\name{partition.object} \alias{partition}% == class \alias{partition.object} \title{Partitioning Object} \description{ The objects of class \code{"partition"} represent a partitioning of a dataset into clusters. } \section{GENERATION}{ These objects are returned from \code{pam}, \code{clara} or \code{fanny}. } \section{METHODS}{ The \code{"partition"} class has a method for the following generic functions: \code{plot}, \code{clusplot}. } \section{INHERITANCE}{ The following classes inherit from class \code{"partition"} : \code{"pam"}, \code{"clara"} and \code{"fanny"}. See \code{\link{pam.object}}, \code{\link{clara.object}} and \code{\link{fanny.object}} for details. } \value{a \code{"partition"} object is a list with the following (and typically more) components: \item{clustering}{ the clustering vector. An integer vector of length \eqn{n}, the number of observations, giving for each observation the number ('id') of the cluster to which it belongs.} \item{call}{the matched \code{\link{call}} generating the object.} \item{silinfo}{ a list with all \emph{silhouette} information, only available when the number of clusters is non-trivial, i.e., \eqn{1 < k < n} and then has the following components, see \code{\link{silhouette}} \describe{ \item{widths}{an (n x 3) matrix, as returned by \code{\link{silhouette}()}, with for each observation i the cluster to which i belongs, as well as the neighbor cluster of i (the cluster, not containing i, for which the average dissimilarity between its observations and i is minimal), and the silhouette width \eqn{s(i)} of the observation. } \item{clus.avg.widths}{the average silhouette width per cluster.} \item{avg.width}{the average silhouette width for the dataset, i.e., simply the average of \eqn{s(i)} over all observations \eqn{i}.} }% describe This information is also needed to construct a \emph{silhouette plot} of the clustering, see \code{\link{plot.partition}}. Note that \code{avg.width} can be maximized over different clusterings (e.g. with varying number of clusters) to choose an \emph{optimal} clustering.%% see an example or a demo << FIXME >> } \item{objective}{value of criterion maximized during the partitioning algorithm, may more than one entry for different stages.} \item{diss}{ an object of class \code{"dissimilarity"}, representing the total dissimilarity matrix of the dataset (or relevant subset, e.g. for \code{clara}). } \item{data}{ a matrix containing the original or standardized data. This might be missing to save memory or when a dissimilarity matrix was given as input structure to the clustering method. } } \seealso{\code{\link{pam}}, \code{\link{clara}}, \code{\link{fanny}}. } \keyword{cluster}