\name{predict.ellipsoid} \alias{predict.ellipsoid} \alias{ellipsoidPoints} \title{Predict Method for Ellipsoid Objects} \description{ Compute points on the ellipsoid boundary, mostly for drawing. } \usage{ % method *and* stand alone function on purpose : predict.ellipsoid(object, n.out=201, \dots) \method{predict}{ellipsoid}(object, n.out=201, \dots) ellipsoidPoints(A, d2, loc, n.half = 201) } \arguments{ \item{object}{an object of class \code{ellipsoid}, typically from \code{\link{ellipsoidhull}()}; alternatively any list-like object with proper components, see details below.} \item{n.out, n.half}{half the number of points to create.} \item{A, d2, loc}{arguments of the auxilary \code{ellipsoidPoints}, see below.} \item{\dots}{passed to and from methods.} } \details{ Note \code{ellipsoidPoints} is the workhorse function of \code{predict.ellipsoid} a standalone function and method for \code{ellipsoid} objects, see \code{\link{ellipsoidhull}}. The class of \code{object} is not checked; it must solely have valid components \code{loc} (length \eqn{p}), the \eqn{p \times p}{p x p} matrix \code{cov} (corresponding to \code{A}) and \code{d2} for the center, the shape (\dQuote{covariance}) matrix and the squared average radius (or distance) or \code{\link{qchisq}(*, p)} quantile. Unfortunately, this is only implemented for \eqn{p = 2}, currently; contributions for \eqn{p \ge 3}{p >= 3} are \emph{very welcome}. } \value{ a numeric matrix of dimension \code{2*n.out} times \eqn{p}. } \seealso{\code{\link{ellipsoidhull}}, \code{\link{volume.ellipsoid}}. } \examples{ ## see also example(ellipsoidhull) ## Robust vs. L.S. covariance matrix set.seed(143) x <- rt(200, df=3) y <- 3*x + rt(200, df=2) plot(x,y, main="non-normal data (N=200)") mtext("with classical and robust cov.matrix ellipsoids") X <- cbind(x,y) C.ls <- cov(X) ; m.ls <- colMeans(X) d2.99 <- qchisq(0.99, df = 2) lines(ellipsoidPoints(C.ls, d2.99, loc=m.ls), col="green") if(require(MASS)) { Cxy <- cov.rob(cbind(x,y)) lines(ellipsoidPoints(Cxy$cov, d2 = d2.99, loc=Cxy$center), col="red") }# MASS } \keyword{dplot} \keyword{utilities}