\name{xmlChildren} \alias{xmlChildren} \alias{xmlChildren<-} \alias{xmlChildren.XMLNode} \alias{xmlChildren.XMLInternalNode} \alias{xmlChildren.XMLInternalDocument} \alias{xmlChildren<-,XMLInternalNode-method} \alias{xmlChildren<-,ANY-method} \title{ Gets the sub-nodes within an XMLNode object. } \description{ These functions provide access to the children of the given XML node. The simple accessor returns a list of child XMLNode objects within an XMLNode object. The assignment operator (\code{xmlChildren<-}) sets the children of the node to the given value and returns the updated/modified node. No checking is currently done on the type and values of the right hand side. This allows the children of the node to be arbitrary R objects. This can be useful but means that one cannot rely on any structure in a node being present.. } \usage{ xmlChildren(x, addNames= TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class XMLNode.} \item{addNames}{a logical value indicating whether to add the XML names of the nodes as names of the R list. This is only relevant for XMLInternalNode objects as XMLNode objects in R already have R-level names. } \item{\dots}{additional arguments for the particular methods, e.g. \code{omitTypes} for an XMLInternalNode.} } \value{ A list whose elements are sub-nodes of the user-specified XMLNode. These are also of class XMLNode. } \references{\url{https://www.w3.org/XML/}} \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ \code{\link{xmlChildren}},\code{\link{xmlSize}}, \code{\link{xmlTreeParse}} } \examples{ fileName <- system.file("exampleData", "mtcars.xml", package="XML") doc <- xmlTreeParse(fileName) names(xmlChildren(doc$doc$children[["dataset"]])) } \keyword{file}