version 1.3-28.1 2022-11-21 Update URL in man/EEF.profile.Rd at KH's request. version 1.3-28 2021-04-17 Update fr translations. version 1.3-27 2021-02-12 Bugfix in censboot, regression test tests/parallel-censboot.R Update fr translations. version 1.3-26 2021-01-21 Update URLs version 1.3-25 2020-04-26 Add Italian translations. version 1.3-24 2019-12-20 Use IGNORE_RDIFF in man/ version 1.3-23 2019-07-01 man/catsM.Rd: correct \usage, clarify 'Sex' is all male. version 1.3-22 2019-04-01 Update de translations. version 1.3-21 2019-03-01 Update for R 3.6.0 change of RNG. version 1.3-20 2017-07-30 Allow for calls like boot::boot(), and record the type (boot/censboot/tsboot/tilt.boot) on the object itself. ?print.boot now makes explicit that this assumes one of those four functions was used to generate the object. version 1.3-19 2017-02-11 Update output for R 3.4.0. version 1.3-18 2016-02-22 Prepare for release with R 3.3.0 version 1.3-17 2015-06-29 Tweak imports. version 1.3-16 2015-02-24 Prepare for release with R 3.2.0 version 1.3-15 2015-02-10 Update ko translations. version 1.3-14 2015-01-10 Update URL in ?EEF.profile. remove some unused assignments. (1.3-13 was not released.) version 1.3-12 2014-09-13 Reduce print precision for and boot examples (noLD testing) version 1.3-11 2014-03-28 Update translations version 1.3-10 2014-03-07 Record .Random.seed once parallel namespace is loaded, where needed. Move bd.q to inst Use .Rbuildignore to ignore 'extra-tests' Remove 'Author' field from DESCRIPTION. version 1.3-9 2013-03-20 Add ko translations version 1.3-8 2013-02-09 Update reference output for R 3.0.0 version 1.3-7 2012-10-12 Force byte-compilation for compatibility with versions in R releases version 1.3-6 2012-10-08 Work on messages. Update translations. version 1.3-5 2012-06-27 inst/CITATION: protect against TRE bug in UTF-8 locales. Add Polish translations. version 1.3-4 2012-01-16 DESCRIPTION: needs Suggests: MASS for data(package=) version 1.3-3 2011-10-06 Use package 'parallel' rather than multicore/snow. Update tests/Examples/ for byte-compiled R >= 2.14.0. Try to force promises in the ... argument with parallel = "snow" version 1.3-2 2011-06-06 Add 'parallel' argument for tsboot(). Allow a 'snow' cluster to be passed in for parallel operations in boot(), censboot() and tsboot(). Use a wrapper rather than ... to avoid problems with argument names in parLapply etc. Force promises in several places to allow parallel operation with 'snow' (which was passing unevaluated promises to worker processes). version 1.3-1 2011-05-23 (formerly 1.22-44) Much faster verstion of nested.corr. c() method for class "boot". 'parallel' argument for boot() and censboot() using 'multicore' or 'snow'. Code cleanup. version 1.2-43 2010-09-25 Update CITATION version 1.2-42 2010-03-28 Various clean ups, including using for safety Update for 2.11.0. version 1.2-41 2009-10-15 Update German and Russian translations. version 1.2-40 2009-10-07 Add error message in for misuse when all the samples are the same. Add German translation. Update for help rendering changes version 1.2-39 2009-09-04 Update for survival change. version 1.2-38 2009-07-28 Add file, remove timing call in censboot.Rd version 1.2-37 2009-06-16 example(censboot) returned the value of a for() loop: need to change for R 2.10.x. version 1.2-36 2009-03-12 guard aginst (some uses of) sample() on length-1 input version 1.2-35 2009-01-01 make use of integer constants spelling corrections, formats for references, 'the the', Rd markup version 1.2-34 2008-09-05 antithetic.arrray, ordinary.array: return integer matrix. ordinary.array: use as little memory as possible. boot: add 'simple' argument. const: use mean(x, na.rm=TRUE) version 1.2-33 2008-05-05 glm.diag: 'gaussian' not 'Gaussian' for family name. cv.glm.Rd: typo version 1.2-32 2008-03-30 Add inst/CITATION file version 1.2-31 2008-02-18 print.simplex now returns its result invisibly. version 1.2-30 2007-10-03 po/R-ru.po: new file *.Rd: remove old \non_function{} markup. version 1.2-29 2007-08-29 R/*.q add licence/copyright statements melanona.Rd: correct the coding of 'sex' beaver.Rd, bootfuns.q cv.glm.Rd, EEF.profile.Rd: spelling corrections glm.diag.Rd: add \link markup. version 1.2-28 2007-06-12 INDEX, man: change 'library' to 'package' and remove some references to S-PLUS. bootfuns.q: avoid abbreviating arguments, switch to, add drop=TRUE. DESCRIPTION: R >= 2.4.0 because of version 1.2-27 2006-11-29 bootfuns.q : use control=NULL for deparsed calls. version 1.2-26 2006-09-05 smooth.f.Rd, tilt.boot.Rd: omit empty argument version 1.2-25 2006-07-25 censboot.Rd: unique() in was not working correctly due to rounding error on some P4 Linux machines. version 1.2-24 2005-12-09 catsM.Rd: correct units for hearts to that given (correctly) in MASS. Add French and en@quot translation. version 1.2-23 2005-07-26 Add error message for a = NA in In cv.glm, eval updated formula in the parent. version 1.2-22 2005-02-01 Improve error messages for possible translation. version 1.2-21 2005-01-21 remove <<see below>> in ?boot.array version 1.2-20 2004-11-03 remove require(ts) call in tsboot version 1.2-19 2004-08-12 version 1.2-18 2004-08-03 versions for R 2.0.0. version 1.2-17 2004-04-20 remake datasets: looks like wool, coal and manaus were corrupt. version 1.2-16 2003-12-08 updates for R 1.9.0's namespaces version 1.2-15 2003-10-22 consistency in documentation of default args. tapply(foo)[bar] is now still an array in R. version 1.2-14 2003-08-10 remove unused vars add local definition for is.missing use \dQuote markup in help files. ensure .Random.seed is saved/retrieved in the workspace. remove/comment redundant assignments. version 1.2-13 2003-03-09 update NAMESPACE file censboot.Rd: call generic, not predict.smooth.spline version 1.2-12 2003-03-01 Use namespace, remove help for internal functions. glm.diag.plots had one set of axis labels reversed. version 1.2-11 2003-01-29 Replace inv.logit with overflow-proof plogis. Remove birthwt (from MASS) and help page for lynx. version 1.2-10 2002-11-30 Use optim(method="BFGS") for 1D optimization version 1.2-9 2002-11-05 Remove datasets taken from MASS package. version 1.2-8 2002-04-11 Remove arima.sim. Converted data sets to version 2 .rda, compressed larger ones. More care over .Random.seed. version 1.2-7 2002-01-29 Added some help pages from Angelo Canty. Bug fix to simplex() from Duncan Murdoch. version 1.2-6 2001-11-27 Start documenting rest of the objects and arguments. version 1.2-5 2001-08-16 version 1.2-4 2001-08-08 Use TRUE and FALSE on help pages, add ... to arg lists. version 1.2-3 2001-06-16 Change to survival from survival5. version 1.2-2 2001/03/31 Add priority: recommended. Remove test directory, as R CMD check works (but takes a long time). version 1.2-1 2001/03/03 Mods from Angelo Canty for version 1.2 of the library section. Dataset beaver was corrupted and it has been repaired. Change T, F to TRUE, FALSE in R code. version 1.1-7 2000/12/28 Changes for R 1.2.0, this is really boot version 1.1 now, version 1.0-6 2000/11/27 Re-port all the help files with Sd2Rd 1.15. R-specific change in glm.diag. version 1.0-5 2000/02/06 Change tsboot for R, make tsboot examples work. Revise censboot examples to avoid conflicts with survival5 datasets. Help files for datasets now use keyword `datasets' not `sysdata' Replace nlm by optim, as works much better. One example still fails, but it diverges on S and the authors did not notice. version 1.0-4 1999/11/21 version 1.0-3 Adjustments for later versions of R (removing functions added here). version 1.0-2 1999/02/24 Removed sample, model.response from zzz.R Changed attributes(out$spa)$name<- to names(out$spa)<- in saddle. Altered test/test-examples to make use of the examples now in R-ex. Note that saddle.distn and functions that depend on it (control) may fail due to lack of robustness of nlm. version 1.0-1 1998/07/24 boot/R: Many funs store the .Random.seed but that need not exist, so call runif(1) first. Add missing function union in zzz.R Added version of sample that uses prob= in zzz.R Replace is.matrix by isMatrix <- function(x) length(dim(x)) == 2 as R does not think a data frame is a matrix. Replace reading of a number in glm.diag.plots by readline. Replace nlmin by nlm, with appropriate changes to returned components. (This is not wholly successful, as nlm seems less tolerant.) Comment out assigns to frame=1. split.screen etc are not in R yet: use par(mfrow) in plot.glm.diag and layout in plot.boot. add drop=F in cv.glm, cens.weird. change is.inf to is.infinite. change maxit= in glm calls in saddle to calls to control= boot/data: add a dummy rts: rts <- function(units, name, ...) ts(...) to top of bootdata.q edit n= to nmax= in scan (carefully: also occurs in lists in scan commands). add for(obj in ls()) save(obj, file = paste(obj, ".rda", sep=""), ascii=T) to end of bootdata.q R -v 20 --no-save < bootdata.q cd4.nested is made by bd.q in the top directory. boot/man: convert files by Sd2Rd. Add data() lines. boot/test: script to test the examples in the help files. Not all will run, as far as I know due to things missing in R or nlm not coping as well as nlmin.