\name{newXMLNamespace} \alias{newXMLNamespace} \title{Add a namespace definition to an XML node} \description{ This function, and associated methods, define a name space \code{prefix = URI} combination for the given XML node. It can also optionally make this name space the default namespace for the node. } \usage{ newXMLNamespace(node, namespace, prefix = names(namespace), set = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{node}{the XML node for which the name space is to be defined.} \item{namespace}{the namespace(s). This can be a simple character vector giving the URI, a named character vector giving the prefix = URI pairs, with the prefixes being the names of the character vector, or one or more (a list) of \code{XMLNamespace} objects, e.g. returned from a call to \code{\link{xmlNamespaceDefinitions}}} \item{prefix}{ the prefixes to be associated with the URIs given in \code{namespace}. } \item{set}{ a logical value indicating whether to set the namespace for this node to this newly created name space definition. } } \value{ An name space definition object whose class corresponds to the type of XML node given in \code{node}. } \note{ Currently, this only applies to XMLInternalNodes. This will be rectified shortly and apply to RXMLNode and its non-abstract classes. } \references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ Constructors for different XML node types - \code{newXMLNode} \code{xmlNode}. \code{\link{newXMLNamespace}}. } \examples{ foo = newXMLNode("foo") ns = newXMLNamespace(foo, "http://www.r-project.org", "r") as(ns, "character") } \keyword{IO} \keyword{programming} \concept{XML}