\name{xmlSearchNs} \alias{xmlSearchNs} \alias{coerce,XMLNamespaceRef,character-method} \title{Find a namespace definition object by searching ancestor nodes} \description{ This function allows one to search an XML tree from a particular node and find the namespace definition for a given namespace prefix or URL. This namespace definition can then be used to set it on a node to make it the effective namespace for that node. } \usage{ xmlSearchNs(node, ns, asPrefix = TRUE, doc = as(node, "XMLInternalDocument")) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{node}{an \code{XMLInternaElementNode}} \item{ns}{a character string (vector of length 1). If \code{asPrefix} is \code{TRUE}, this is the namespace alias/prefix. If \code{asPrefix} is \code{FALSE}, this is the URL of the namespace definition} \item{asPrefix}{a logical value. See \code{ns}.} \item{doc}{the XML document in which the node(s) are located} } \value{ An object of class XMLNamespaceRef. } \references{ libxml2 } \author{ Duncan Temple Lang } \seealso{ \code{\link{newXMLNode}} } \examples{ txt = '
' doc = xmlParse(txt) bottom = xmlRoot(doc)[[1]][[1]] xmlSearchNs(bottom, "r") } \keyword{programming} \keyword{data}