CLUSPLOT(%s)" #~ msgstr "CLUSPLOT(%s)" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 155 # gettextf("These two components explain %s percent of the point variability.", round(100 * var.dec, digits = 2)) #~ msgid "These two components explain %s percent of the point variability." #~ msgstr "Te dwa komponenty wyjaśniają %s procent zmienności punktu." # cluster/man/clusplot.default.Rd: 23 # gettext("Component 1", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 156 # gettext("Component 1", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Component 1" #~ msgstr "Komponent 1" #~ msgid "Component 2" #~ msgstr "Komponent 2" # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 198 # gettextf("cluster %d has only one observation ..", i, domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "cluster %d has only one observation .." #~ msgstr "grupa %d ma tylko jedną obserwację .." # cluster/R/plotpart.R: 286 # gettext("span & rank2 : calling \"spannel\" ..", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "span & rank2 : calling \"spannel\" .." #~ msgstr "span & rank2 : wywoływanie \"spannel\" .." # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 178 # gettextf("Silhouette of %d units in %d clusters from %s:", sum(csiz), k, deparse(x$call), domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 181 # gettextf("Silhouette of %d units in %d clusters from %s:", sum(csiz), k, deparse(x$call), domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Silhouette of %d units in %d clusters from %s:" #~ msgstr "Sylwetka %d jednostek w %d klastrach z %s:" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 179 # gettextf("Cluster sizes, ids = (%s), and average silhouette widths:", paste(x$codes, collapse=", "), domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 186 # gettextf("Cluster sizes, ids = (%s), and average silhouette widths:", paste(x$codes, collapse=", "), domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Cluster sizes, ids = (%s), and average silhouette widths:" #~ msgstr "Rozmiary grup, ids = (%s), oraz przeciętne szerokości sylwetek:" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 182 # gettextf("Cluster sizes and average silhouette widths:", domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 189 # gettext("Cluster sizes and average silhouette widths:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Cluster sizes and average silhouette widths:" #~ msgstr "Rozmiary grup oraz przeciętne szerokości sylwetek:" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 185 # gettextf("Silhouette of %d units in %d clusters:", sum(csiz), k, domain = "R-cluster") # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 188 # gettextf("Silhouette of %d units in %d clusters:", sum(csiz), k, domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Silhouette of %d units in %d clusters:" #~ msgstr "Sylwetka %d jednostek w %d klastrach:" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 194 # gettext("Individual silhouette widths:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Individual silhouette widths:" #~ msgstr "Indywidualne szerokości sylwetki:" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 220 # gettext("Silhouette plot", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Silhouette plot" #~ msgstr "Wykres sylwetki" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 224 # gettextf("Silhouette plot of %s", sub("^FF","", deparse(cll)), domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Silhouette plot of %s" #~ msgstr "Wykres sylwetki %s" # cluster/R/silhouette.R: 230 # gettext("Average silhouette width:", domain = "R-cluster") #~ msgid "Average silhouette width:" #~ msgstr "Przeciętna szerokość sylwetki:" # cluster/R/daisy.R: 200 # sprintf(ngettext(x$n, "%d dissimilarity, summarized:", "%d dissimilarities, summarized:", domain = "R-cluster"), x$n) #~ msgid "%d dissimilarity, summarized:" #~ msgid_plural "%d dissimilarities, summarized:" #~ msgstr[0] "%d odmienność, podsumowanie:" #~ msgstr[1] "%d odmienności, podsumowanie:" #~ msgstr[2] "%d odmienności, podsumowanie:" #~ msgid "" #~ "%d observations (%s ...)\n" #~ "\thave *only* NAs --> na.omit() them for clustering!" #~ msgstr "" #~ "%d obserwacji (%s ...)\n" #~ "\tmają *tylko* wartości NA --> pomijanie ich w grupowaniu" #~ msgid "hence, area = %s" #~ msgstr "tak więc powierzchnia = %s" #, fuzzy #~ msgid "R-cluster" #~ msgstr "L-grupy:"