useDynLib(cluster, .registration=TRUE) ## S3 Generics: export(clusplot, pltree, silhouette, volume) ## Normal functions (non-generics, non-methods): ## The original constructors: export(agnes, clara, daisy, diana, fanny, mona, pam) ## and the rest export(bannerplot, ellipsoidhull, ellipsoidPoints, clusGap, maxSE, medoids,,, meanabsdev, sizeDiss, sortSilhouette) ## Methods also useful as 'standalone functions': export(predict.ellipsoid) export(coef.hclust, coefHier) importFrom("stats", as.hclust, as.dist, as.dendrogram, cmdscale, coef, cov.wt, dist, mahalanobis, median, na.omit, princomp, runif, setNames, var, weighted.mean) ## For now, we keep *depending* on 'stats' just so that ## S3 methods *.hclust, *.dist etc will work importFrom("graphics", arrows, axis, barplot, boxplot, identify, lines, matplot, mtext, par, plot, points, polygon, rect, segments, text, title) importFrom("grDevices", dev.interactive) importFrom("utils", menu, str) ###---- Methods ---- all documented but not exported ## of own generics S3method(clusplot, default) S3method(clusplot, partition) S3method(pltree, twins) S3method(silhouette, default) S3method(silhouette, clara) S3method(silhouette, partition) S3method(volume, ellipsoid) ## register all the method for generics elsewhere in case namespace is ## loaded but not currently attached. # via matrix method (R "bug": needs a copy *in* cluster, -> R/silhouette.R): S3method(, silhouette, ## S3method(as.dendrogram, twins) S3method(coef, hclust) S3method(coef, twins) S3method(plot, agnes) S3method(plot, diana) S3method(plot, mona) S3method(plot, partition) S3method(plot, silhouette) S3method(plot, clusGap) #exported: S3method(predict, ellipsoid) S3method(print, agnes) S3method(print, clara) S3method(print, diana) S3method(print, dissimilarity) S3method(print, ellipsoid) S3method(print, fanny) S3method(print, mona) S3method(print, pam) S3method(print, clusGap) S3method(print, summary.agnes) S3method(print, summary.clara) S3method(print, summary.diana) S3method(print, summary.dissimilarity) S3method(print, summary.fanny) S3method(print, summary.mona) S3method(print, summary.pam) S3method(print, summary.silhouette) S3method(summary, agnes) S3method(summary, clara) S3method(summary, diana) S3method(summary, dissimilarity) S3method(summary, fanny) S3method(summary, mona) S3method(summary, pam) S3method(summary, silhouette)