\name{chorSub} \alias{chorSub} \docType{data} \title{Subset of C-horizon of Kola Data} \description{ This is a small rounded subset of the C-horizon data \code{\link[mvoutlier]{chorizon}} from package \pkg{mvoutlier}. } \usage{data(chorSub)} \format{ A data frame with 61 observations on 10 variables. The variables contain scaled concentrations of chemical elements. } \details{ This data set was produced from \code{chorizon} via these statements: \preformatted{ data(chorizon, package = "mvoutlier") chorSub <- round(100*scale(chorizon[,101:110]))[190:250,] storage.mode(chorSub) <- "integer" colnames(chorSub) <- gsub("_.*", '', colnames(chorSub)) } } \source{Kola Project (1993-1998) } \seealso{ \code{\link[mvoutlier]{chorizon}} in package \pkg{mvoutlier} and other Kola data in the same package. } \examples{ data(chorSub) summary(chorSub) pairs(chorSub, gap= .1)# some outliers } \keyword{datasets}