Installation procedure for the clustering algorithms in S-PLUS

The S-PLUS functions can be installed by typing the following commands 
at the S-PLUS prompt:

> source("agnes.q")
> source("clara.q")
> source("daisy.q")
> source("diana.q")
> source("fanny.q")
> source("mona.q")
> source("pam.q")
> source("plothier.q")
> source("plotpart.q")

The Fortran programs should be compiled with the Splus COMPILE utility.
In UNIX, for example, this can be done in the following way: 

 Splus COMPILE *.f

The resulting object code has to be loaded into S-PLUS.
For example, the object code resulting from the previous UNIX call,
is dynamically loaded with the S-PLUS command

> dyn.load(c("clara.o","daisy.o","fanny.o","meet.o","mona.o",
+            "pam.o","spannel.o","twins.o"))

To statically load the object code, use the Splus LOAD utility.

Finally, all help files have to be copied (omitting the extension .d) 
into the directory

 .Data/.Help (UNIX) or _Data\\_Help (Windows)

In UNIX, they also have to be added to the on-line helpsystem with 
the S-PLUS command

> help.findsum(".Data")