\name{co.transfer} \alias{co.transfer} \title{ Carbon Monoxide Transfer } \description{ The \code{co.transfer} data frame has 7 rows and 2 columns. Seven smokers with chickenpox had their levels of carbon monoxide transfer measured on entry to hospital and then again after 1 week. The main question being whether one week of hospitalization has changed the carbon monoxide transfer factor. } \usage{ co.transfer } \format{ This data frame contains the following columns: \describe{ \item{\code{entry}}{ Carbon monoxide transfer factor on entry to hospital. } \item{\code{week}}{ Carbon monoxide transfer one week after admittance to hospital. }}} \source{ The data were obtained from Hand, D.J., Daly, F., Lunn, A.D., McConway, K.J. and Ostrowski, E (1994) \emph{A Handbook of Small Data Sets}. Chapman and Hall. } \references{ Davison, A.C. and Hinkley, D.V. (1997) \emph{Bootstrap Methods and Their Application}. Cambridge University Press. Ellis, M.E., Neal, K.R. and Webb, A.K. (1987) Is smoking a risk factor for pneumonia in patients with chickenpox? \emph{British Medical Journal}, \bold{294}, 1002. } \keyword{datasets} % Converted by Sd2Rd version 1.15.