\name{plantTraits} \alias{plantTraits} \title{Plant Species Traits Data} \docType{data} \encoding{latin1} \description{ This dataset constitutes a description of 136 plant species according to biological attributes (morphological or reproductive) } \usage{data(plantTraits) } \format{ A data frame with 136 observations on the following 31 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{pdias}}{Diaspore mass (mg)} \item{\code{longindex}}{Seed bank longevity} \item{\code{durflow}}{Flowering duration} \item{\code{height}}{Plant height, an ordered factor with levels \code{1} < \code{2} < \dots < \code{8}.} % Plant height}{an ordered factor with levels \code{1} <10cm < \code{2} 10-30cm< \code{3} 30-60cm< \code{4}60-100cm < \code{5}1-3m < \code{6}3-6m < \code{7}:6-15m < \code{8}>15m} \item{\code{begflow}}{Time of first flowering, an ordered factor with levels \code{1} < \code{2} < \code{3} < \code{4} < \code{5} < \code{6} < \code{7} < \code{8} < \code{9}} % {\code{begflow}}{an ordered factor with levels \code{1} january< \code{2} february< \code{3} march< \code{4}april < \code{5} may< \code{6} june< \code{7} july< \code{8}august < \code{9}september} \item{\code{mycor}}{Mycorrhizas, an ordered factor with levels \code{0}never < \code{1} sometimes< \code{2}always} \item{\code{vegaer}}{aerial vegetative propagation, an ordered factor with levels \code{0}never < \code{1} present but limited< \code{2}important.} \item{\code{vegsout}}{underground vegetative propagation, an ordered factor with 3 levels identical to \code{vegaer} above.} \item{\code{autopoll}}{selfing pollination, an ordered factor with levels \code{0}never < \code{1}rare < \code{2} often< the rule\code{3}} \item{\code{insects}}{insect pollination, an ordered factor with 5 levels \code{0} < \dots < \code{4}.} \item{\code{wind}}{wind pollination, an ordered factor with 5 levels \code{0} < \dots < \code{4}.} \item{\code{lign}}{a binary factor with levels \code{0:1}, indicating if plant is woody.} \item{\code{piq}}{a binary factor indicating if plant is thorny.} \item{\code{ros}}{a binary factor indicating if plant is rosette.} \item{\code{semiros}}{semi-rosette plant, a binary factor (\code{0}: no; \code{1}: yes).} \item{\code{leafy}}{leafy plant, a binary factor.} \item{\code{suman}}{summer annual, a binary factor.} \item{\code{winan}}{winter annual, a binary factor.} \item{\code{monocarp}}{monocarpic perennial, a binary factor.} \item{\code{polycarp}}{polycarpic perennial, a binary factor.} \item{\code{seasaes}}{seasonal aestival leaves, a binary factor.} \item{\code{seashiv}}{seasonal hibernal leaves, a binary factor.} \item{\code{seasver}}{seasonal vernal leaves, a binary factor.} \item{\code{everalw}}{leaves always evergreen, a binary factor.} \item{\code{everparti}}{leaves partially evergreen, a binary factor.} \item{\code{elaio}}{fruits with an elaiosome (dispersed by ants), a binary factor.} \item{\code{endozoo}}{endozoochorous fruits, a binary factor.} \item{\code{epizoo}}{epizoochorous fruits, a binary factor.} \item{\code{aquat}}{aquatic dispersal fruits, a binary factor.} \item{\code{windgl}}{wind dispersed fruits, a binary factor.} \item{\code{unsp}}{unspecialized mechanism of seed dispersal, a binary factor.} } } \details{ Most of factor attributes are not disjunctive. For example, a plant can be usually pollinated by insects but sometimes self-pollination can occured. } \source{ Vallet, Jeanne (2005) \emph{Structuration de communautés végétales et analyse comparative de traits biologiques le long d'un gradient d'urbanisation}. Mémoire de Master 2 'Ecologie-Biodiversité-Evolution'; Université Paris Sud XI, 30p.+ annexes (in french) } % \references{ % ~~ possibly secondary sources and usages ~~ % } \examples{ data(plantTraits) ## Calculation of a dissimilarity matrix library(cluster) dai.b <- daisy(plantTraits, type = list(ordratio = 4:11, symm = 12:13, asymm = 14:31)) ## Hierarchical classification agn.trts <- agnes(dai.b, method="ward") plot(agn.trts, which.plots = 2, cex= 0.6) plot(agn.trts, which.plots = 1) cutree6 <- cutree(agn.trts, k=6) cutree6 ## Principal Coordinate Analysis cmdsdai.b <- cmdscale(dai.b, k=6) plot(cmdsdai.b[, 1:2], asp = 1, col = cutree6) } \keyword{datasets} % plant attribute database, mixed type variables, dissimilarity matrix (DAISY), Hierarchical Classification (AGNES) % Principal Coordinates Analysis (CMDSCALE)