\name{readHTMLList} \alias{readHTMLList} \alias{readHTMLList,HTMLInternalDocument-method} \alias{readHTMLList,XMLInternalNode-method} \alias{readHTMLList,character-method} \title{Read data in an HTML list or all lists in a document} \description{ This function and its methods are somewhat similar to \code{\link{readHTMLTable}} but read the contents of lists in an HTML document. We can specify the URL of the document or an already parsed document or an individual node within the document. } \usage{ readHTMLList(doc, trim = TRUE, elFun = xmlValue, which = integer(), ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{doc}{the URL of the document or the parsed HTML document or an individual node.} \item{trim}{a logical value indicating whether we should remove leading and trailing white space in each list item when returning it} \item{elFun}{a function that is used to process each list item node (\code{li}). This provides an opportunity to customize how each node is processed, for example accessing attributes on the list item or on its contents such as links in the items.} \item{which}{an index or name which or vector of same which identifies which list nodes to process in the overall document. This is for subsetting particular lists rather than processing them all.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments passed to \code{\link{htmlParse}} and for the specific methods.} } \value{ A list of character vectors or lists, with one element for each list in the document. If only one list is being read (by specifying \code{which} as a single identifier), that is returned as is. } \author{ Duncan Temple Lang } \seealso{ \code{\link{readHTMLTable}} } \examples{\donttest{ try(readHTMLList("https://www.omegahat.net")) }} \keyword{IO} \keyword{programming}