\name{removeXMLNamespaces} %\Rdversion{1.1} \alias{removeXMLNamespaces} \alias{removeXMLNamespaces,XMLInternalNode-method} \alias{removeXMLNamespaces,XMLInternalElementNode-method} \alias{removeXMLNamespaces,XMLInternalDocument-method} \title{Remove namespace definitions from a XML node or document} \description{ This function and its methods allow one to remove one or more XML namespace definitions on XML nodes within a document. } \usage{ removeXMLNamespaces(node, ..., all = FALSE, .els = unlist(list(...))) } \arguments{ \item{node}{an XMLInternalNode or XMLInternalDocument object} \item{\dots}{the names of the namespaces to remove or an XMLNamespaceRef object returned via \code{\link{getNodeSet}} or \code{\link{xpathApply}}.} \item{all}{a logical value indicating whether to remove all the namespace definitions on a node.} \item{.els}{a list which is sometimes a convenient way to specify the namespaces to remove.} } \value{ This function is used for its side-effects and changing the internal node.} \author{ Duncan Temple Lang } \seealso{ \code{\link{newXMLNamespace}} } %\examples{} \keyword{IO}