\name{xmlName} \alias{xmlName} \alias{xmlName<-} \alias{xmlName.XMLComment} \alias{xmlName.XMLNode} \alias{xmlName.XMLInternalNode} \title{ Extraces the tag name of an XMLNode object.} \description{ Each XMLNode object has an element or tag name introduced in the \code{} entry in an XML document. This function returns that name. We can also set that name using \code{xmlName(node) <- "name"} and the value can have an XML name space prefix, e.g. \code{"r:name"}. } \usage{ xmlName(node, full = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{node}{The XMLNode object whose tag name is being requested.} \item{full}{a logical value indicating whether to prepend the namespace prefix, if there is one, or return just the name of the XML element/node. \code{TRUE} means prepend the prefix.} } \value{ A character vector of length 1 which is the \code{node$name} entry. } \references{\url{https://www.w3.org/XML//}, \url{http://www.jclark.com/xml/}, \url{https://www.omegahat.net} } \author{ Duncan Temple Lang } \seealso{ \code{\link{xmlChildren}}, \code{\link{xmlAttrs}}, \code{\link{xmlTreeParse}} } \examples{ fileName <- system.file("exampleData", "test.xml", package="XML") doc <- xmlTreeParse(fileName) xmlName(xmlRoot(doc)[[1]]) tt = xmlRoot(doc)[[1]] xmlName(tt) xmlName(tt) <- "bob" # We can set the node on an internal object also. n = newXMLNode("x") xmlName(n) xmlName(n) <- "y" xmlName(n) <- "r:y" } \keyword{file}