\name{xmlElementSummary} \alias{xmlElementSummary} \title{Frequency table of names of elements and attributes in XML content} \description{ This function is used to get an understanding of the use of element and attribute names in an XML document. It uses a collection of handler functions to gather the information via a SAX-style parser. The distribution of attribute names is done within each "type" of element (i.e. element name) } \usage{ xmlElementSummary(url, handlers = xmlElementSummaryHandlers(url)) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{url}{the source of the XML content, e.g. a file, a URL, a compressed file, or a character string} \item{handlers}{the list of handler functions used to collect the information. These are passed to the function \code{\link{xmlEventParse}} as the value for the \code{handlers} parameter. } } \value{ A list with two elements \item{nodeCounts}{a named vector of counts where the names are the (XML namespace qualified) element names in the XML content} \item{attributes}{a list with as many elements as there are elements in the \code{nodeCounts} element of the result. Each element of this sub-list gives the frequency counts for the different attributes seen within the XML elements with that name.} } \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ \code{\link{xmlEventParse}} } \examples{ xmlElementSummary(system.file("exampleData", "eurofxref-hist.xml.gz", package = "XML")) } \keyword{IO} \concept{XML}