\name{plot.mona} \alias{plot.mona} \title{Banner of Monothetic Divisive Hierarchical Clusterings} \description{ Creates the banner of a \code{mona} object. } \usage{ \method{plot}{mona}(x, main = paste("Banner of ", deparse1(x$call)), sub = NULL, xlab = "Separation step", col = c(2,0), axes = TRUE, adj = 0, nmax.lab = 35, max.strlen = 5, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{"mona"}, typically created by \code{\link{mona}(.)}.} \item{main,sub}{main and sub titles for the plot, with convenient defaults. See documentation in \code{\link{plot.default}}.} \item{xlab}{x axis label, see \code{\link{title}}.} \item{col,adj}{graphical parameters passed to \code{\link{bannerplot}()}.} \item{axes}{logical, indicating if (labeled) axes should be drawn.} \item{nmax.lab}{integer indicating the number of labels which is considered too large for labeling.} \item{max.strlen}{positive integer giving the length to which strings are truncated in labeling.} \item{\dots}{further graphical arguments are passed to \code{\link{bannerplot}()} and \code{\link{text}}.} } \section{Side Effects}{ A banner is plotted on the current graphics device. } \details{ Plots the separation step at which clusters are splitted. The observations are given in the order found by the \code{mona} algorithm, the numbers in the \code{step} vector are represented as bars between the observations. When a long bar is drawn between two observations, those observations have the same value for each variable. See chapter 7 of Kaufman and Rousseeuw (1990). } \note{ In the banner plot, observation labels are only printed when the number of observations is limited less than \code{nmax.lab} (35, by default), for readability. Moreover, observation labels are truncated to maximally \code{max.strlen} (5) characters. } \references{see those in \code{\link{plot.agnes}}.} \seealso{ \code{\link{mona}}, \code{\link{mona.object}}, \code{\link{par}}. } \keyword{cluster} \keyword{hplot} % Converted by Sd2Rd version 0.3-2.