# part of R package boot # copyright (C) 1997-2001 Angelo J. Canty # corrections (C) 1997-2014 B. D. Ripley # # Unlimited distribution is permitted # safe version of sample # needs R >= 2.9.0 # only works if size is not specified in R >= 2.11.0, but it always is in boot sample0 <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)] bsample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), replace = TRUE, ...)] isMatrix <- function(x) length(dim(x)) == 2L ## random permutation of x. rperm <- function(x) sample0(x, length(x)) antithetic.array <- function(n, R, L, strata) # # Create an array of indices by antithetic resampling using the # empirical influence values in L. This function just calls anti.arr # to do the sampling within strata. # { inds <- as.integer(names(table(strata))) out <- matrix(0L, R, n) for (s in inds) { gp <- seq_len(n)[strata == s] out[, gp] <- anti.arr(length(gp), R, L[gp], gp) } out } anti.arr <- function(n, R, L, inds=seq_len(n)) { # R x n array of bootstrap indices, generated antithetically # according to the empirical influence values in L. unique.rank <- function(x) { # Assign unique ranks to a numeric vector ranks <- rank(x) if (any(duplicated(ranks))) { inds <- seq_along(x) uniq <- sort(unique(ranks)) tab <- table(ranks) for (i in seq_along(uniq)) if (tab[i] > 1L) { gp <- inds[ranks == uniq[i]] ranks[gp] <- rperm(inds[sort(ranks) == uniq[i]]) } } ranks } R1 <- floor(R/2) mat1 <- matrix(bsample(inds, R1*n), R1, n) ranks <- unique.rank(L) rev <- inds for (i in seq_len(n)) rev[i] <- inds[ranks == (n+1-ranks[i])] mat1 <- rbind(mat1, matrix(rev[mat1], R1, n)) if (R != 2*R1) mat1 <- rbind(mat1, bsample(inds, n)) mat1 } balanced.array <- function(n, R, strata) { # # R x n array of bootstrap indices, sampled hypergeometrically # within strata. # output <- matrix(rep(seq_len(n), R), n, R) inds <- as.integer(names(table(strata))) for(is in inds) { group <- seq_len(n)[strata == is] if(length(group) > 1L) { g <- matrix(rperm(output[group, ]), length(group), R) output[group, ] <- g } } t(output) } boot <- function(data, statistic, R, sim = "ordinary", stype = c("i", "f", "w"), strata = rep(1, n), L = NULL, m = 0, weights = NULL, ran.gen = function(d, p) d, mle = NULL, simple = FALSE, ..., parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"), ncpus = getOption("boot.ncpus", 1L), cl = NULL) { # # R replicates of bootstrap applied to statistic(data) # Possible sim values are: "ordinary", "balanced", "antithetic", # "permutation", "parametric" # Various auxilliary functions find the indices to be used for the # bootstrap replicates and then this function loops over those replicates. # call <- match.call() stype <- match.arg(stype) if (missing(parallel)) parallel <- getOption("boot.parallel", "no") parallel <- match.arg(parallel) have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE if (parallel != "no" && ncpus > 1L) { if (parallel == "multicore") have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows" else if (parallel == "snow") have_snow <- TRUE if (!have_mc && !have_snow) ncpus <- 1L loadNamespace("parallel") # get this out of the way before recording seed } if (simple && (sim != "ordinary" || stype != "i" || sum(m))) { warning("'simple=TRUE' is only valid for 'sim=\"ordinary\", stype=\"i\", n=0', so ignored") simple <- FALSE } if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) runif(1) seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE) n <- NROW(data) if ((n == 0) || is.null(n)) stop("no data in call to 'boot'") temp.str <- strata strata <- tapply(seq_len(n),as.numeric(strata)) t0 <- if (sim != "parametric") { if ((sim == "antithetic") && is.null(L)) L <- empinf(data = data, statistic = statistic, stype = stype, strata = strata, ...) if (sim != "ordinary") m <- 0 else if (any(m < 0)) stop("negative value of 'm' supplied") if ((length(m) != 1L) && (length(m) != length(table(strata)))) stop("length of 'm' incompatible with 'strata'") if ((sim == "ordinary") || (sim == "balanced")) { if (isMatrix(weights) && (nrow(weights) != length(R))) stop("dimensions of 'R' and 'weights' do not match")} else weights <- NULL if (!is.null(weights)) weights <- t(apply(matrix(weights, n, length(R), byrow = TRUE), 2L, normalize, strata)) if (!simple) i <- index.array(n, R, sim, strata, m, L, weights) original <- if (stype == "f") rep(1, n) else if (stype == "w") { ns <- tabulate(strata)[strata] 1/ns } else seq_len(n) t0 <- if (sum(m) > 0L) statistic(data, original, rep(1, sum(m)), ...) else statistic(data, original, ...) rm(original) t0 } else # "parametric" statistic(data, ...) pred.i <- NULL fn <- if (sim == "parametric") { ## force promises, so values get sent by parallel ran.gen; data; mle function(r) { dd <- ran.gen(data, mle) statistic(dd, ...) } } else { if (!simple && ncol(i) > n) { pred.i <- as.matrix(i[ , (n+1L):ncol(i)]) i <- i[, seq_len(n)] } if (stype %in% c("f", "w")) { f <- freq.array(i) rm(i) if (stype == "w") f <- f/ns if (sum(m) == 0L) function(r) statistic(data, f[r, ], ...) else function(r) statistic(data, f[r, ], pred.i[r, ], ...) } else if (sum(m) > 0L) function(r) statistic(data, i[r, ], pred.i[r,], ...) else if (simple) function(r) statistic(data, index.array(n, 1, sim, strata, m, L, weights), ...) else function(r) statistic(data, i[r, ], ...) } RR <- sum(R) res <- if (ncpus > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow)) { if (have_mc) { parallel::mclapply(seq_len(RR), fn, mc.cores = ncpus) } else if (have_snow) { list(...) # evaluate any promises if (is.null(cl)) { cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", ncpus)) if(RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl) res <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(RR), fn) parallel::stopCluster(cl) res } else parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(RR), fn) } } else lapply(seq_len(RR), fn) t.star <- matrix(, RR, length(t0)) for(r in seq_len(RR)) t.star[r, ] <- res[[r]] if (is.null(weights)) weights <- 1/tabulate(strata)[strata] boot0 <- boot.return(sim, t0, t.star, temp.str, R, data, statistic, stype, call, seed, L, m, pred.i, weights, ran.gen, mle) attr(boot0, "boot_type") <- "boot" boot0 } normalize <- function(wts, strata) { # # Normalize a vector of weights to sum to 1 within each strata. # n <- length(strata) out <- wts inds <- as.integer(names(table(strata))) for (is in inds) { gp <- seq_len(n)[strata == is] out[gp] <- wts[gp]/sum(wts[gp]) } out } boot.return <- function(sim, t0, t, strata, R, data, stat, stype, call, seed, L, m, pred.i, weights, ran.gen, mle) # # Return the results of a bootstrap in the form of an object of class # "boot". # { out <- list(t0=t0, t=t, R=R, data=data, seed=seed, statistic=stat, sim=sim, call=call) if (sim == "parametric") out <- c(out, list(ran.gen=ran.gen, mle=mle)) else if (sim == "antithetic") out <- c(out, list(stype=stype, strata=strata, L=L)) else if (sim == "ordinary") { if (sum(m) > 0) out <- c(out, list(stype=stype, strata=strata, weights=weights, pred.i=pred.i)) else out <- c(out, list(stype=stype, strata=strata, weights=weights)) } else if (sim == "balanced") out <- c(out, list(stype=stype, strata=strata, weights=weights )) else out <- c(out, list(stype=stype, strata=strata)) class(out) <- "boot" out } c.boot <- function (..., recursive = TRUE) { args <- list(...) nm <- lapply(args, names) if (!all(sapply(nm, function(x) identical(x, nm[[1]])))) stop("arguments are not all the same type of \"boot\" object") res <- args[[1]] res$R <- sum(sapply(args, "[[", "R")) res$t <- do.call(rbind, lapply(args, "[[", "t")) res } boot.array <- function(boot.out, indices=FALSE) { # # Return the frequency or index array for the bootstrap resamples # used in boot.out # This function recreates such arrays from the information in boot.out # if (exists(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) temp <- get(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE) else temp<- NULL assign(".Random.seed", boot.out$seed, envir=.GlobalEnv) n <- NROW(boot.out$data) R <- boot.out$R sim <- boot.out$sim type <- find_type(boot.out) if (type == "tsboot") { # Recreate the array for an object created by tsboot, The default for # such objects is to return the index array unless index is specifically # passed as F if (missing(indices)) indices <- TRUE if (sim == "model") stop("index array not defined for model-based resampling") n.sim <- boot.out$n.sim i.a <- ts.array(n, n.sim, R, boot.out$l, sim, boot.out$endcorr) out <- matrix(NA,R,n.sim) for(r in seq_len(R)) { if (sim == "geom") ends <- cbind(i.a$starts[r, ], i.a$lengths[r, ]) else ends <- cbind(i.a$starts[r,], i.a$lengths) inds <- apply(ends, 1L, make.ends, n) if (is.list(inds)) inds <- unlist(inds)[seq_len(n.sim)] out[r,] <- inds } } else if (type == "censboot") { # Recreate the array for an object created by censboot as long # as censboot was called with sim = "ordinary" if (sim == "ordinary") { strata <- tapply(seq_len(n), as.numeric(boot.out$strata)) out <- cens.case(n,strata,R) } else stop("boot.array not implemented for this object") } else { # Recreate the array for objects created by boot or tilt.boot if (sim == "parametric") stop("array cannot be found for parametric bootstrap") strata <- tapply(seq_len(n),as.numeric(boot.out$strata)) if (find_type(boot.out) == "tilt.boot") weights <- boot.out$weights else { weights <- boot.out$call$weights if (!is.null(weights)) weights <- boot.out$weights } out <- index.array(n, R, sim, strata, 0, boot.out$L, weights) } if (!indices) out <- freq.array(out) if (!is.null(temp)) assign(".Random.seed", temp, envir=.GlobalEnv) else rm(.Random.seed, pos=1) out } plot.boot <- function(x,index=1, t0=NULL, t=NULL, jack=FALSE, qdist="norm",nclass=NULL,df, ...) { # # A plot method for bootstrap output objects. It produces a histogram # of the bootstrap replicates and a QQ plot of them. Optionally it can # also produce a jackknife-after-bootstrap plot. # boot.out <- x t.o <- t if (is.null(t)) { t <- boot.out$t[,index] if (is.null(t0)) t0 <- boot.out$t0[index] } t <- t[is.finite(t)] if (const(t, min(1e-8,mean(t, na.rm=TRUE)/1e6))) { print(paste("All values of t* are equal to ", mean(t, na.rm=TRUE))) return(invisible(boot.out)) } if (is.null(nclass)) nclass <- min(max(ceiling(length(t)/25),10),100) if (!is.null(t0)) { # Calculate the breakpoints for the histogram so that one of them is # exactly t0. rg <- range(t) if (t0rg[2L]) rg[2L] <- t0 rg <- rg+0.05*c(-1,1)*diff(rg) lc <- diff(rg)/(nclass-2) n1 <- ceiling((t0-rg[1L])/lc) n2 <- ceiling((rg[2L]-t0)/lc) bks <- t0+(-n1:n2)*lc } R <- boot.out$R if (qdist == "chisq") { qq <- qchisq((seq_len(R))/(R+1),df=df) qlab <- paste("Quantiles of Chi-squared(",df,")",sep="") } else { if (qdist!="norm") warning(gettextf("%s distribution not supported: using normal instead", sQuote(qdist)), domain = NA) qq <- qnorm((seq_len(R))/(R+1)) qlab <-"Quantiles of Standard Normal" } if (jack) { layout(mat = matrix(c(1,2,3,3), 2L, 2L, byrow=TRUE)) if (is.null(t0)) hist(t,nclass=nclass,probability=TRUE,xlab="t*") else hist(t,breaks=bks,probability=TRUE,xlab="t*") if (!is.null(t0)) abline(v=t0,lty=2) qqplot(qq,t,xlab=qlab,ylab="t*") if (qdist == "norm") abline(mean(t),sqrt(var(t)),lty=2) else abline(0,1,lty=2) jack.after.boot(boot.out,index=index,t=t.o, ...) } else { par(mfrow=c(1,2)) if (is.null(t0)) hist(t,nclass=nclass,probability=TRUE,xlab="t*") else hist(t,breaks=bks,probability=TRUE,xlab="t*") if (!is.null(t0)) abline(v=t0,lty=2) qqplot(qq,t,xlab=qlab,ylab="t*") if (qdist == "norm") abline(mean(t),sqrt(var(t)),lty=2) else abline(0,1,lty=2) } par(mfrow=c(1,1)) invisible(boot.out) } print.boot <- function(x, digits = getOption("digits"), index = 1L:ncol(boot.out$t), ...) { # # Print the output of a bootstrap # boot.out <- x sim <- boot.out$sim cl <- boot.out$call t <- matrix(boot.out$t[, index], nrow = nrow(boot.out$t)) allNA <- apply(t,2L,function(t) all(is.na(t))) ind1 <- index[allNA] index <- index[!allNA] t <- matrix(t[, !allNA], nrow = nrow(t)) rn <- paste("t",index,"*",sep="") if (length(index) == 0L) op <- NULL else if (is.null(t0 <- boot.out$t0)) { if (is.null(boot.out$call$weights)) op <- cbind(apply(t,2L,mean,na.rm=TRUE), sqrt(apply(t,2L,function(t.st) var(t.st[!is.na(t.st)])))) else { op <- NULL for (i in index) op <- rbind(op, imp.moments(boot.out,index=i)$rat) op[,2L] <- sqrt(op[,2]) } dimnames(op) <- list(rn,c("mean", "std. error")) } else { t0 <- boot.out$t0[index] if (is.null(boot.out$call$weights)) { op <- cbind(t0,apply(t,2L,mean,na.rm=TRUE)-t0, sqrt(apply(t,2L,function(t.st) var(t.st[!is.na(t.st)])))) dimnames(op) <- list(rn, c("original"," bias "," std. error")) } else { op <- NULL for (i in index) op <- rbind(op, imp.moments(boot.out,index=i)$rat) op <- cbind(t0,op[,1L]-t0,sqrt(op[,2L]), apply(t,2L,mean,na.rm=TRUE)) dimnames(op) <- list(rn,c("original", " bias ", " std. error", " mean(t*)")) } } type <- find_type(boot.out) if (type == "boot") { if (sim == "parametric") cat("\nPARAMETRIC BOOTSTRAP\n\n") else if (sim == "antithetic") { if (is.null(cl$strata)) cat("\nANTITHETIC BOOTSTRAP\n\n") else cat("\nSTRATIFIED ANTITHETIC BOOTSTRAP\n\n") } else if (sim == "permutation") { if (is.null(cl$strata)) cat("\nDATA PERMUTATION\n\n") else cat("\nSTRATIFIED DATA PERMUTATION\n\n") } else if (sim == "balanced") { if (is.null(cl$strata) && is.null(cl$weights)) cat("\nBALANCED BOOTSTRAP\n\n") else if (is.null(cl$strata)) cat("\nBALANCED WEIGHTED BOOTSTRAP\n\n") else if (is.null(cl$weights)) cat("\nSTRATIFIED BALANCED BOOTSTRAP\n\n") else cat("\nSTRATIFIED WEIGHTED BALANCED BOOTSTRAP\n\n") } else { if (is.null(cl$strata) && is.null(cl$weights)) cat("\nORDINARY NONPARAMETRIC BOOTSTRAP\n\n") else if (is.null(cl$strata)) cat("\nWEIGHTED BOOTSTRAP\n\n") else if (is.null(cl$weights)) cat("\nSTRATIFIED BOOTSTRAP\n\n") else cat("\nSTRATIFIED WEIGHTED BOOTSTRAP\n\n") } } else if (type == "tilt.boot") { R <- boot.out$R th <- boot.out$theta if (sim == "balanced") cat("\nBALANCED TILTED BOOTSTRAP\n\n") else cat("\nTILTED BOOTSTRAP\n\n") if ((R[1L] == 0) || is.null(cl$tilt) || eval(cl$tilt)) cat("Exponential tilting used\n") else cat("Frequency Smoothing used\n") i1 <- 1 if (boot.out$R[1L]>0) cat(paste("First",R[1L],"replicates untilted,\n")) else { cat(paste("First ",R[2L]," replicates tilted to ", signif(th[1L],4),",\n",sep="")) i1 <- 2 } if (i1 <= length(th)) { for (j in i1:length(th)) cat(paste("Next ",R[j+1L]," replicates tilted to ", signif(th[j],4L), ifelse(j!=length(th),",\n",".\n"),sep="")) } op <- op[, 1L:3L] } else if (type == "tsboot") { if (!is.null(cl$indices)) cat("\nTIME SERIES BOOTSTRAP USING SUPPLIED INDICES\n\n") else if (sim == "model") cat("\nMODEL BASED BOOTSTRAP FOR TIME SERIES\n\n") else if (sim == "scramble") { cat("\nPHASE SCRAMBLED BOOTSTRAP FOR TIME SERIES\n\n") if (boot.out$norm) cat("Normal margins used.\n") else cat("Observed margins used.\n") } else if (sim == "geom") { if (is.null(cl$ran.gen)) cat("\nSTATIONARY BOOTSTRAP FOR TIME SERIES\n\n") else cat(paste("\nPOST-BLACKENED STATIONARY", "BOOTSTRAP FOR TIME SERIES\n\n")) cat(paste("Average Block Length of",boot.out$l,"\n")) } else { if (is.null(cl$ran.gen)) cat("\nBLOCK BOOTSTRAP FOR TIME SERIES\n\n") else cat(paste("\nPOST-BLACKENED BLOCK", "BOOTSTRAP FOR TIME SERIES\n\n")) cat(paste("Fixed Block Length of",boot.out$l,"\n")) } } else if (type == "censboot") { cat("\n") if (sim == "weird") { if (!is.null(cl$strata)) cat("STRATIFIED ") cat("WEIRD BOOTSTRAP FOR CENSORED DATA\n\n") } else if ((sim == "ordinary") || ((sim == "model") && is.null(boot.out$cox))) { if (!is.null(cl$strata)) cat("STRATIFIED ") cat("CASE RESAMPLING BOOTSTRAP FOR CENSORED DATA\n\n") } else if (sim == "model") { if (!is.null(cl$strata)) cat("STRATIFIED ") cat("MODEL BASED BOOTSTRAP FOR COX REGRESSION MODEL\n\n") } else if (sim == "cond") { if (!is.null(cl$strata)) cat("STRATIFIED ") cat("CONDITIONAL BOOTSTRAP ") if (is.null(boot.out$cox)) cat("FOR CENSORED DATA\n\n") else cat("FOR COX REGRESSION MODEL\n\n") } } else warning('unknown type of "boot" object') cat("\nCall:\n") dput(cl, control=NULL) cat("\n\nBootstrap Statistics :\n") if (!is.null(op)) print(op,digits=digits) if (length(ind1) > 0L) for (j in ind1) cat(paste("WARNING: All values of t", j, "* are NA\n", sep="")) invisible(boot.out) } corr <- function(d, w=rep(1,nrow(d))/nrow(d)) { # The correlation coefficient in weighted form. s <- sum(w) m1 <- sum(d[, 1L] * w)/s m2 <- sum(d[, 2L] * w)/s (sum(d[, 1L] * d[, 2L] * w)/s - m1 * m2)/sqrt((sum(d[, 1L]^2 * w)/s - m1^2) * (sum(d[, 2L]^2 * w)/s - m2^2)) } extra.array <- function(n, R, m, strata=rep(1,n)) { # # Extra indices for predictions. Can only be used with # types "ordinary" and "stratified". For type "ordinary" # m is a positive integer. For type "stratified" m can # be a positive integer or a vector of the same length as # strata. # if (length(m) == 1L) output <- matrix(sample.int(n, m*R, replace=TRUE), R, m) else { inds <- as.integer(names(table(strata))) output <- matrix(NA, R, sum(m)) st <- 0 for (i in inds) { if (m[i] > 0) { gp <- seq_len(n)[strata == i] inds1 <- (st+1):(st+m[i]) output[,inds1] <- matrix(bsample(gp, R*m[i]), R, m[i]) st <- st+m[i] } } } output } freq.array <- function(i.array) { # # converts R x n array of bootstrap indices into # R X n array of bootstrap frequencies # result <- NULL n <- ncol(i.array) result <- t(apply(i.array, 1, tabulate, n)) result } importance.array <- function(n, R, weights, strata){ # # Function to do importance resampling within strata based # on the weights supplied. If weights is a matrix with n columns # R must be a vector of length nrow(weights) otherwise weights # must be a vector of length n and R must be a scalar. # imp.arr <- function(n, R, wts, inds=seq_len(n)) matrix(bsample(inds, n*R, prob=wts), R, n) output <- NULL if (!isMatrix(weights)) weights <- matrix(weights, nrow=1) inds <- as.integer(names(table(strata))) for (ir in seq_along(R)) { out <- matrix(rep(seq_len(n), R[ir]), R[ir], n, byrow=TRUE) for (is in inds) { gp <- seq_len(n)[strata == is] out[, gp] <- imp.arr(length(gp), R[ir], weights[ir,gp], gp) } output <- rbind(output, out) } output } importance.array.bal <- function(n, R, weights, strata) { # # Function to do balanced importance resampling within strata # based on the supplied weights. Balancing is achieved in such # a way that each index appears in the array approximately in # proportion to its weight. # imp.arr.bal <- function(n, R, wts, inds=seq_len(n)) { if (sum (wts) != 1) wts <- wts / sum(wts) nRw1 <- floor(n*R*wts) nRw2 <- n*R*wts - nRw1 output <- rep(inds, nRw1) if (any (nRw2 != 0)) output <- c(output, sample0(inds, round(sum(nRw2)), prob=nRw2)) matrix(rperm(output), R, n) } output <- NULL if (!isMatrix(weights)) weights <- matrix(weights, nrow = 1L) inds <- as.integer(names(table(strata))) for (ir in seq_along(R)) { out <- matrix(rep(seq_len(n), R[ir]), R[ir], n, byrow=TRUE) for (is in inds) { gp <- seq_len(n)[strata == is] out[,gp] <- imp.arr.bal(length(gp), R[ir], weights[ir,gp], gp) } output <- rbind(output, out) } output } index.array <- function(n, R, sim, strata=rep(1,n), m=0, L=NULL, weights=NULL) { # # Driver function for generating a bootstrap index array. This function # simply determines the type of sampling required and calls the appropriate # function. # indices <- NULL if (is.null (weights)) { if (sim == "ordinary") { indices <- ordinary.array(n, R, strata) if (sum(m) > 0) indices <- cbind(indices, extra.array(n, R, m, strata)) } else if (sim == "balanced") indices <- balanced.array(n, R, strata) else if (sim == "antithetic") indices <- antithetic.array(n, R, L, strata) else if (sim == "permutation") indices <- permutation.array(n, R, strata) } else { if (sim == "ordinary") indices <- importance.array(n, R, weights, strata) else if (sim == "balanced") indices <- importance.array.bal(n, R, weights, strata) } indices } jack.after.boot <- function(boot.out, index=1, t=NULL, L=NULL, useJ=TRUE, stinf = TRUE, alpha=NULL, main = "", ylab=NULL, ...) { # jackknife after bootstrap plot t.o <- t if (is.null(t)) { if (length(index) > 1L) { index <- index[1L] warning("only first element of 'index' used") } t <- boot.out$t[, index] } fins <- seq_along(t)[is.finite(t)] t <- t[fins] if (is.null(alpha)) { alpha <- c(0.05, 0.1, 0.16, 0.5, 0.84, 0.9, 0.95) if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "5, 10, 16, 50, 84, 90, 95 %-iles of (T*-t)" } if (is.null(ylab)) ylab <- "Percentiles of (T*-t)" data <- boot.out$data n <- NROW(data) f <- boot.array(boot.out)[fins, , drop=TRUE] percentiles <- matrix(data = NA, length(alpha), n) J <- numeric(n) for(j in seq_len(n)) { # Find the quantiles of the bootstrap distribution on omitting each point. values <- t[f[, j] == 0] J[j] <- mean(values) percentiles[, j] <- quantile(values, alpha) - J[j] } # Now find the jackknife values to be plotted, and standardize them, # if required. if (!useJ) { if (is.null(L)) J <- empinf(boot.out, index=index, t=t.o, ...) else J <- L } else J <- (n - 1) * (mean(J) - J) xtext <- "jackknife value" if (!useJ) { if (!is.null(L) || (is.null(t.o) && (boot.out$stype == "w"))) xtext <- paste("infinitesimal", xtext) else xtext <- paste("regression", xtext) } if (stinf) { J <- J/sqrt(var(J)) xtext <- paste("standardized", xtext) } top <- max(percentiles) bot <- min(percentiles) ylts <- c(bot - 0.35 * (top - bot), top + 0.1 * (top - bot)) percentiles <- percentiles[,order(J)]# # Plot the overall quantiles and the delete-1 quantiles against the # jackknife values. plot(sort(J), percentiles[1, ], ylim = ylts, type = "n", xlab = xtext, ylab = ylab, main=main) for(j in seq_along(alpha)) lines(sort(J), percentiles[j, ], type = "b", pch = "*") percentiles <- quantile(t, alpha) - mean(t) for(j in seq_along(alpha)) abline(h=percentiles[j], lty=2) # Now print the observation numbers below the plotted lines. They are printed # in five rows so that all numbers can be read easily. text(sort(J), rep(c(bot - 0.08 * (top - bot), NA, NA, NA, NA), n, n), order(J), cex = 0.5) text(sort(J), rep(c(NA, bot - 0.14 * (top - bot), NA, NA, NA), n, n), order(J), cex = 0.5) text(sort(J), rep(c(NA, NA, bot - 0.2 * (top - bot), NA, NA), n, n), order(J), cex = 0.5) text(sort(J), rep(c(NA, NA, NA, bot - 0.26 * (top - bot), NA), n, n), order(J), cex = 0.5) text(sort(J), rep(c(NA, NA, NA, NA, bot - 0.32 * (top - bot)), n, n), order(J), cex = 0.5) invisible() } ordinary.array <- function(n, R, strata) { # # R x n array of bootstrap indices, resampled within strata. # This is the function which generates a regular bootstrap array # using equal weights within each stratum. # inds <- as.integer(names(table(strata))) if (length(inds) == 1L) { output <- sample.int(n, n*R, replace=TRUE) dim(output) <- c(R, n) } else { output <- matrix(as.integer(0L), R, n) for(is in inds) { gp <- seq_len(n)[strata == is] output[, gp] <- if (length(gp) == 1) rep(gp, R) else bsample(gp, R*length(gp)) } } output } permutation.array <- function(n, R, strata) { # # R x n array of bootstrap indices, permuted within strata. # This is similar to ordinary array except that resampling is # done without replacement in each row. # output <- matrix(rep(seq_len(n), R), n, R) inds <- as.integer(names(table(strata))) for(is in inds) { group <- seq_len(n)[strata == is] if (length(group) > 1L) { g <- apply(output[group, ], 2L, rperm) output[group, ] <- g } } t(output) } cv.glm <- function(data, glmfit, cost=function(y,yhat) mean((y-yhat)^2), K=n) { # cross-validation estimate of error for glm prediction with K groups. # cost is a function of two arguments: the observed values and the # the predicted values. call <- match.call() if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) runif(1) seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE) n <- nrow(data) if ((K > n) || (K <= 1)) stop("'K' outside allowable range") K.o <- K K <- round(K) kvals <- unique(round(n/(1L:floor(n/2)))) temp <- abs(kvals-K) if (!any(temp == 0)) K <- kvals[temp == min(temp)][1L] if (K!=K.o) warning(gettextf("'K' has been set to %f", K), domain = NA) f <- ceiling(n/K) s <- sample0(rep(1L:K, f), n) n.s <- table(s) # glm.f <- formula(glmfit) glm.y <- glmfit$y cost.0 <- cost(glm.y, fitted(glmfit)) ms <- max(s) CV <- 0 Call <- glmfit$call for(i in seq_len(ms)) { j.out <- seq_len(n)[(s == i)] j.in <- seq_len(n)[(s != i)] ## we want data from here but formula from the parent. Call$data <- data[j.in, , drop=FALSE] d.glm <- eval.parent(Call) p.alpha <- n.s[i]/n cost.i <- cost(glm.y[j.out], predict(d.glm, data[j.out, , drop=FALSE], type = "response")) CV <- CV + p.alpha * cost.i cost.0 <- cost.0 - p.alpha * cost(glm.y, predict(d.glm, data, type = "response")) } list(call = call, K = K, delta = as.numeric(c(CV, CV + cost.0)), # drop any names seed = seed) } boot.ci <- function(boot.out,conf = 0.95,type = "all", index = 1L:min(2L, length(boot.out$t0)), var.t0 = NULL ,var.t = NULL, t0 = NULL, t = NULL, L = NULL, h = function(t) t, hdot = function(t) rep(1, length(t)), hinv = function(t) t, ...) # # Main function to calculate bootstrap confidence intervals. # This function calls a number of auxilliary functions to do # the actual calculations depending on the type of interval(s) # requested. # { call <- match.call() # Get and transform the statistic values and their variances, if ((is.null(t) && !is.null(t0)) || (!is.null(t) && is.null(t0))) stop("'t' and 't0' must be supplied together") t.o <- t; t0.o <- t0 # vt.o <- var.t vt0.o <- var.t0 if (is.null(t)) { if (length(index) == 1L) { t0 <- boot.out$t0[index] t <- boot.out$t[,index] } else if (ncol(boot.out$t)= 4) digs <- 0 else digs <- 4-digs intlabs <- NULL basrg <- strg <- perg <- bcarg <- NULL if (!is.null(ci.out$normal)) intlabs <- c(intlabs," Normal ") if (!is.null(ci.out$basic)) { intlabs <- c(intlabs," Basic ") basrg <- range(ci.out$basic[,2:3]) } if (!is.null(ci.out$student)) { intlabs <- c(intlabs," Studentized ") strg <- range(ci.out$student[,2:3]) } if (!is.null(ci.out$percent)) { intlabs <- c(intlabs," Percentile ") perg <- range(ci.out$percent[,2:3]) } if (!is.null(ci.out$bca)) { intlabs <- c(intlabs," BCa ") bcarg <- range(ci.out$bca[,2:3]) } level <- 100*ci.out[[4L]][, 1L] if (ntypes == 4L) n1 <- n2 <- 2L else if (ntypes == 5L) {n1 <- 3L; n2 <- 2L} else {n1 <- ntypes; n2 <- 0L} ints1 <- matrix(NA,nints,2L*n1+1L) ints1[,1L] <- level n0 <- 4L # Re-organize the intervals and coerce them into character data for (i in n0:(n0+n1-1)) { j <- c(2L*i-6L,2L*i-5L) nc <- ncol(ci.out[[i]]) nc <- c(nc-1L,nc) if (is.null(hinv)) ints1[,j] <- ci.out[[i]][,nc] else ints1[,j] <- hinv(ci.out[[i]][,nc]) } n0 <- 4L+n1 ints1 <- format(round(ints1,digs)) ints1[,1L] <- paste("\n",level,"% ",sep="") ints1[,2*(1L:n1)] <- paste("(",ints1[,2*(1L:n1)],",",sep="") ints1[,2*(1L:n1)+1L] <- paste(ints1[,2*(1L:n1)+1L],") ") if (n2 > 0) { ints2 <- matrix(NA,nints,2L*n2+1L) ints2[,1L] <- level j <- c(2L,3L) for (i in n0:(n0+n2-1L)) { if (is.null(hinv)) ints2[,j] <- ci.out[[i]][,c(4L,5L)] else ints2[,j] <- hinv(ci.out[[i]][,c(4L,5L)]) j <- j+2L } ints2 <- format(round(ints2,digs)) ints2[,1L] <- paste("\n",level,"% ",sep="") ints2[,2*(1L:n2)] <- paste("(",ints2[,2*(1L:n2)],",",sep="") ints2[,2*(1L:n2)+1L] <- paste(ints2[,2*(1L:n2)+1L],") ") } R <- ci.out$R # # Print the intervals cat("BOOTSTRAP CONFIDENCE INTERVAL CALCULATIONS\n") cat(paste("Based on",R,"bootstrap replicates\n\n")) cat("CALL : \n") dput(cl, control=NULL) cat("\nIntervals : ") cat("\nLevel",intlabs[1L:n1]) cat(t(ints1)) if (n2 > 0) { cat("\n\nLevel",intlabs[(n1+1):(n1+n2)]) cat(t(ints2)) } if (!is.null(cl$h)) { if (is.null(cl$hinv) && is.null(hinv)) cat("\nCalculations and Intervals on ", "Transformed Scale\n") else cat("\nCalculations on Transformed Scale;", " Intervals on Original Scale\n") } else if (is.null(cl$hinv) && is.null(hinv)) cat("\nCalculations and Intervals on Original Scale\n") else cat("\nCalculations on Original Scale", " but Intervals Transformed\n")# # Print any warnings about extreme values. if (!is.null(basrg)) { if ((basrg[1L] <= 1) || (basrg[2L] >= R)) cat("Warning : Basic Intervals used Extreme Quantiles\n") if ((basrg[1L] <= 10) || (basrg[2L] >= R-9)) cat("Some basic intervals may be unstable\n") } if (!is.null(strg)) { if ((strg[1L] <= 1) || (strg[2L] >= R)) cat("Warning : Studentized Intervals used Extreme Quantiles\n") if ((strg[1L] <= 10) || (strg[2L] >= R-9)) cat("Some studentized intervals may be unstable\n") } if (!is.null(perg)) { if ((perg[1L] <= 1) || (perg[2L] >= R)) cat("Warning : Percentile Intervals used Extreme Quantiles\n") if ((perg[1L] <= 10) || (perg[2L] >= R-9)) cat("Some percentile intervals may be unstable\n") } if (!is.null(bcarg)) { if ((bcarg[1L] <= 1) || (bcarg[2L] >= R)) cat("Warning : BCa Intervals used Extreme Quantiles\n") if ((bcarg[1L] <= 10) || (bcarg[2L] >= R-9)) cat("Some BCa intervals may be unstable\n") } invisible(ci.out) } norm.ci <- function(boot.out = NULL,conf = 0.95,index = 1,var.t0 = NULL, t0 = NULL, t = NULL, L = NULL, h = function(t) t, hdot = function(t) 1, hinv = function(t) t) # # Normal approximation method for confidence intervals. This can be # used with or without a bootstrap object. If a bootstrap object is # given then the intervals are bias corrected and the bootstrap variance # estimate can be used if none is supplied. # { if (is.null(t0)) { if (!is.null(boot.out)) t0 <-boot.out$t0[index] else stop("bootstrap output object or 't0' required") } if (!is.null(boot.out) && is.null(t)) t <- boot.out$t[,index] if (!is.null(t)) { fins <- seq_along(t)[is.finite(t)] t <- h(t[fins]) } if (is.null(var.t0)) { if (is.null(t)) { if (is.null(L)) stop("unable to calculate 'var.t0'") else var.t0 <- sum((hdot(t0)*L/length(L))^2) } else var.t0 <- var(t) } else var.t0 <- var.t0*hdot(t0)^2 t0 <- h(t0) if (!is.null(t)) bias <- mean(t)-t0 else bias <- 0 merr <- sqrt(var.t0)*qnorm((1+conf)/2) out <- cbind(conf,hinv(t0-bias-merr),hinv(t0-bias+merr)) out } norm.inter <- function(t,alpha) # # Interpolation on the normal quantile scale. For a non-integer # order statistic this function interpolates between the surrounding # order statistics using the normal quantile scale. See equation # 5.8 of Davison and Hinkley (1997) # { t <- t[is.finite(t)] R <- length(t) rk <- (R+1)*alpha if (!all(rk>1 & rk0 & k 1L) { if (parallel == "multicore") have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows" else if (parallel == "snow") have_snow <- TRUE if (!have_mc && !have_snow) ncpus <- 1L loadNamespace("parallel") # get this out of the way before recording seed } if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) runif(1) seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE) call <- match.call() if (isMatrix(data)) n <- nrow(data) else stop("'data' must be a matrix with at least 2 columns") if (ncol(data) < 2L) stop("'data' must be a matrix with at least 2 columns") if (length(index) < 2L) stop("'index' must contain 2 elements") if (length(index) > 2L) { warning("only first 2 elements of 'index' used") index <- index[1L:2L] } if (ncol(data) < max(index)) stop("indices are incompatible with 'ncol(data)'") if (sim == "weird") { if (!is.null(cox)) stop("sim = \"weird\" cannot be used with a \"coxph\" object") if (ncol(data) > 2L) warning(gettextf("only columns %s and %s of 'data' used", index[1L], index[2L]), domain = NA) data <- data[,index] } if (!is.null(cox) && is.null(cox$coefficients) && ((sim == "cond") || (sim == "model"))) { warning("no coefficients in Cox model -- model ignored") cox <- NULL } if ((sim != "ordinary") && missing(F.surv)) stop("'F.surv' is required but missing") if (missing(G.surv) && ((sim == "cond") || (sim == "model"))) stop("'G.surv' is required but missing") if (NROW(strata) != n) stop("'strata' of wrong length") if (!isMatrix(strata)) { if (!((sim == "weird") || (sim == "ordinary"))) strata <- cbind(strata, 1) } else { if ((sim == "weird") || (sim == "ordinary")) strata <- strata[, 1L] else strata <- strata[, 1L:2L] } temp.str <- strata strata <- if (isMatrix(strata)) apply(strata, 2L, function(s, n) tapply(seq_len(n), as.numeric(s)), n) else tapply(seq_len(n), as.numeric(strata)) t0 <- if ((sim == "weird") && !mstrata) statistic(data, temp.str, ...) else statistic(data, ...) ## Calculate the resampled data sets. For ordinary resampling this ## involves finding the matrix of indices of the case to be resampled. ## For the conditional bootstrap or model-based we must find an array ## consisting of R matrices containing the resampled times and their ## censoring indicators. The data sets for the weird bootstrap must be ## calculated individually. fn <- if (sim == "ordinary") { bt <- cens.case(n, strata, R) function(r) statistic(data[sort(bt[r, ]), ], ...) } else if (sim == "weird") { ## force promises data; F.surv if (!mstrata) { function(r) { bootdata <- cens.weird(data, F.surv, strata) statistic(bootdata[, 1:2], bootdata[, 3L], ...) } } else { function(r) { bootdata <- cens.weird(data, F.surv, strata) statistic(bootdata[, 1:2], ...) } } } else { bt <- cens.resamp(data, R, F.surv, G.surv, strata, index, cox, sim) function(r) { bootdata <- data bootdata[, index] <- bt[r, , ] oi <- order(bt[r, , 1L], 1-bt[r, , 2L]) statistic(bootdata[oi, ], ...) } } rm(mstrata) res <- if (ncpus > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow)) { if (have_mc) { ## ... omitted as from 1.3-27 parallel::mclapply(seq_len(R), fn, mc.cores = ncpus) } else if (have_snow) { list(...) # evaluate any promises if (is.null(cl)) { cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", ncpus)) if(RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl) parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(survival)) res <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(R), fn) parallel::stopCluster(cl) res } else { parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, library(survival)) parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(R), fn) } } } else lapply(seq_len(R), fn) t <- matrix(, R, length(t0)) for(r in seq_len(R)) t[r, ] <- res[[r]] cens.return(sim, t0, t, temp.str, R, data, statistic, call, seed) } cens.return <- function(sim, t0, t, strata, R, data, statistic, call, seed) { # # Create an object of class "boot" from the output of a censored bootstrap. # out <- list(t0 = t0, t = t, R = R, sim = sim, data = data, seed = seed, statistic = statistic, strata = strata, call = call) class(out) <- "boot" attr(boot, "boot_type") <- "censboot" out } cens.case <- function(n, strata, R) { # # Simple case resampling. # out <- matrix(NA, nrow = R, ncol = n) for (s in seq_along(table(strata))) { inds <- seq_len(n)[strata == s] ns <- length(inds) out[, inds] <- bsample(inds, ns*R) } out } cens.weird <- function(data, surv, strata) { # # The weird bootstrap. Censoring times are fixed and the number of # failures at each failure time are sampled from a binomial # distribution. See Chapter 3 of Davison and Hinkley (1997). # # data is a two column matrix containing the times and censoring # indicator. # surv is a survival object giving the failure time distribution. # strata is a the strata vector used in surv or a vector of 1's if no # strata were used. # m <- length(surv$time) if (is.null(surv$strata)) { nstr <- 1 str <- rep(1, m) } else { nstr <- length(surv$strata) str <- rep(1L:nstr, surv$strata) } n.ev <- rbinom(m, surv$n.risk, surv$n.event/surv$n.risk) while (any(tapply(n.ev, str, sum) == 0)) n.ev <- rbinom(m, surv$n.risk, surv$n.event/surv$n.risk) times <- rep(surv$time, n.ev) str <- rep(str, n.ev) out <- NULL for (s in 1L:nstr) { temp <- cbind(times[str == s], 1) temp <- rbind(temp, as.matrix(data[(strata == s&data[, 2L] == 0), , drop=FALSE])) temp <- cbind(temp, s) oi <- order(temp[, 1L], 1-temp[, 2L]) out <- rbind(out, temp[oi, ]) } if (is.data.frame(data)) out <- as.data.frame(out) out } cens.resamp <- function(data, R, F.surv, G.surv, strata, index = c(1,2), cox = NULL, sim = "model") { # # Other types of resampling for the censored bootstrap. This function # uses some local functions to implement the conditional bootstrap for # censored data and resampling based on a Cox regression model. This # latter method of sampling can also use conditional sampling to get the # censoring times. # # data is the data set # R is the number of replicates # F.surv is a survfit object for the failure time distribution # G.surv is a survfit object for the censoring time distribution # strata is a two column matrix, the first column gives the strata # gives the strata for the failure times and the second for the # censoring times. # index is a vector with two integer components giving the position # of the times and censoring indicators in data # cox is an object returned by the coxph function to give the Cox # regression model for the failure times. # sim is the simulation type which will always be "model" or "cond" # gety1 <- function(n, R, surv, inds) { # Sample failure times from the product limit estimate of the failure # time distribution. survival <- surv$surv[inds] time <- surv$time[inds] n1 <- length(time) if (survival[n1] > 0L) { survival <- c(survival, 0) time <- c(time, Inf) } probs <- diff(-c(1, survival)) matrix(bsample(time, n*R, prob = probs), R, n) } gety2 <- function(n, R, surv, eta, inds) { # Sample failure times from the Cox regression model. F0 <- surv$surv[inds] time <- surv$time[inds] n1 <- length(time) if (F0[n1] > 0) { F0 <- c(F0, 0) time <- c(time, Inf) } ex <- exp(eta) Fh <- 1 - outer(F0, ex, "^") apply(rbind(0, Fh), 2L, function(p, y, R) bsample(y, R, prob = diff(p)), time, R) } getc1 <- function(n, R, surv, inds) { # Sample censoring times from the product-limit estimate of the # censoring distribution. cens <- surv$surv[inds] time <- surv$time[inds] n1 <- length(time) if (cens[n1] > 0) { cens <- c(cens, 0) time <- c(time, Inf) } probs <- diff(-c(1, cens)) matrix(bsample(time, n*R, prob = probs), nrow = R) } getc2 <- function(n, R, surv, inds, data, index) { # Sample censoring times form the conditional distribution. If a failure # was observed then sample from the product-limit estimate of the censoring # distribution conditional on the time being greater than the observed # failure time. If the observation is censored then resampled time is the # observed censoring time. cens <- surv$surv[inds] time <- surv$time[inds] n1 <- length(time) if (cens[n1] > 0) { cens <- c(cens, 0) time <- c(time, Inf) } probs <- diff(-c(1, cens)) cout <- matrix(NA, R, n) for (i in seq_len(n)) { if (data[i, 2] == 0) cout[, i] <- data[i, 1L] else { pri <- probs[time > data[i, 1L]] ti <- time[time > data[i, 1L]] if (length(ti) == 1L) cout[, i] <- ti else cout[, i] <- bsample(ti, R, prob = pri) } } cout } n <- nrow(data) Fstart <- 1 Fstr <- F.surv$strata if (is.null(Fstr)) Fstr <- length(F.surv$time) Gstart <- 1 Gstr <- G.surv$strata if (is.null(Gstr)) Gstr <- length(G.surv$time) y0 <- matrix(NA, R, n) for (s in seq_along(table(strata[, 1L]))) { # Find the resampled failure times within strata for failures ns <- sum(strata[, 1L] == s) inds <- Fstart:(Fstr[s]+Fstart-1) y0[, strata[, 1L] == s] <- if (is.null(cox)) gety1(ns, R, F.surv, inds) else gety2(ns, R, F.surv, cox$linear.predictors[strata[, 1L] == s], inds) Fstart <- Fstr[s]+Fstart } c0 <- matrix(NA, R, n) for (s in seq_along(table(strata[, 2L]))) { # Find the resampled censoring times within strata for censoring times ns <- sum(strata[, 2] == s) inds <- Gstart:(Gstr[s]+Gstart-1) c0[, strata[, 2] == s] <- if (sim != "cond") getc1(ns, R, G.surv, inds) else getc2(ns, R, G.surv, inds, data[strata[,2] == s, index]) Gstart <- Gstr[s]+Gstart } infs <- (is.infinite(y0) & is.infinite(c0)) if (sum(infs) > 0) { # If both the resampled failure time and the resampled censoring time # are infinite then set the resampled time to be a failure at the largest # failure time in the failure time stratum containing the observation. evs <- seq_len(n)[data[, index[2L]] == 1] maxf <- tapply(data[evs, index[1L]], strata[evs, 1L], max) maxf <- matrix(maxf[strata[, 1L]], nrow = R, ncol = n, byrow = TRUE) y0[infs] <- maxf[infs] } array(c(pmin(y0, c0), 1*(y0 <= c0)), c(dim(y0), 2)) } empinf <- function(boot.out = NULL, data = NULL, statistic = NULL, type = NULL, stype = NULL ,index = 1, t = NULL, strata = rep(1, n), eps = 0.001, ...) { # # Calculation of empirical influence values. Possible types are # "inf" = infinitesimal jackknife (numerical differentiation) # "reg" = regression based estimation # "jack" = usual jackknife estimates # "pos" = positive jackknife estimates # if (!is.null(boot.out)) { if (boot.out$sim == "parametric") stop("influence values cannot be found from a parametric bootstrap") data <- boot.out$data if (is.null(statistic)) statistic <- boot.out$statistic if (is.null(stype)) stype <- boot.out$stype if (!is.null(boot.out$strata)) strata <- boot.out$strata } else { if (is.null(data)) stop("neither 'data' nor bootstrap object specified") if (is.null(statistic)) stop("neither 'statistic' nor bootstrap object specified") if (is.null(stype)) stype <- "w" } n <- NROW(data) if (is.null(type)) { if (!is.null(t)) type <- "reg" else if (stype == "w") type <- "inf" else if (!is.null(boot.out) && (boot.out$sim != "parametric") && (boot.out$sim != "permutation")) type <- "reg" else type <- "jack" } if (type == "inf") { # calculate the infinitesimal jackknife values by numerical differentiation if (stype !="w") stop("'stype' must be \"w\" for type=\"inf\"") if (length(index) != 1L) { warning("only first element of 'index' used") index <- index[1L] } if (!is.null(t)) warning("input 't' ignored; type=\"inf\"") L <- inf.jack(data, statistic, index, strata, eps, ...) } else if (type == "reg") { # calculate the regression estimates of the influence values if (is.null(boot.out)) stop("bootstrap object needed for type=\"reg\"") if (is.null(t)) { if (length(index) != 1L) { warning("only first element of 'index' used") index <- index[1L] } t <- boot.out$t[,index] } L <- empinf.reg(boot.out, t) } else if (type == "jack") { if (!is.null(t)) warning("input 't' ignored; type=\"jack\"") if (length(index) != 1L) { warning("only first element of 'index' used") index <- index[1L] } L <- usual.jack(data, statistic, stype, index, strata, ...) } else if (type == "pos") { if (!is.null(t)) warning("input 't' ignored; type=\"pos\"") if (length(index) != 1L) { warning("only first element of 'index' used") index <- index[1L] } L <- positive.jack(data, statistic, stype, index, strata, ...) } L } inf.jack <- function(data, stat, index = 1, strata = rep(1, n), eps = 0.001, ...) { # # Numerical differentiation to get infinitesimal jackknife estimates # of the empirical influence values. # n <- NROW(data) L <- seq_len(n) eps <- eps/n strata <- tapply(strata, as.numeric(strata)) w.orig <- 1/table(strata)[strata] tobs <- stat(data, w.orig, ...)[index] for(i in seq_len(n)) { group <- seq_len(n)[strata == strata[i]] w <- w.orig w[group] <- (1 - eps)*w[group] w[i] <- w[i] + eps L[i] <- (stat(data, w, ...)[index] - tobs)/eps } L } empinf.reg <- function(boot.out, t = boot.out$t[,1L]) # # Function to estimate empirical influence values using regression. # This method regresses the observed bootstrap values on the bootstrap # frequencies to estimate the empirical influence values # { fins <- seq_along(t)[is.finite(t)] t <- t[fins] R <- length(t) n <- NROW(boot.out$data) strata <- boot.out$strata if (is.null(strata)) strata <- rep(1,n) else strata <- tapply(strata,as.numeric(strata)) ns <- table(strata) # S <- length(ns) f <- boot.array(boot.out)[fins,] X <- f/matrix(ns[strata], R, n ,byrow=TRUE) out <- tapply(seq_len(n), strata, min) inc <- seq_len(n)[-out] X <- X[,inc] beta <- coefficients(glm(t ~ X))[-1L] l <- rep(0, n) l[inc] <- beta l <- l - tapply(l,strata,mean)[strata] l } usual.jack <- function(data, stat, stype = "w", index = 1, strata = rep(1, n), ...) # # Function to use the normal (delete 1) jackknife method to estimate the # empirical influence values # { n <- NROW(data) l <- rep(0,n) strata <- tapply(strata,as.numeric(strata)) if (stype == "w") { w0 <- rep(1, n)/table(strata)[strata] tobs <- stat(data, w0, ...)[index] for (i in seq_len(n)) { w1 <- w0 w1[i] <- 0 gp <- strata == strata[i] w1[gp] <- w1[gp]/sum(w1[gp]) l[i] <- (sum(gp)-1)*(tobs - stat(data,w1, ...)[index]) } } else if (stype == "f") { f0 <- rep(1,n) tobs <- stat(data, f0, ...)[index] for (i in seq_len(n)) { f1 <- f0 f1[i] <- 0 gp <- strata == strata[i] l[i] <- (sum(gp)-1)*(tobs - stat(data, f1, ...)[index]) } } else { i0 <- seq_len(n) tobs <- stat(data, i0, ...)[index] for (i in seq_len(n)) { i1 <- i0[-i] gp <- strata == strata[i] l[i] <- (sum(gp)-1)*(tobs - stat(data, i1, ...)[index]) } } l } positive.jack <- function(data, stat, stype = "w", index = 1, strata = rep(1 ,n), ...) { # # Use the positive jackknife to estimate the empirical influence values. # The positive jackknife includes one observation twice to find its # influence. # strata <- tapply(strata,as.numeric(strata)) n <- NROW(data) L <- rep(0, n) if (stype == "w") { w0 <- rep(1, n)/table(strata)[strata] tobs <- stat(data, w0, ...)[index] for (i in seq_len(n)) { st1 <- c(strata,strata[i]) w1 <- 1/table(st1)[strata] w1[i] <- 2*w1[i] gp <- strata == strata[i] w1[gp] <- w1[gp]/sum(w1[gp]) L[i] <- (sum(gp)+1)*(stat(data, w1, ...)[index] - tobs) } } else if (stype == "f") { f0 <- rep(1,n) tobs <- stat(data, f0, ...)[index] for (i in seq_len(n)) { f1 <- f0 f1[i] <- 2 gp <- strata == strata[i] L[i] <- (sum(gp)+1)*(stat(data, f1, ...)[index] - tobs) } } else if (stype == "i") { i0 <- seq_len(n) tobs <- stat(data, i0, ...)[index] for (i in seq_len(n)) { i1 <- c(i0, i) gp <- strata == strata[i] L[i] <- (sum(gp)+1)*(stat(data, i1, ...)[index] - tobs) } } L } linear.approx <- function(boot.out, L = NULL, index = 1, type = NULL, t0 = NULL, t = NULL, ...) # # Find the linear approximation to the bootstrap replicates of a # statistic. L should be the linear influence values which will # be found by empinf if they are not supplied. # { f <- boot.array(boot.out) n <- length(f[1, ]) if ((length(index) > 1L) && (is.null(t0) || is.null(t))) { warning("only first element of 'index' used") index <- index[1L] } if (is.null(t0)) { t0 <- boot.out$t0[index] if (is.null(L)) L <- empinf(boot.out, index=index, type=type, ...) } else if (is.null(t) && is.null(L)) { warning("input 't0' ignored: neither 't' nor 'L' supplied") t0 <- t0[index] L <- empinf(boot.out, index=index, type=type, ...) } else if (is.null(L)) L <- empinf(boot.out, type=type, t=t, ...) tL <- rep(t0, boot.out$R) strata <- boot.out$strata if (is.null(strata)) strata <- rep(1, n) else strata <- tapply(strata,as.numeric(strata)) S <- length(table(strata)) for(s in 1L:S) { i.s <- seq_len(n)[strata == s] tL <- tL + f[, i.s] %*% L[i.s]/length(i.s) } as.vector(tL) } envelope <- function(boot.out = NULL, mat = NULL, level = 0.95, index = 1L:ncol(mat)) # # Function to estimate pointwise and overall confidence envelopes for # a function. # # mat is a matrix of bootstrap values of the function at a number of # points. The points at which they are evaluated are assumed to # be constant over the rows. # { emperr <- function(rmat, p = 0.05, k = NULL) # Local function to estimate the overall error rate of an envelope. { R <- nrow(rmat) if (is.null(k)) k <- p*(R+1)/2 else p <- 2*k/(R+1) kf <- function(x, k, R) 1*((min(x) <= k)|(max(x) >= R+1L-k)) c(k, p, sum(apply(rmat, 1L, kf, k, R))/(R+1)) } kfun <- function(x, k1, k2) # Local function to find the cut-off points in each column of the matrix. sort(x ,partial = sort(c(k1, k2)))[c(k1, k2)] if (!is.null(boot.out) && isMatrix(boot.out$t)) mat <- boot.out$t if (!isMatrix(mat)) stop("bootstrap output matrix missing") if (length(index) < 2L) stop("use 'boot.ci' for scalar parameters") mat <- mat[,index] rmat <- apply(mat,2L,rank) R <- nrow(mat) if (length(level) == 1L) level <- rep(level,2L) k.pt <- floor((R+1)*(1-level[1L])/2+1e-10) k.pt <- c(k.pt, R+1-k.pt) err.pt <- emperr(rmat,k = k.pt[1L]) ov <- emperr(rmat,k = 1) ee <- err.pt al <- 1-level[2L] if (ov[3L] > al) warning("unable to achieve requested overall error rate") else { continue <- !(ee[3L] < al) while(continue) { # If the observed error is greater than the level required for the overall # envelope then try another envelope. This loop uses linear interpolation # on the integers between 1 and k.pt[1L] to find the required value. kk <- ov[1L]+round((ee[1L]-ov[1L])*(al-ov[3L])/ (ee[3L]-ov[3L])) if (kk == ov[1L]) kk <- kk+1 else if (kk == ee[1L]) kk <- kk-1 temp <- emperr(rmat, k = kk) if (temp[3L] > al) ee <- temp else ov <- temp continue <- !(ee[1L] == ov[1L]+1) } } k.ov <- c(ov[1L], R+1-ov[1L]) err.ov <- ov[-1L] out <- apply(mat, 2L, kfun, k.pt, k.ov) list(point = out[2:1,], overall = out[4:3,], k.pt = k.pt, err.pt = err.pt[-1L], k.ov = k.ov, err.ov = err.ov, err.nom = 1-level) } glm.diag <- function(glmfit) { # # Calculate diagnostics for objects of class "glm". The diagnostics # calculated are various types of residuals as well as the Cook statistics # and the leverages. # w <- if (is.null(glmfit$prior.weights)) rep(1,length(glmfit$residuals)) else glmfit$prior.weights sd <- switch(family(glmfit)$family[1L], "gaussian" = sqrt(glmfit$deviance/glmfit$df.residual), "Gamma" = sqrt(sum(w*(glmfit$y/fitted(glmfit) - 1)^2)/ glmfit$df.residual), 1) ## sd <- ifelse(family(glmfit)$family[1L] == "gaussian", ## sqrt(glmfit$deviance/glmfit$df.residual), 1) ## sd <- ifelse(family(glmfit)$family[1L] == "Gamma", ## sqrt(sum(w*(glmfit$y/fitted(glmfit) - 1)^2)/glmfit$df.residual), sd) dev <- residuals(glmfit, type = "deviance")/sd pear <- residuals(glmfit, type = "pearson")/sd ## R change: lm.influence drops 0-wt cases. h <- rep(0, length(w)) h[w != 0] <- lm.influence(glmfit)$hat p <- glmfit$rank rp <- pear/sqrt(1 - h) rd <- dev/sqrt(1 - h) cook <- (h * rp^2)/((1 - h) * p) res <- sign(dev) * sqrt(dev^2 + h * rp^2) list(res = res, rd = rd, rp = rp, cook = cook, h = h, sd = sd) } glm.diag.plots <- function(glmfit, glmdiag = glm.diag(glmfit), subset = NULL, iden = FALSE, labels = NULL, ret = FALSE) { # Diagnostic plots for objects of class "glm" if (is.null(glmdiag)) glmdiag <- glm.diag(glmfit) if (is.null(subset)) subset <- seq_along(glmdiag$h) else if (is.logical(subset)) subset <- seq_along(subset)[subset] else if (is.numeric(subset) && all(subset<0)) subset <- (1L:(length(subset)+length(glmdiag$h)))[subset] else if (is.character(subset)) { if (is.null(labels)) labels <- subset subset <- seq_along(subset) } # close.screen(all = T) # split.screen(c(2, 2)) # screen(1) # par(mfrow = c(2,2)) # Plot the deviance residuals against the fitted values x1 <- predict(glmfit) plot(x1, glmdiag$res, xlab = "Linear predictor", ylab = "Residuals") pars <- vector(4L, mode="list") pars[[1L]] <- par("usr") # screen(2) # # Plot a normal QQ plot of the standardized deviance residuals y2 <- glmdiag$rd x2 <- qnorm(ppoints(length(y2)))[rank(y2)] plot(x2, y2, ylab = "Quantiles of standard normal", xlab = "Ordered deviance residuals") abline(0, 1, lty = 2) pars[[2L]] <- par("usr") # screen(3) # # Plot the Cook statistics against h/(1-h) and draw line to highlight # possible influential and high leverage points. hh <- glmdiag$h/(1 - glmdiag$h) plot(hh, glmdiag$cook, xlab = "h/(1-h)", ylab = "Cook statistic") rx <- range(hh) ry <- range(glmdiag$cook) rank.fit <- glmfit$rank nobs <- rank.fit + glmfit$df.residual cooky <- 8/(nobs - 2 * rank.fit) hy <- (2 * rank.fit)/(nobs - 2 * rank.fit) if ((cooky >= ry[1L]) && (cooky <= ry[2L])) abline(h = cooky, lty = 2) if ((hy >= rx[1L]) && (hy <= rx[2L])) abline(v = hy, lty = 2) pars[[3L]] <- par("usr") # screen(4) # # Plot the Cook statistics against the observation number in the original # data set. plot(subset, glmdiag$cook, xlab = "Case", ylab = "Cook statistic") if ((cooky >= ry[1L]) && (cooky <= ry[2L])) abline(h = cooky, lty = 2) xx <- list(x1,x2,hh,subset) yy <- list(glmdiag$res, y2, glmdiag$cook, glmdiag$cook) pars[[4L]] <- par("usr") if (is.null(labels)) labels <- names(x1) while (iden) { # If interaction with the plots is required then ask the user which plot # they wish to interact with and then run identify() on that plot. # When the user terminates identify(), reprompt until no further interaction # is required and the user inputs a 0. cat("****************************************************\n") cat("Please Input a screen number (1,2,3 or 4)\n") cat("0 will terminate the function \n") # num <- scan(nmax=1) num <- as.numeric(readline()) if ((length(num) > 0L) && ((num == 1)||(num == 2)||(num == 3)||(num == 4))) { cat(paste("Interactive Identification for screen", num,"\n")) cat("left button = Identify, center button = Exit\n") # screen(num, new=F) nm <- num+1 par(mfg = c(trunc(nm/2),1 +nm%%2, 2, 2)) par(usr = pars[[num]]) identify(xx[[num]], yy[[num]], labels) } else iden <- FALSE } # close.screen(all=T) par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) if (ret) glmdiag else invisible() } exp.tilt <- function(L, theta = NULL, t0 = 0, lambda = NULL, strata = rep(1, length(L)) ) { # exponential tilting of linear approximation to statistic # to give mean theta. # tilt.dis <- function(lambda) { # Find the squared error in the mean using the multiplier lambda # This is then minimized to find the correct value of lambda # Note that the function should have minimum 0. L <- para[[2L]] theta <- para[[1L]] strata <- para[[3L]] ns <- table(strata) tilt <- rep(NA, length(L) ) for (s in seq_along(ns)) { p <- exp(lambda*L[strata == s]/ns[s]) tilt[strata == s] <- p/sum(p) } (sum(L*tilt) - theta)^2 } tilted.prob <- function(lambda, L, strata) { # Find the tilted probabilities for a given value of lambda ns <- table(strata) m <- length(lambda) tilt <- matrix(NA, m, length(L)) for (i in 1L:m) for (s in seq_along(ns)) { p <- exp(lambda[i]*L[strata == s]/ns[s]) tilt[i,strata == s] <- p/sum(p) } if (m == 1) tilt <- as.vector(tilt) tilt } strata <- tapply(strata, as.numeric(strata)) if (!is.null(theta)) { theta <- theta-t0 m <- length(theta) lambda <- rep(NA,m) for (i in 1L:m) { para <- list(theta[i],L,strata) # assign("para",para,frame=1) # lambda[i] <- nlmin(tilt.dis, 0 )$x lambda[i] <- optim(0, tilt.dis, method = "BFGS")$par msd <- tilt.dis(lambda[i]) if (is.na(msd) || (abs(msd) > 1e-6)) stop(gettextf("unable to find multiplier for %f", theta[i]), domain = NA) } } else if (is.null(lambda)) stop("'theta' or 'lambda' required") probs <- tilted.prob( lambda, L, strata ) if (is.null(theta)) theta <- t0 + sum(probs * L) else theta <- theta+t0 list(p = probs, theta = theta, lambda = lambda) } imp.weights <- function(boot.out, def = TRUE, q = NULL) { # # Takes boot.out object and calculates importance weights # for each element of boot.out$t, as if sampling from multinomial # distribution with probabilities q. # If q is NULL the weights are calculated as if # sampling from a distribution with equal probabilities. # If def=T calculates weights using defensive mixture # distribution, if F uses weights knowing from which element of # the mixture they come. # R <- boot.out$R if (length(R) == 1L) def <- FALSE f <- boot.array(boot.out) n <- ncol(f) strata <- tapply(boot.out$strata,as.numeric(boot.out$strata)) # ns <- table(strata) if (is.null(q)) q <- rep(1,ncol(f)) if (any(q == 0)) stop("0 elements not allowed in 'q'") p <- boot.out$weights if ((length(R) == 1L) && all(abs(p - q)/p < 1e-10)) return(rep(1, R)) np <- length(R) q <- normalize(q, strata) lw.q <- as.vector(f %*% log(q)) if (!isMatrix(p)) p <- as.matrix(t(p)) p <- t(apply(p, 1L, normalize, strata)) lw.p <- matrix(NA, sum(R), np) for(i in 1L:np) { zz <- seq_len(n)[p[i, ] > 0] lw.p[, i] <- f[, zz] %*% log(p[i, zz]) } if (def) w <- 1/(exp(lw.p - lw.q) %*% R/sum(R)) else { i <- cbind(seq_len(sum(R)), rep(seq_along(R), R)) w <- exp(lw.q - lw.p[i]) } as.vector(w) } const <- function(w, eps=1e-8) { # Are all of the values of w equal to within the tolerance eps. all(abs(w-mean(w, na.rm=TRUE)) < eps) } imp.moments <- function(boot.out=NULL, index=1, t=boot.out$t[,index], w=NULL, def=TRUE, q=NULL ) { # Calculates raw, ratio, and regression estimates of mean and # variance of t using importance sampling weights in w. if (missing(t) && is.null(boot.out$t)) stop("bootstrap replicates must be supplied") if (is.null(w)) if (!is.null(boot.out)) w <- imp.weights(boot.out, def, q) else stop("either 'boot.out' or 'w' must be specified.") if ((length(index) > 1L) && missing(t)) { warning("only first element of 'index' used") t <- boot.out$t[,index[1L]] } fins <- seq_along(t)[is.finite(t)] t <- t[fins] w <- w[fins] if (!const(w)) { y <- t*w m.raw <- mean( y ) m.rat <- sum( y )/sum( w ) t.lm <- lm( y~w ) m.reg <- mean( y ) - coefficients(t.lm)[2L]*(mean(w)-1) v.raw <- mean(w*(t-m.raw)^2) v.rat <- sum(w/sum(w)*(t-m.rat)^2) x <- w*(t-m.reg)^2 t.lm2 <- lm( x~w ) v.reg <- mean( x ) - coefficients(t.lm2)[2L]*(mean(w)-1) } else { m.raw <- m.rat <- m.reg <- mean(t) v.raw <- v.rat <- v.reg <- var(t) } list( raw=c(m.raw,v.raw), rat = c(m.rat,v.rat), reg = as.vector(c(m.reg,v.reg))) } imp.reg <- function(w) { # This function takes a vector of importance sampling weights and # returns the regression importance sampling weights. The function # is called by imp.prob and imp.quantiles to enable those functions # to find regression estimates of tail probabilities and quantiles. if (!const(w)) { R <- length(w) mw <- mean(w) s2w <- (R-1)/R*var(w) b <- (1-mw)/s2w w <- w*(1+b*(w-mw))/R } cumsum(w)/sum(w) } imp.quantile <- function(boot.out=NULL, alpha=NULL, index=1, t=boot.out$t[,index], w=NULL, def=TRUE, q=NULL ) { # Calculates raw, ratio, and regression estimates of alpha quantiles # of t using importance sampling weights in w. if (missing(t) && is.null(boot.out$t)) stop("bootstrap replicates must be supplied") if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- c(0.01,0.025,0.05,0.95,0.975,0.99) if (is.null(w)) if (!is.null(boot.out)) w <- imp.weights(boot.out, def, q) else stop("either 'boot.out' or 'w' must be specified.") if ((length(index) > 1L) && missing(t)){ warning("only first element of 'index' used") t <- boot.out$t[,index[1L]] } fins <- seq_along(t)[is.finite(t)] t <- t[fins] w <- w[fins] o <- order(t) t <- t[o] w <- w[o] cum <- cumsum(w) o <- rev(o) w.m <- w[o] t.m <- -rev(t) cum.m <- cumsum(w.m) cum.rat <- cum/mean(w) cum.reg <- imp.reg(w) R <- length(w) raw <- rat <- reg <- rep(NA,length(alpha)) for (i in seq_along(alpha)) { if (alpha[i]<=0.5) raw[i] <- max(t[cum<=(R+1)*alpha[i]]) else raw[i] <- -max(t.m[cum.m<=(R+1)*(1-alpha[i])]) rat[i] <- max(t[cum.rat <= (R+1)*alpha[i]]) reg[i] <- max(t[cum.reg <= (R+1)*alpha[i]]) } list(alpha=alpha, raw=raw, rat=rat, reg=reg) } imp.prob <- function(boot.out=NULL, index=1, t0=boot.out$t0[index], t=boot.out$t[,index], w=NULL, def=TRUE, q=NULL) { # Calculates raw, ratio, and regression estimates of tail probability # pr( t <= t0 ) using importance sampling weights in w. is.missing <- function(x) length(x) == 0L || is.na(x) if (missing(t) && is.null(boot.out$t)) stop("bootstrap replicates must be supplied") if (is.null(w)) if (!is.null(boot.out)) w <- imp.weights(boot.out, def, q) else stop("either 'boot.out' or 'w' must be specified.") if ((length(index) > 1L) && (missing(t) || missing(t0))) { warning("only first element of 'index' used") index <- index[1L] if (is.missing(t)) t <- boot.out$t[,index] if (is.missing(t0)) t0 <- boot.out$t0[index] } fins <- seq_along(t)[is.finite(t)] t <- t[fins] w <- w[fins] o <- order(t) t <- t[o] w <- w[o] raw <- rat <- reg <- rep(NA,length(t0)) cum <- cumsum(w)/sum(w) cum.r <- imp.reg(w) for (i in seq_along(t0)) { raw[i] <-sum(w[t<=t0[i]])/length(w) rat[i] <- max(cum[t<=t0[i]]) reg[i] <- max(cum.r[t<=t0[i]]) } list(t0=t0, raw=raw, rat=rat, reg=reg ) } smooth.f <- function(theta, boot.out, index=1, t=boot.out$t[,index], width=0.5 ) { # Does frequency smoothing of the frequency array for boot.out with # bandwidth A to give frequencies for 'typical' distribution at theta if ((length(index) > 1L) && missing(t)) { warning("only first element of 'index' used") t <- boot.out$t[,index[1L]] } if (isMatrix(t)) { warning("only first column of 't' used") t <- t[,1L] } fins <- seq_along(t)[is.finite(t)] t <- t[fins] m <- length(theta) v <- imp.moments(boot.out, t=t)$reg[2L] eps <- width*sqrt(v) if (m == 1) w <- dnorm((theta-t)/eps )/eps else { w <- matrix(0,length(t),m) for (i in 1L:m) w[,i] <- dnorm((theta[i]-t)/eps )/eps } f <- crossprod(boot.array(boot.out)[fins,] , w) strata <- boot.out$strata strata <- tapply(strata, as.numeric(strata)) ns <- table(strata) out <- matrix(NA,ncol(f),nrow(f)) for (s in seq_along(ns)) { ts <- matrix(f[strata == s,],m,ns[s],byrow=TRUE) ss <- apply(ts,1L,sum) out[,strata == s] <- ts/matrix(ss,m,ns[s]) } if (m == 1) out <- as.vector(out) out } tilt.boot <- function(data, statistic, R, sim="ordinary", stype="i", strata = rep(1, n), L = NULL, theta=NULL, alpha=c(0.025,0.975), tilt=TRUE, width=0.5, index=1, ... ) { # Does tilted bootstrap sampling of stat applied to data with strata strata # and simulation type sim. # The levels of R give the number of simulations at each level. For example, # R=c(199,100,50) will give three separate bootstraps with 199, 100, 50 # simulations. If R[1L]>0 the first simulation is assumed to be untilted # and L can be estimated from it by regression, or it can be frequency # smoothed to give probabilities p. # If tilt=T use exponential tilting with empirical influence value L # given explicitly or estimated from boot0, but if tilt=F # (in which case R[1L] should be large) frequency smoothing of boot0 is used # with bandwidth A. # Tilting/frequency smoothing is to theta (so length(theta)=length(R)-1). # The function assumes at present that q=0 is the median of the distribution # of t*. if ((sim != "ordinary") && (sim != "balanced")) stop("invalid value of 'sim' supplied") if (!is.null(theta) && (length(R) != length(theta)+1)) stop("'R' and 'theta' have incompatible lengths") if (!tilt && (R[1L] == 0)) stop("R[1L] must be positive for frequency smoothing") call <- match.call() n <- NROW(data) if (R[1L]>0) { # If required run an initial bootstrap with equal weights. if (is.null(theta) && (length(R) != length(alpha)+1)) stop("'R' and 'alpha' have incompatible lengths") boot0 <- boot(data, statistic, R = R[1L], sim=sim, stype=stype, strata = strata, ... ) if (is.null(theta)) { if (any(c(alpha,1-alpha)*(R[1L]+1) <= 5)) warning("extreme values used for quantiles") theta <- quantile(boot0$t[,index],alpha) } } else { # If no initial bootstrap is run then exponential tilting must be # used. Also set up a dummy bootstrap object to hold the output. tilt <- TRUE if (is.null(theta)) stop("'theta' must be supplied if R[1L] = 0") if (!missing(alpha)) warning("'alpha' ignored; R[1L] = 0") if (stype == "i") orig <- seq_len(n) else if (stype == "f") orig <- rep(1,n) else orig <- rep(1,n)/n boot0 <- boot.return(sim=sim,t0=statistic(data,orig, ...), t=NULL, strata=strata, R=0, data=data, stat=statistic, stype=stype,call=NULL, seed=get(".Random.seed", envir=.GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE), m=0,weights=NULL) } # Calculate the weights for the subsequent bootstraps if (is.null(L) & tilt) if (R[1L] > 0) L <- empinf(boot0, index, ...) else L <- empinf(data=data, statistic=statistic, stype=stype, index=index, ...) if (tilt) probs <- exp.tilt(L, theta, strata=strata, t0=boot0$t0[index])$p else probs <- smooth.f(theta, boot0, index, width=width)# # Run the weighted bootstraps and collect the output. boot1 <- boot(data, statistic, R[-1L], sim=sim, stype=stype, strata=strata, weights=probs, ...) boot0$t <- rbind(boot0$t, boot1$t) boot0$weights <- rbind(boot0$weights, boot1$weights) boot0$R <- c(boot0$R, boot1$R) boot0$call <- call boot0$theta <- theta attr(boot0, "boot_type") <- "tilt.boot" boot0 } control <- function(boot.out, L=NULL, distn=NULL, index=1, t0=NULL, t=NULL, bias.adj=FALSE, alpha=NULL, ... ) { # # Control variate estimation. Post-simulation balance can be used to # find the adjusted bias estimate. Alternatively the linear approximation # to the statistic of interest can be used as a control variate and hence # moments and quantiles can be estimated. # if (!is.null(boot.out$call$weights)) stop("control methods undefined when 'boot.out' has weights") if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- c(1,2.5,5,10,20,50,80,90,95,97.5,99)/100 tL <- dL <- bias <- bias.L <- var.L <- NULL k3.L <- q.out <- distn.L <- NULL stat <- boot.out$statistic data <- boot.out$data R <- boot.out$R f <- boot.array(boot.out) if (bias.adj) { # Find the adjusted bias estimate using post-simulation balance. if (length(index) > 1L) { warning("only first element of 'index' used") index <- index[1L] } f.big <- apply(f, 2L, sum) if (boot.out$stype == "i") { n <- ncol(f) i.big <- rep(seq_len(n),f.big) t.big <- stat(data, i.big, ...)[index] } else if (boot.out$stype == "f") t.big <- stat(data, f.big, ...)[index] else if (boot.out$stype == "w") t.big <- stat(data, f.big/R, ...)[index] bias <- mean(boot.out$t[, index]) - t.big out <- bias } else { # Using the linear approximation as a control variable, find estimates # of the moments and quantiles of the statistic of interest. if (is.null(t) || is.null(t0)) { if (length(index) > 1L) { warning("only first element of 'index' used") index <- index[1L] } if (is.null(L)) L <- empinf(boot.out, index=index, ...) tL <- linear.approx(boot.out, L, index, ...) t <- boot.out$t[,index] t0 <- boot.out$t0[index] } else { if (is.null(L)) L <- empinf(boot.out, t=t, ...) tL <- linear.approx(boot.out, L, t0=t0, ...) } fins <- seq_along(t)[is.finite(t)] t <- t[fins] tL <- tL[fins] R <- length(t) dL <- t - tL # # Find the moments of the statistic of interest. bias.L <- mean(dL) strata <- tapply(boot.out$strata, as.numeric(boot.out$strata)) var.L <- var.linear(L, strata) + 2*var(tL, dL) + var(dL) k3.L <- k3.linear(L, strata) + 3 * cum3(tL, dL) + 3 * cum3(dL, tL) + cum3(dL) if (is.null(distn)) { # If distn is not supplied then calculate the saddlepoint approximation to # the distribution of the linear approximation. distn <- saddle.distn((t0+L)/length(L), alpha = (1L:R)/(R + 1), t0=c(t0,sqrt(var.L)), strata=strata) dist.q <- distn$quantiles[,2] distn <- distn$distn } else dist.q <- predict(distn, x=qnorm((1L:R)/(R+1)))$y# # Use the quantiles of the distribution of the linear approximation and # the control variates to estimate the quantiles of the statistic of interest. distn.L <- sort(dL[order(tL)] + dist.q) q.out <- distn.L[(R + 1) * alpha] out <- list(L=L, tL=tL, bias=bias.L, var=var.L, k3=k3.L, quantiles=cbind(alpha,q.out), distn=distn) } out } var.linear <- function(L, strata = NULL) { # estimate the variance of a statistic using its linear approximation vL <- 0 n <- length(L) if (is.null(strata)) strata <- rep(1, n) else strata <- tapply(seq_len(n),as.numeric(strata)) S <- length(table(strata)) for(s in 1L:S) { i.s <- seq_len(n)[strata == s] vL <- vL + sum(L[i.s]^2/length(i.s)^2) } vL } k3.linear <- function(L, strata = NULL) { # estimate the skewness of a statistic using its linear approximation k3L <- 0 n <- length(L) if (is.null(strata)) strata <- rep(1, n) else strata <- tapply(seq_len(n),as.numeric(strata)) S <- length(table(strata)) for(s in 1L:S) { i.s <- seq_len(n)[strata == s] k3L <- k3L + sum(L[i.s]^3/length(i.s)^3) } k3L } cum3 <- function(a, b=a, c=a, unbiased=TRUE) # calculate third order cumulants. { n <- length(a) if (unbiased) mult <- n/((n-1)*(n-2)) else mult <- 1/n mult*sum((a - mean(a)) * (b - mean(b)) * (c - mean(c))) } logit <- function(p) qlogis(p) # # Calculate the logit of a proportion in the range [0,1] # ## { ## out <- p ## inds <- seq_along(p)[!is.na(p)] ## if (any((p[inds] < 0) | (p[inds] > 1))) ## stop("invalid proportions input") ## out[inds] <- log(p[inds]/(1-p[inds])) ## out[inds][p[inds] == 0] <- -Inf ## out[inds][p[inds] == 1] <- Inf ## out ## } inv.logit <- function(x) # # Calculate the inverse logit of a number # # { # out <- exp(x)/(1+exp(x)) # out[x==-Inf] <- 0 # out[x==Inf] <- 1 # out # } plogis(x) iden <- function(n) # # Return the identity matrix of size n # if (n > 0) diag(rep(1,n)) else NULL zero <- function(n,m) # # Return an n x m matrix of 0's # if ((n > 0) & (m > 0)) matrix(0,n,m) else NULL simplex <- function(a,A1=NULL,b1=NULL,A2=NULL,b2=NULL,A3=NULL,b3=NULL, maxi=FALSE, n.iter=n+2*m, eps=1e-10) # # This function calculates the solution to a linear programming # problem using the tableau simplex method. The constraints are # given by the matrices A1, A2, A3 and the vectors b1, b2 and b3 # such that A1%*%x <= b1, A2%*%x >= b2 and A3%*%x = b3. The 2-phase # Simplex method is used. # { call <- match.call() if (!is.null(A1)) if (is.matrix(A1)) m1 <- nrow(A1) else m1 <- 1 else m1 <- 0 if (!is.null(A2)) if (is.matrix(A2)) m2 <- nrow(A2) else m2 <- 1 else m2 <- 0 if (!is.null(A3)) if (is.matrix(A3)) m3 <- nrow(A3) else m3 <- 1 else m3 <- 0 m <- m1+m2+m3 n <- length(a) a.o <- a if (maxi) a <- -a if (m2+m3 == 0) # If there are no >= or = constraints then the origin is a feasible # solution, and so only the second phase is required. out <- simplex1(c(a,rep(0,m1)), cbind(A1,iden(m1)), b1, c(rep(0,m1),b1), n+(1L:m1), eps=eps) else { if (m2 > 0) out1 <- simplex1(c(a,rep(0,m1+2*m2+m3)), cbind(rbind(A1,A2,A3), rbind(iden(m1),zero(m2+m3,m1)), rbind(zero(m1,m2),-iden(m2), zero(m3,m2)), rbind(zero(m1,m2+m3), iden(m2+m3))), c(b1,b2,b3), c(rep(0,n),b1,rep(0,m2),b2,b3), c(n+(1L:m1),(n+m1+m2)+(1L:(m2+m3))), stage=1, n1=n+m1+m2, n.iter=n.iter, eps=eps) else out1 <- simplex1(c(a,rep(0,m1+m3)), cbind(rbind(A1,A3), iden(m1+m3)), c(b1,b3), c(rep(0,n),b1,b3), n+(1L:(m1+m3)), stage=1, n1=n+m1, n.iter=n.iter, eps=eps) # In phase 1 use 1 artificial variable for each constraint and # minimize the sum of the artificial variables. This gives a # feasible solution to the original problem as long as all # artificial variables are non-basic (and hence the value of the # new objective function is 0). If this is true then optimize the # original problem using the result as the original feasible solution. if (out1$val.aux > eps) out <- out1 else out <- simplex1(out1$a[1L:(n+m1+m2)], out1$A[,1L:(n+m1+m2)], out1$soln[out1$basic], out1$soln[1L:(n+m1+m2)], out1$basic, val=out1$value, n.iter=n.iter, eps=eps) } if (maxi) out$value <- -out$value out$maxi <- maxi if (m1 > 0L) out$slack <- out$soln[n+(1L:m1)] if (m2 > 0L) out$surplus <- out$soln[n+m1+(1L:m2)] if (out$solved == -1) out$artificial <- out$soln[-(1L:n+m1+m2)] out$obj <- a.o names(out$obj) <- paste("x",seq_len(n),sep="") out$soln <- out$soln[seq_len(n)] names(out$soln) <- paste("x",seq_len(n),sep="") out$call <- call class(out) <- "simplex" out } simplex1 <- function(a,A,b,init,basic,val=0,stage=2, n1=N, eps=1e-10, n.iter=n1) # # Tableau simplex function called by the simplex routine. This does # the actual calculations required in each phase of the simplex method. # { pivot <- function(tab, pr, pc) { # Given the position of the pivot and the tableau, complete # the matrix operations to swap the variables. pv <- tab[pr,pc] pcv <- tab[,pc] tab[-pr,]<- tab[-pr,] - (tab[-pr,pc]/pv)%o%tab[pr,] tab[pr,] <- tab[pr,]/(-pv) tab[pr,pc] <- 1/pv tab[-pr,pc] <- pcv[-pr]/pv tab } N <- ncol(A) M <- nrow(A) nonbasic <- (1L:N)[-basic] tableau <- cbind(b,-A[,nonbasic,drop=FALSE]) # If in the first stage then find the artifical objective function, # otherwise use the original objective function. if (stage == 2) { tableau <- rbind(tableau,c(val,a[nonbasic])) obfun <- a[nonbasic] } else { obfun <- apply(tableau[(M+n1-N+1):M,,drop=FALSE],2L,sum) tableau <- rbind(c(val,a[nonbasic]),tableau,obfun) obfun <- obfun[-1L] } it <- 1 while (!all(obfun> -eps) && (it <= n.iter)) # While the objective function can be reduced # Find a pivot # complete the matrix operations required # update the lists of basic and non-basic variables { pcol <- 1+order(obfun)[1L] if (stage == 2) neg <- (1L:M)[tableau[1L:M,pcol]< -eps] else neg <- 1+ (1L:M)[tableau[2:(M+1),pcol] < -eps] ratios <- -tableau[neg,1L]/tableau[neg,pcol] prow <- neg[order(ratios)[1L]] tableau <- pivot(tableau,prow,pcol) if (stage == 1) { temp <- basic[prow-1L] basic[prow-1L] <- nonbasic[pcol-1L] nonbasic[pcol-1L] <- temp obfun <- tableau[M+2L,-1L] } else { temp <- basic[prow] basic[prow] <- nonbasic[pcol-1L] nonbasic[pcol-1L] <- temp obfun <- tableau[M+1L,-1L] } it <- it+1 } # END of while loop if (stage == 1) { val.aux <- tableau[M+2,1L] # If the value of the auxilliary objective function is zero but some # of the artificial variables are basic (with value 0) then switch # them with some nonbasic variables (which are not artificial). if ((val.aux < eps) && any(basic>n1)) { ar <- (1L:M)[basic>n1] for (j in seq_along(temp)) { prow <- 1+ar[j] pcol <- 1 + order( nonbasic[abs(tableau[prow,-1L])>eps])[1L] tableau <- pivot(tableau,prow,pcol) temp1 <- basic[prow-1L] basic[prow-1L] <- nonbasic[pcol-1L] nonbasic[pcol-1L] <- temp1 } } soln <- rep(0,N) soln[basic] <- tableau[2:(M+1L),1L] val.orig <- tableau[1L,1L] A.out <- matrix(0,M,N) A.out[,basic] <- iden(M) A.out[,nonbasic] <- -tableau[2L:(M+1L),-1L] a.orig <- rep(0,N) a.orig[nonbasic] <- tableau[1L,-1L] a.aux <- rep(0,N) a.aux[nonbasic] <- tableau[M+2,-1L] list(soln=soln, solved=-1, value=val.orig, val.aux=val.aux, A=A.out, a=a.orig, a.aux=a.aux, basic=basic) } else { soln <- rep(0,N) soln[basic] <- tableau[1L:M,1L] val <- tableau[(M+1L),1L] A.out <- matrix(0,M,N) A.out[,basic] <- iden(M) A.out[,nonbasic] <- tableau[1L:M,-1L] a.out <- rep(0,N) a.out[nonbasic] <- tableau[M+1L,-1L] if (it <= n.iter) solved <- 1L else solved <- 0L list(soln=soln, solved=solved, value=val, A=A.out, a=a.out, basic=basic) } } print.simplex <- function(x, ...) { # # Print the output of a simplex solution to a linear programming problem. # simp.out <- x cat("\nLinear Programming Results\n\n") cl <- simp.out$call cat("Call : ") dput(cl, control=NULL) if (simp.out$maxi) cat("\nMaximization ") else cat("\nMinimization ") cat("Problem with Objective Function Coefficients\n") print(simp.out$obj) if (simp.out$solved == 1) { cat("\n\nOptimal solution has the following values\n") print(simp.out$soln) cat(paste("The optimal value of the objective ", " function is ",simp.out$value,".\n",sep="")) } else if (simp.out$solved == 0) { cat("\n\nIteration limit exceeded without finding solution\n") cat("The coefficient values at termination were\n") print(simp.out$soln) cat(paste("The objective function value was ",simp.out$value, ".\n",sep="")) } else cat("\nNo feasible solution could be found\n") invisible(x) } saddle <- function(A = NULL, u = NULL, wdist = "m", type = "simp", d = NULL, d1 = 1, init = rep(0.1, d), mu = rep(0.5, n), LR = FALSE, strata = NULL, K.adj = NULL, K2 = NULL) # # Saddle point function. Standard multinomial saddlepoints are # computed using nlmin whereas the more complicated conditional # saddlepoints for Poisson and Binary cases are done by fitting # a GLM to a set of responses which, in turn, are derived from a # linear programming problem. # { det <- function(mat) { # absolute value of the determinant of a matrix. if (any(is.na(mat))) NA else if (!all(is.finite(mat))) Inf else abs(prod(eigen(mat,only.values = TRUE)$values)) } sgn <- function(x, eps = 1e-10) # sign of a real number. if (abs(x) < eps) 0 else 2*(x > 0) - 1 if (!is.null(A)) { A <- as.matrix(A) d <- ncol(A) if (length(u) != d) stop(gettextf("number of columns of 'A' (%d) not equal to length of 'u' (%d)", d, length(u)), domain = NA) n <- nrow(A) } else if (is.null(K.adj)) stop("either 'A' and 'u' or 'K.adj' and 'K2' must be supplied") if (!is.null(K.adj)) { # If K.adj and K2 are supplied then calculate the simple saddlepoint. if (is.null(d)) d <- 1 type <- "simp" wdist <- "o" speq <- suppressWarnings(optim(init, K.adj)) if (speq$convergence == 0) { ahat <- speq$par Khat <- K.adj(ahat) K2hat <- det(K2(ahat)) gs <- 1/sqrt((2*pi)^d*K2hat)*exp(Khat) if (d == 1) { r <- sgn(ahat)*sqrt(-2*Khat) v <- ahat*sqrt(K2hat) if (LR) Gs <- pnorm(r)+dnorm(r)*(1/r + 1/v) else Gs <- pnorm(r+log(v/r)/r) } else Gs <- NA } else gs <- Gs <- ahat <- NA } else if (wdist == "m") { # Calculate the standard simple saddlepoint for the multinomial case. type <- "simp" if (is.null(strata)) { p <- mu/sum(mu) para <- list(p,A,u,n) K <- function(al) { w <- para[[1L]]*exp(al%*%t(para[[2L]])) para[[4L]]*log(sum(w))-sum(al*para[[3L]]) } speq <- suppressWarnings(optim(init, K)) ahat <- speq$par w <- as.vector(p*exp(ahat%*%t(A))) Khat <- n*log(sum(w))-sum(ahat*u) sw <- sum(w) if (d == 1) K2hat <- n*(sum(w*A*A)/sw-(sum(w*A)/sw)^2) else { saw <- w %*% A sa2w <- t(matrix(w,n,d)*A) %*% A K2hat <- det(n/sw*(sa2w-(saw%*%t(saw))/sw)) } } else { sm <- as.vector(tapply(mu,strata,sum)[strata]) p <- mu/sm ns <- table(strata) para <- list(p,A,u,strata,ns) K <- function(al) { w <- para[[1L]]*exp(al%*%t(para[[2L]])) ## avoid matrix methods sum(para[[5]]*log(tapply(c(w), para[[4L]], sum))) - sum(al*para[[3L]]) } speq <- suppressWarnings(optim(init, K)) ahat <- speq$par w <- p*exp(ahat%*%t(A)) Khat <- sum(ns*log(tapply(w,strata,sum))) - sum(ahat*u) temp <- matrix(0,d,d) for (s in seq_along(ns)) { gp <- seq_len(n)[strata == s] sw <- sum(w[gp]) saw <- w[gp]%*%A[gp,] sa2w <- t(matrix(w[gp],ns[s],d)*A[gp,])%*%A[gp,] temp <- temp+ns[s]/sw*(sa2w-(saw%*%t(saw))/sw) } K2hat <- det(temp) } if (speq$convergence == 0) { gs <- 1/sqrt(2*pi*K2hat)^d*exp(Khat) if (d == 1) { r <- sgn(ahat)*sqrt(-2*Khat) v <- ahat*sqrt(K2hat) if (LR) Gs <- pnorm(r)+dnorm(r)*(1/r - 1/v) else Gs <- pnorm(r+log(v/r)/r) } else Gs <- NA } else gs <- Gs <- ahat <- NA } else if (wdist == "p") { if (type == "cond") { # Conditional Poisson and Binary saddlepoints are caculated by first # solving a linear programming problem and then fitting a generalized # linear model to find the solution to the saddlepoint equations. smp <- simplex(rep(0, n), A3 = t(A), b3 = u) if (smp$solved == 1) { y <- smp$soln A1 <- A[,1L:d1] A2 <- A[,-(1L:d1)] mod1 <- summary(glm(y ~ A1 + A2 + offset(log(mu)) - 1, poisson, control = glm.control(maxit=100))) mod2 <- summary(glm(y ~ A2 + offset(log(mu)) - 1, poisson, control = glm.control(maxit=100))) ahat <- mod1$coefficients[,1L] ahat2 <- mod2$coefficients[,1L] temp1 <- mod2$deviance - mod1$deviance temp2 <- det(mod2$cov.unscaled)/det(mod1$cov.unscaled) gs <- 1/sqrt((2*pi)^d1*temp2)*exp(-temp1/2) if (d1 == 1) { r <- sgn(ahat[1L])*sqrt(temp1) v <- ahat[1L]*sqrt(temp2) if (LR) Gs<-pnorm(r)+dnorm(r)*(1/r-1/v) else Gs <- pnorm(r+log(v/r)/r) } else Gs <- NA } else { ahat <- ahat2 <- NA gs <- Gs <- NA } } else stop("this type not implemented for Poisson") } else if (wdist == "b") { if (type == "cond") { smp <- simplex(rep(0, n), A1 = iden(n), b1 = rep(1-2e-6, n), A3 = t(A), b3 = u - 1e-6*apply(A, 2L, sum)) # For the binary case we require that the values are in the interval (0,1) # since glm code seems to have problems when there are too many 0's or 1's. if (smp$solved == 1) { y <- smp$soln+1e-6 A1 <- A[, 1L:d1] A2 <- A[, -(1L:d1)] mod1 <- summary(glm(cbind(y, 1-y) ~ A1+A2+offset(qlogis(mu))-1, binomial, control = glm.control(maxit=100))) mod2 <- summary(glm(cbind(y, 1-y) ~ A2+offset(qlogis(mu))-1, binomial, control = glm.control(maxit=100))) ahat <- mod1$coefficients[,1L] ahat2 <- mod2$coefficients[,1L] temp1 <- mod2$deviance-mod1$deviance temp2 <- det(mod2$cov.unscaled)/det(mod1$cov.unscaled) gs <- 1/sqrt((2*pi)^d1*temp2)*exp(-temp1/2) if (d1 == 1) { r <- sgn(ahat[1L])*sqrt(temp1) v <- ahat[1L]*sqrt(temp2) if (LR) Gs<-pnorm(r)+dnorm(r)*(1/r-1/v) else Gs <- pnorm(r+log(v/r)/r) } else Gs <- NA } else { ahat <- ahat2 <- NA gs <- Gs <- NA } } else stop("this type not implemented for Binary") } if (type == "simp") out <- list(spa = c(gs, Gs), zeta.hat = ahat) else #if (type == "cond") out <- list(spa = c(gs, Gs), zeta.hat = ahat, zeta2.hat = ahat2) names(out$spa) <- c("pdf", "cdf") out } saddle.distn <- function(A, u = NULL, alpha = NULL, wdist = "m", type = "simp", npts = 20, t = NULL, t0 = NULL, init = rep(0.1, d), mu = rep(0.5, n), LR = FALSE, strata = NULL, ...) # # This function calculates the entire saddlepoint distribution by # finding the saddlepoint approximations at npts values and then # fitting a spline to the results (on the normal quantile scale). # A may be a matrix or a function of t. If A is a matrix with 1 column # u is not used (u = t), if A is a matrix with more than 1 column u must # be a vector with ncol(A)-1 elements, if A is a function of t then u # must also be a function returning a vector of ncol(A(t, ...)) elements. { call <- match.call() if (is.null(alpha)) alpha <- c(0.001,0.005,0.01,0.025,0.05,0.1,0.2,0.5, 0.8,0.9,0.95,0.975,0.99,0.995,0.999) if (is.null(t) && is.null(t0)) stop("one of 't' or 't0' required") ep1 <- min(c(alpha,0.01))/10 ep2 <- (1-max(c(alpha,0.99)))/10 d <- if (type == "simp") 1 else if (is.function(u)) { if (is.null(t)) length(u(t0[1L], ...)) else length(u(t[1L], ...)) } else 1L+length(u) i <- nsads <- 0 if (!is.null(t)) npts <- length(t) zeta <- matrix(NA,npts,2L*d-1L) spa <- matrix(NA,npts,2L) pts <- NULL if (is.function(A)) { n <- nrow(as.matrix(A(t0[1L], ...))) if (is.null(u)) stop("function 'u' missing") if (!is.function(u)) stop("'u' must be a function") if (is.null(t)) { t1 <- t0[1L]-2*t0[2L] sad <- saddle(A = A(t1, ...), u = u(t1, ...), wdist = wdist, type = type, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) bdu <- bdl <- NULL while (is.na(sad$spa[2L]) || (sad$spa[2L] > ep1) || (sad$spa[2L] < ep1/100)) { nsads <- nsads+1 # Find a lower bound on the effective range of the saddlepoint distribution if (!is.na(sad$spa[2L]) && (sad$spa[2L] > ep1)) { i <- i+1 zeta[i,] <- c(sad$zeta.hat, sad$zeta2.hat) spa[i,] <- sad$spa pts <- c(pts,t1) bdu <- t1 } else bdl <- t1 if (nsads == npts) stop("unable to find range") if (is.null(bdl)) { t1 <- 2*t1-t0[1L] sad <- saddle(A = A(t1, ...), u = u(t1, ...), wdist = wdist, type = type, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } else if (is.null(bdu)) { t1 <- (t0[1L]+bdl)/2 sad <- saddle(A = A(t1, ...), u = u(t1, ...), wdist = wdist, type = type, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } else { t1 <- (bdu+bdl)/2 sad <- saddle(A = A(t1, ...), u = u(t1, ...), wdist = wdist, type = type, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } } i1 <- i <- i+1 nsads <- 0 zeta[i,] <- c(sad$zeta.hat, sad$zeta2.hat) spa[i,] <- sad$spa pts <- c(pts,t1) t2 <- t0[1L]+2*t0[2L] sad <- saddle(A = A(t2, ...), u = u(t2, ...), wdist = wdist, type = type, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) bdu <- bdl <- NULL while (is.na(sad$spa[2L]) || (1-sad$spa[2L] > ep2) || (1-sad$spa[2L] < ep2/100)){ # Find an upper bound on the effective range of the saddlepoint distribution nsads <- nsads+1 if (!is.na(sad$spa[2L])&&(1-sad$spa[2L] > ep2)) { i <- i+1 zeta[i,] <- c(sad$zeta.hat, sad$zeta2.hat) spa[i,] <- sad$spa pts <- c(pts,t2) bdl <- t2 } else bdu <- t2 if (nsads == npts) stop("unable to find range") if (is.null(bdu)) { t2 <- 2*t2-t0[1L] sad <- saddle(A = A(t2, ...), u = u(t2, ...), wdist = wdist, type = type, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } else if (is.null(bdl)) { t2 <- (t0[1L]+bdu)/2 sad <- saddle(A = A(t2, ...), u = u(t2, ...), wdist = wdist, type = type, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } else { t2 <- (bdu+bdl)/2 sad <- saddle(A = A(t2, ...), u = u(t2, ...), wdist = wdist, type = type, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } } i <- i+1 zeta[i,] <- c(sad$zeta.hat, sad$zeta2.hat) spa[i,] <- sad$spa pts <- c(pts,t2) # Now divide the rest of the npts points so that about half are at # either side of t0[1L]. if ((npts %% 2) == 0) { tt1<- seq.int(t1, t0[1L], length.out = npts/2-i1+2)[-1L] tt2 <- seq.int(t0[1L], t2, length.out = npts/2+i1-i+2)[-1L] t <- c(tt1[-length(tt1)], tt2[-length(tt2)]) } else { ex <- 1*(t1+t2 > 2*t0[1L]) ll <- floor(npts/2)+2 tt1 <- seq.int(t1, t0[1L], length.out = ll-i1+1-ex)[-1L] tt2 <- seq.int(t0[1L], t2, length.out = ll+i1-i+ex)[-1L] t <- c(tt1[-length(tt1)], tt2[-length(tt2)]) } } init1 <- init for (j in (i+1):npts) { # Calculate the saddlepoint approximations at the extra points. sad <- saddle(A = A(t[j-i], ...), u = u(t[j-i], ...), wdist = wdist, type = type, d1 = 1, init = init1, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) zeta[j,] <- c(sad$zeta.hat, sad$zeta2.hat) init1 <- sad$zeta.hat spa[j,] <- sad$spa } } else { A <- as.matrix(A) n <- nrow(A) if (is.null(t)) { # Find a lower bound on the effective range of the saddlepoint distribution t1 <- t0[1L]-2*t0[2L] sad <- saddle(A = A, u = c(t1,u), wdist = wdist, type = type, d = d, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) bdu <- bdl <- NULL while (is.na(sad$spa[2L]) || (sad$spa[2L] > ep1) || (sad$spa[2L] < ep1/100)) { if (!is.na(sad$spa[2L]) && (sad$spa[2L] > ep1)) { i <- i+1 zeta[i,] <- c(sad$zeta.hat, sad$zeta2.hat) spa[i,] <- sad$spa pts <- c(pts,t1) bdu <- t1 } else bdl <- t1 if (i == floor(npts/2)) stop("unable to find range") if (is.null(bdl)) { t1 <- 2*t1-t0[1L] sad <- saddle(A = A, u = c(t1,u), wdist = wdist, type = type, d = d, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } else if (is.null(bdu)) { t1 <- (t0[1L]+bdl)/2 sad <- saddle(A = A, u = c(t1,u), wdist = wdist, type = type, d = d, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } else { t1 <- (bdu+bdl)/2 sad <- saddle(A = A, u = c(t1,u), wdist = wdist, type = type, d = d, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } } i1 <- i <- i+1 zeta[i,] <- c(sad$zeta.hat, sad$zeta2.hat) spa[i,] <- sad$spa pts <- c(pts,t1) # Find an upper bound on the effective range of the saddlepoint distribution t2 <- t0[1L]+2*t0[2L] sad <- saddle(A = A, u = c(t2,u), wdist = wdist, type = type, d = d, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) bdu <- bdl <- NULL while (is.na(sad$spa[2L]) || (1-sad$spa[2L] > ep2) || (1-sad$spa[2L] < ep2/100)) { if (!is.na(sad$spa[2L])&&(1-sad$spa[2L] > ep2)) { i <- i+1 zeta[i,] <- c(sad$zeta.hat, sad$zeta2.hat) spa[i,] <- sad$spa pts <- c(pts, t2) bdl <- t2 } else bdu <- t2 if ((i-i1) == floor(npts/2)) stop("unable to find range") if (is.null(bdu)) { t2 <- 2*t2-t0[1L] sad <- saddle(A = A, u = c(t2, u), wdist = wdist, type = type, d = d, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } else if (is.null(bdl)) { t2 <- (t0[1L]+bdu)/2 sad <- saddle(A = A, u = c(t2, u), wdist = wdist, type = type, d = d, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } else { t2 <- (bdu+bdl)/2 sad <- saddle(A = A, u = c(t2, u), wdist = wdist, type = type, d = d, d1 = 1, init = init, mu = mu, LR = LR, strata = strata) } } i <- i+1 zeta[i,] <- c(sad$zeta.hat, sad$zeta2.hat) spa[i,] <- sad$spa pts <- c(pts, t2) # Now divide the rest of the npts points so that about half are at # either side of t0[1L]. if ((npts %% 2) == 0) { tt1 <- seq.int(t1, t0[1L], length.out=npts/2-i1+2)[-1L] tt2 <- seq.int(t0[1L], t2, length.out=npts/2+i1-i+2)[-1L] t <- c(tt1[-length(tt1)], tt2[-length(tt2)]) } else { ex <- 1*(t1+t2 > 2*t0[1L]) ll <- floor(npts/2)+2 tt1 <- seq.int(t1, t0[1L], length.out=ll-i1+1-ex)[-1L] tt2 <- seq.int(t0[1L], t2, length.out=ll+i1-i+ex)[-1L] t <- c(tt1[-length(tt1)], tt2[-length(tt2)]) } } init1 <- init for (j in (i+1):npts) { # Calculate the saddlepoint approximations at the extra points. sad <- saddle(A=A, u=c(t[j-i],u), wdist=wdist, type=type, d=d, d1=1, init=init, mu=mu, LR=LR, strata=strata) zeta[j,] <- c(sad$zeta.hat, sad$zeta2.hat) init1 <- sad$zeta.hat spa[j,] <- sad$spa } } # Omit points too close to the center as the distribution approximation is # not good at those points. pts.in <- (1L:npts)[(abs(zeta[,1L]) > 1e-6) & (abs(spa[, 2L] - 0.5) < 0.5 - 1e-10)] pts <- c(pts,t)[pts.in] zeta <- as.matrix(zeta[pts.in, ]) spa <- spa[pts.in, ] # Fit a spline to the approximations and predict at the required quantile # values. distn <- smooth.spline(qnorm(spa[,2]), pts) quantiles <- predict(distn, qnorm(alpha))$y quans <- cbind(alpha, quantiles) colnames(quans) <- c("alpha", "quantile") inds <- order(pts) psa <- cbind(pts[inds], spa[inds,], zeta[inds,]) if (d == 1) anames <- "zeta" else { anames <- rep("",2*d-1) for (j in 1L:d) anames[j] <- paste("zeta1.", j ,sep = "") for (j in (d+1):(2*d-1)) anames[j] <- paste("zeta2.", j-d, sep = "") } dimnames(psa) <- list(NULL,c("t", "gs", "Gs", anames)) out <- list(quantiles = quans, points = psa, distn = distn, call = call, LR = LR) class(out) <- "saddle.distn" out } print.saddle.distn <- function(x, ...) { # # Print the output from saddle.distn # sad.d <- x cl <- sad.d$call rg <- range(sad.d$points[,1L]) mid <- mean(rg) digs <- ceiling(log10(abs(mid))) if (digs <= 0) digs <- 4 else if (digs >= 4) digs <- 0 else digs <- 4-digs rg <- round(rg,digs) level <- 100*sad.d$quantiles[,1L] quans <- format(round(sad.d$quantiles,digs)) quans[,1L] <- paste("\n",format(level),"% ",sep="") cat("\nSaddlepoint Distribution Approximations\n\n") cat("Call : \n") dput(cl, control=NULL) cat("\nQuantiles of the Distribution\n") cat(t(quans)) cat(paste("\n\nSmoothing spline used ", nrow(sad.d$points), " points in the range ", rg[1L]," to ", rg[2L], ".\n", sep="")) if (sad.d$LR) cat("Lugananni-Rice approximations used\n") invisible(sad.d) } lines.saddle.distn <- function(x, dens = TRUE, h = function(u) u, J = function(u) 1, npts = 50, lty = 1, ...) { # # Add lines corresponding to a saddlepoint approximation to a plot # sad.d <- x tt <- sad.d$points[,1L] rg <- range(h(tt, ...)) tt1 <- seq.int(from = rg[1L], to = rg[2L], length.out = npts) if (dens) { gs <- sad.d$points[,2] spl <- smooth.spline(h(tt, ...),log(gs*J(tt, ...))) lines(tt1,exp(predict(spl, tt1)$y), lty = lty) } else { Gs <- sad.d$points[,3] spl <- smooth.spline(h(tt, ...),qnorm(Gs)) lines(tt1,pnorm(predict(spl ,tt1)$y)) } invisible(sad.d) } ts.array <- function(n, n.sim, R, l, sim, endcorr) { # # This function finds the starting positions and lengths for the # block bootstrap. # # n is the number of data points in the original time series # n.sim is the number require in the simulated time series # R is the number of simulated series required # l is the block length # sim is the simulation type "fixed" or "geom". For "fixed" l is taken # to be the fixed block length, for "geom" l is the average block # length, the actual lengths having a geometric distribution. # endcorr is a logical specifying whether end-correction is required. # # It returns a list of two components # starts is a matrix of starts, it has R rows # lens is a vector of lengths if sim="fixed" or a matrix of lengths # corresponding to the starting points in starts if sim="geom" endpt <- if (endcorr) n else n-l+1 cont <- TRUE if (sim == "geom") { len.tot <- rep(0,R) lens <- NULL while (cont) { # inds <- (1L:R)[len.tot < n.sim] temp <- 1+rgeom(R, 1/l) temp <- pmin(temp, n.sim - len.tot) lens <- cbind(lens, temp) len.tot <- len.tot + temp cont <- any(len.tot < n.sim) } dimnames(lens) <- NULL nn <- ncol(lens) st <- matrix(sample.int(endpt, nn*R, replace = TRUE), R) } else { nn <- ceiling(n.sim/l) lens <- c(rep(l,nn-1), 1+(n.sim-1)%%l) st <- matrix(sample.int(endpt, nn*R, replace = TRUE), R) } list(starts = st, lengths = lens) } make.ends <- function(a, n) { # Function which takes a matrix of starts and lengths and returns the # indices for a time series simulation. (Viewing the series as circular.) mod <- function(i, n) 1 + (i - 1) %% n if (a[2L] == 0) numeric() else mod(seq.int(a[1L], a[1L] + a[2L] - 1, length.out = a[2L]), n) } tsboot <- function(tseries, statistic, R, l = NULL, sim = "model", endcorr = TRUE, n.sim = NROW(tseries), orig.t = TRUE, ran.gen = function(tser, n.sim, args) tser, ran.args = NULL, norm = TRUE, ..., parallel = c("no", "multicore", "snow"), ncpus = getOption("boot.ncpus", 1L), cl = NULL) { # # Bootstrap function for time series data. Possible resampling methods are # the block bootstrap, the stationary bootstrap (these two can also be # post-blackened), model-based resampling and phase scrambling. # if (missing(parallel)) parallel <- getOption("boot.parallel", "no") parallel <- match.arg(parallel) have_mc <- have_snow <- FALSE if (parallel != "no" && ncpus > 1L) { if (parallel == "multicore") have_mc <- .Platform$OS.type != "windows" else if (parallel == "snow") have_snow <- TRUE if (!have_mc && !have_snow) ncpus <- 1L loadNamespace("parallel") # get this out of the way before recording seed } ## This does not necessarily call statistic, so we force a promise. statistic tscl <- class(tseries) R <- floor(R) if (R <= 0) stop("'R' must be positive") call <- match.call() if (!exists(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE)) runif(1) seed <- get(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv, inherits = FALSE) t0 <- if (orig.t) statistic(tseries, ...) else NULL ts.orig <- if (!isMatrix(tseries)) as.matrix(tseries) else tseries n <- nrow(ts.orig) if (missing(n.sim)) n.sim <- n class(ts.orig) <- tscl if ((sim == "model") || (sim == "scramble")) l <- NULL else if ((is.null(l) || (l <= 0) || (l > n))) stop("invalid value of 'l'") fn <- if (sim == "scramble") { rm(ts.orig) ## Phase scrambling function(r) statistic(scramble(tseries, norm), ...) } else if (sim == "model") { rm(ts.orig) ## Model-based resampling ## force promises ran.gen; ran.args function(r) statistic(ran.gen(tseries, n.sim, ran.args), ...) } else if (sim %in% c("fixed", "geom")) { ## Otherwise generate an R x n matrix of starts and lengths for blocks. ## The actual indices of the blocks can then easily be found and these ## indices used for the resampling. If ran.gen is present then ## post-blackening is required when the blocks have been formed. if (sim == "geom") endcorr <- TRUE i.a <- ts.array(n, n.sim, R, l, sim, endcorr) ## force promises ran.gen; ran.args function(r) { ends <- if (sim == "geom") cbind(i.a$starts[r, ], i.a$lengths[r, ]) else cbind(i.a$starts[r, ], i.a$lengths) inds <- apply(ends, 1L, make.ends, n) inds <- if (is.list(inds)) matrix(unlist(inds)[1L:n.sim], n.sim, 1L) else matrix(inds, n.sim, 1L) statistic(ran.gen(ts.orig[inds, ], n.sim, ran.args), ...) } } else stop("unrecognized value of 'sim'") res <- if (ncpus > 1L && (have_mc || have_snow)) { if (have_mc) { parallel::mclapply(seq_len(R), fn, mc.cores = ncpus) } else if (have_snow) { list(...) # evaluate any promises if (is.null(cl)) { cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(rep("localhost", ncpus)) if(RNGkind()[1L] == "L'Ecuyer-CMRG") parallel::clusterSetRNGStream(cl) res <- parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(R), fn) parallel::stopCluster(cl) res } else parallel::parLapply(cl, seq_len(R), fn) } } else lapply(seq_len(R), fn) t <- matrix(, R, length(res[[1L]])) for(r in seq_len(R)) t[r, ] <- res[[r]] ts.return(t0 = t0, t = t, R = R, tseries = tseries, seed = seed, stat = statistic, sim = sim, endcorr = endcorr, n.sim = n.sim, l = l, ran.gen = ran.gen, ran.args = ran.args, call = call, norm = norm) } scramble <- function(ts, norm = TRUE) # # Phase scramble a time series. If norm = TRUE then normal margins are # used otherwise exact empirical margins are used. # { if (isMatrix(ts)) stop("multivariate time series not allowed") st <- start(ts) dt <- deltat(ts) frq <- frequency(ts) y <- as.vector(ts) e <- y - mean(y) n <- length(e) if (!norm) e <- qnorm( rank(e)/(n+1) ) f <- fft(e) * complex(n, argument = runif(n) * 2 * pi) C.f <- Conj(c(0, f[seq(from = n, to = 2L, by = -1L)])) # or n:2 e <- Re(mean(y) + fft((f + C.f)/sqrt(2), inverse = TRUE)/n) if (!norm) e <- sort(y)[rank(e)] ts(e, start = st, freq = frq, deltat = dt) } ts.return <- function(t0, t, R, tseries, seed, stat, sim, endcorr, n.sim, l, ran.gen, ran.args, call, norm) { # # Return the results of a time series bootstrap as an object of # class "boot". # out <- list(t0 = t0,t = t, R = R, data = tseries, seed = seed, statistic = stat, sim = sim, n.sim = n.sim, call = call) if (sim == "scramble") out <- c(out, list(norm = norm)) else if (sim == "model") out <- c(out, list(ran.gen = ran.gen, ran.args = ran.args)) else { out <- c(out, list(l = l, endcorr = endcorr)) if (!is.null(call$ran.gen)) out <- c(out,list(ran.gen = ran.gen, ran.args = ran.args)) } class(out) <- "boot" attr(out, "boot_type") <- "tsboot" out } ## unexported helper find_type <- function(boot.out) { if(is.null(type <- attr(boot.out, "boot_type"))) type <- sub("^boot::", "", deparse(boot.out$call[[1L]])) type }