subroutine symrl(s, center, hwidth, minord, maxord, intvls, * intcls, numsms, weghts, fulsms, fail) c multidimensional fully symmetric rule integration subroutine c c this subroutine computes a sequence of fully symmetric rule c approximations to a fully symmetric multiple integral. c written by a. genz, mathematical institute, university of kent, c canterbury, kent ct2 7nf, england c c************** parameters for symrl ******************************** c*****input parameters c s integer number of variables, must exceed 0 but not exceed 20 c f externally declared user defined real function integrand. c it must have parameters (s,x), where x is a real array c with dimension s. c minord integer minimum order parameter. on entry minord specifies c the current highest order approximation to the integral, c available in the array intvls. for the first call of symrl c minord should be set to 0. otherwise a previous call is c assumed that computed intvls(1), ... , intvls(minord). c on exit minord is set to maxord. c maxord integer maximum order parameter, must be greater than minord c and not exceed 20. the subroutine computes intvls(minord+1), c intvls(minord+2),..., intvls(maxord). c g real array of dimension(maxord) of generators. c all generators must be distinct and nonnegative. c numsms integer length of array fulsms, must be at least the sum of c the number of distinct partitions of length at most s c of the integers 0,1,...,maxord-1. an upper bound for numsms c when s+maxord is less than 19 is 200 c******output parameters c intvls real array of dimension(maxord). upon successful exit c intvls(1), intvls(2),..., intvls(maxord) are approximations c to the integral. intvls(d+1) will be an approximation of c polynomial degree 2d+1. c intcls integer total number of f values needed for intvls(maxord) c weghts real working storage array with dimension (numsms). on exit c weghts(j) contains the weight for fulsms(j). c fulsms real working storage array with dimension (numsms). on exit c fulsms(j) contains the fully symmetric basic rule sum c indexed by the jth s-partition of the integers c 0,1,...,maxord-1. c fail integer failure output parameter c fail=0 for successful termination of the subroutine c fail=1 when numsms is too small for the subroutine to c continue. in this case weghts(1), weghts(2), ..., c weghts(numsms), fulsms(1), fulsms(2), ..., c fulsms(numsms) and intvls(1), intvls(2),..., c intvls(j) are returned, where j is maximum value of c maxord compatible with the given value of numsms. c fail=2 when parameters s,minord, maxord or g are out of c range c*********************************************************************** cmmm external f ctsl real f ctsl double precision f c*** for double precision change real to double precision c in the next statement integer d, i, fail, k(20), intcls, prtcnt, l, m(20), maxord, * minord, modofm, numsms, s, sumcls double precision intvls(maxord), center(s), hwidth(s), gisqrd, * glsqrd, * intmpa, intmpb, intval, one, fulsms(numsms), weghts(numsms), * two, momtol, momnkn, momprd(20,20), moment(20), zero, g(20) double precision flsm, wht c patterson generators data g(1), g(2) /0.0000000000000000,0.7745966692414833/ data g(3), g(4) /0.9604912687080202,0.4342437493468025/ data g(5), g(6) /0.9938319632127549,0.8884592328722569/ data g(7), g(8) /0.6211029467372263,0.2233866864289668/ data g(9), g(10), g(11), g(12) /0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4/ c c*** parameter checking and initialisation fail = 2 maxrdm = 20 maxs = 20 if ( .or. return if ( .or. return if ( return zero = 0 one = 1 two = 2 momtol = one 10 momtol = momtol/two if ( go to 10 hundrd = 100 momtol = hundrd*two*momtol d = minord if (d.eq.0) intcls = 0 c*** calculate moments and modified moments do 20 l=1,maxord floatl = l + l - 1 moment(l) = two/floatl 20 continue if ( then do 40 l=2,maxord intmpa = moment(l-1) glsqrd = g(l-1)**2 do 30 i=l,maxord intmpb = moment(i) moment(i) = moment(i) - glsqrd*intmpa intmpa = intmpb 30 continue if (moment(l)***moment(1))**2) moment(l) = zero 40 continue endif do 70 l=1,maxord if (g(l) return momnkn = one momprd(l,1) = moment(1) if (maxord.eq.1) go to 70 glsqrd = g(l)**2 do 60 i=2,maxord if (i.le.l) gisqrd = g(i-1)**2 if ( gisqrd = g(i)**2 if (glsqrd.eq.gisqrd) return momnkn = momnkn/(glsqrd-gisqrd) momprd(l,i) = momnkn*moment(i) 60 continue 70 continue fail = 1 c c*** begin LOOP c for each d find all distinct partitions m with mod(m))=d c 80 prtcnt = 0 intval = zero modofm = 0 call nxprt(prtcnt, s, m) 90 if ( return c c*** calculate weight for partition m and fully symmetric sums c*** when necessary c if (d.eq.modofm) weghts(prtcnt) = zero if (d.eq.modofm) fulsms(prtcnt) = zero fulwgt = wht(s,moment,m,k,modofm,d,maxrdm,momprd) sumcls = 0 if (weghts(prtcnt) .and. fulsms(prtcnt) = * flsm(s, center, hwidth, moment, m, k, maxord, g, sumcls) intcls = intcls + sumcls intval = intval + fulwgt*fulsms(prtcnt) weghts(prtcnt) = weghts(prtcnt) + fulwgt call nxprt(prtcnt, s, m) if (m(1).gt.modofm) modofm = modofm + 1 if (modofm.le.d) go to 90 c c*** end loop for each d if ( intval = intvls(d) + intval intvls(d+1) = intval d = d + 1 if ( go to 80 c c*** set failure parameter and return fail = 0 minord = maxord return end