\name{bannerplot} \alias{bannerplot} \title{Plot Banner (of Hierarchical Clustering)} \description{ Draws a \dQuote{banner}, i.e. basically a horizontal \code{\link{barplot}} visualizing the (agglomerative or divisive) hierarchical clustering or an other binary dendrogram structure. } \usage{ bannerplot(x, w = rev(x$height), fromLeft = TRUE, main=NULL, sub=NULL, xlab = "Height", adj = 0, col = c(2, 0), border = 0, axes = TRUE, frame.plot = axes, rev.xax = !fromLeft, xax.pretty = TRUE, labels = NULL, nmax.lab = 35, max.strlen = 5, yax.do = axes && length(x$order) <= nmax.lab, yaxRight = fromLeft, y.mar = 2.4 + max.strlen/2.5, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{a list with components \code{order}, \code{order.lab} and \code{height} when \code{w}, the next argument is not specified.} \item{w}{non-negative numeric vector of bar widths.} \item{fromLeft}{logical, indicating if the banner is from the left or not.} \item{main,sub}{main and sub titles, see \code{\link{title}}.} \item{xlab}{x axis label (with \sQuote{correct} default e.g. for \code{plot.agnes}).} \item{adj}{passed to \code{\link{title}(main,sub)} for string adjustment.} \item{col}{vector of length 2, for two horizontal segments.} \item{border}{color for bar border; now defaults to background (no border).} \item{axes}{logical indicating if axes (and labels) should be drawn at all.} \item{frame.plot}{logical indicating the banner should be framed; mainly used when \code{border = 0} (as per default).} \item{rev.xax}{logical indicating if the x axis should be reversed (as in \code{plot.diana}).} \item{xax.pretty}{logical or integer indicating if \code{\link{pretty}()} should be used for the x axis. \code{xax.pretty = FALSE} is mainly for back compatibility.} \item{labels}{labels to use on y-axis; the default is constructed from \code{x}.} \item{nmax.lab}{integer indicating the number of labels which is considered too large for single-name labelling the banner plot.} \item{max.strlen}{positive integer giving the length to which strings are truncated in banner plot labeling.} \item{yax.do}{logical indicating if a y axis and banner labels should be drawn.} \item{yaxRight}{logical indicating if the y axis is on the right or left.} \item{y.mar}{positive number specifying the margin width to use when banners are labeled (along a y-axis). The default adapts to the string width and optimally would also dependend on the font.} \item{\dots}{graphical parameters (see \code{\link{par}}) may also be supplied as arguments to this function.} } \author{Martin Maechler (from original code of Kaufman and Rousseeuw).} \note{This is mainly a utility called from \code{\link{plot.agnes}}, \code{\link{plot.diana}} and \code{\link{plot.mona}}. }% also serves as \seealso{*} \examples{ data(agriculture) bannerplot(agnes(agriculture), main = "Bannerplot") } \keyword{hplot} \keyword{cluster} \keyword{utilities}