[from Statlib's original http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/S/adapt ] This code contains an S function and supporting C and Fortran code for adaptive quadrature. The underlyling fortran code is purported to work in from 2 to 20 dimensions. The code is set up to dynamically load from a central library area. If you can not do dynamic loading, you may need to build a staticly loaded version. The adapt S function calls load.if.needed to do the dynamic loading. You will have to change the functions used here (probably to call library.dynam). To install the source, type make in this directory. Move the resulting sadapt.o into (say ~s/library/cmu ). Read the file adapt.SS into S. Two functions (adapt, and load.if.needed) will be created. Move these into ~/library/cmu/.Data. Finally move ./.Data/.Help/adapt into ~s/library/cmu/.Data/.Help/adapt. S code written by Michael Meyer (mikem@andrew.cmu.edu). October, 1989.