\name{var.linear} \alias{var.linear} \title{ Linear Variance Estimate } \description{ Estimates the variance of a statistic from its empirical influence values. } \usage{ var.linear(L, strata = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{L}{ Vector of the empirical influence values of a statistic. These will usually be calculated by a call to \code{empinf}. } \item{strata}{ A numeric vector or factor specifying which observations (and hence empirical influence values) come from which strata. }} \value{ The variance estimate calculated from \code{L}. } \references{ Davison, A. C. and Hinkley, D. V. (1997) \emph{Bootstrap Methods and Their Application}. Cambridge University Press. } \seealso{ \code{\link{empinf}}, \code{\link{linear.approx}}, \code{\link{k3.linear}} } \examples{ # To estimate the variance of the ratio of means for the city data. ratio <- function(d,w) sum(d$x * w)/sum(d$u * w) var.linear(empinf(data = city, statistic = ratio)) } \keyword{nonparametric} % Converted by Sd2Rd version 1.15.