\name{volume.ellipsoid} \alias{volume} \alias{volume.ellipsoid} \title{Compute the Volume (of an Ellipsoid)} \description{ Compute the volume of geometric \R object. This is a generic function and has a method for \code{ellipsoid} objects (typically resulting from \code{\link{ellipsoidhull}()}. } \usage{ volume(object, \dots) \method{volume}{ellipsoid}(object, log = FALSE, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an \R object the volume of which is wanted; for the \code{ellipsoid} method, an object of that class (see \code{\link{ellipsoidhull}} or the example below).} \item{log}{\code{\link{logical}} indicating if the volume should be returned in log scale. Maybe needed in largish dimensions.} \item{\dots}{potential further arguments of methods, e.g. \code{log}.} } \value{ a number, the volume \eqn{V} (or \eqn{\log(V)} if \code{log = TRUE}) of the given \code{object}. } \author{ Martin Maechler (2002, extracting from former \code{\link{clusplot}} code); Keefe Murphy (2019) provided code for dimensions \eqn{d > 2}. } \seealso{\code{\link{ellipsoidhull}} for spanning ellipsoid computation.} \examples{ ## example(ellipsoidhull) # which defines 'ellipsoid' object myEl <- structure(list(cov = rbind(c(3,1),1:2), loc = c(0,0), d2 = 10), class = "ellipsoid") volume(myEl)# i.e. "area" here (d = 2) myEl # also mentions the "volume" set.seed(1) d5 <- matrix(rt(500, df=3), 100,5) e5 <- ellipsoidhull(d5) } \keyword{utilities}