\name{pltree} \alias{pltree} \alias{pltree.twins} \title{Plot Clustering Tree of a Hierarchical Clustering} \description{ \code{pltree()} Draws a clustering tree (\dQuote{dendrogram}) on the current graphics device. We provide the \code{twins} method draws the tree of a \code{twins} object, i.e., hierarchical clustering, typically resulting from \code{\link{agnes}()} or \code{\link{diana}()}. } \usage{ pltree(x, \dots) \method{pltree}{twins}(x, main = paste("Dendrogram of ", deparse1(x$call)), labels = NULL, ylab = "Height", \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{in general, an \R object for which a \code{pltree} method is defined; specifically, an object of class \code{"twins"}, typically created by either \code{\link{agnes}()} or \code{\link{diana}()}.} \item{main}{main title with a sensible default.} \item{labels}{labels to use; the default is constructed from \code{x}.} \item{ylab}{label for y-axis.} \item{\dots}{graphical parameters (see \code{\link{par}}) may also be supplied as arguments to this function.} } \value{ a NULL value is returned. } \details{ Creates a plot of a clustering tree given a \code{twins} object. The leaves of the tree are the original observations. In case of an agglomerative clustering, two branches come together at the distance between the two clusters being merged. For a divisive clustering, a branch splits up at the diameter of the cluster being splitted. Note that currently the method function simply calls \code{plot(\link[stats]{as.hclust}(x), ...)}, which dispatches to \code{\link{plot.hclust}(..)}. If more flexible plots are needed, consider \code{xx <- \link{as.dendrogram}(\link{as.hclust}(x))} and plotting \code{xx}, see \code{\link{plot.dendrogram}}. } \seealso{ \code{\link{agnes}}, \code{\link{agnes.object}}, \code{\link{diana}}, \code{\link{diana.object}}, \code{\link{hclust}}, \code{\link{par}}, \code{\link{plot.agnes}}, \code{\link{plot.diana}}. } \examples{ data(votes.repub) agn <- agnes(votes.repub) pltree(agn) dagn <- as.dendrogram(as.hclust(agn)) dagn2 <- as.dendrogram(as.hclust(agn), hang = 0.2) op <- par(mar = par("mar") + c(0,0,0, 2)) # more space to the right plot(dagn2, horiz = TRUE) plot(dagn, horiz = TRUE, center = TRUE, nodePar = list(lab.cex = 0.6, lab.col = "forest green", pch = NA), main = deparse(agn$call)) par(op) } \keyword{cluster} \keyword{hplot}