\name{getRelativeURL} \alias{getRelativeURL} \title{Compute name of URL relative to a base URL} \description{ This function is a convenience function for computing the fullly qualified URI of a document relative to a base URL. It handles the case where the document is already fully qualified and so ignores the base URL or, alternatively, is a relative document name and so prepends the base URL. It does not (yet) try to be clever by collapsing relative directories such as "..". } \usage{ getRelativeURL(u, baseURL, sep = "/", addBase = TRUE, simplify = TRUE, escapeQuery = FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{u}{the location of the target document whose fully qualified URI is to be determined.} \item{baseURL}{the base URL relative to which the value of \code{u} should be interpreted.} \item{sep}{the separator to use to separate elements of the path. For external URLs (e.g. accessed via HTTP, HTTPS, FTP), / should be used. For local files on Windows machines one might use \code{.Platform$file.sep}, but this is incorrect unless one knows that the resulting file is to be accessed using Windows file system notation, i.e. \code{C:\\\\my\\\\folder\\\\file}. } \item{addBase}{a logical controlling whether we prepend the base URL to the result.} \item{simplify}{a logical value that controls whether we attempt to simplify/normalize the path to remove \code{..} and \code{.}} \item{escapeQuery}{a logical value. Currently ignored.} } \details{ This uses the function \code{parseURI} to compute the components of the different URIs. } \value{ A character string giving the fully qualified URI for \code{u}. } \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ \code{\link{parseURI}} which uses the libxml2 facilities for parsing URIs. \code{\link{xmlParse}}, \code{\link{xmlTreeParse}}, \code{\link{xmlInternalTreeParse}}. XInclude and XML Schema import/include elements for computing relative locations of included/imported files.. } \examples{ getRelativeURL("https://www.omegahat.net", "http://www.r-project.org") getRelativeURL("bar.html", "http://www.r-project.org/") getRelativeURL("../bar.html", "http://www.r-project.org/") } \keyword{IO} \keyword{programming} \concept{XML}