\name{getLineNumber} \alias{getNodeLocation} \alias{getNodePosition} \alias{getLineNumber} \title{Determine the location - file & line number of an (internal) XML node} \description{ The \code{getLineNumber} function is used to query the location of an internal/C-level XML node within its original "file". This gives us the line number. \code{getNodeLocation} gives both the line number and the name of the file in which the node is located, handling XInclude files in a top-level document and identifying the included file, as appropriate. \code{getNodePosition} returns a simplified version of \code{getNodeLocation}, combining the file and line number into a string and ignoring the \code{XPointer} component. This is useful when we identify a node with a particular charactestic and want to view/edit the original document, e.g. when authoring an Docbook article. } \usage{ getLineNumber(node, ...) getNodeLocation(node, recursive = TRUE, fileOnly = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{node}{the node whose location or line number is of interest} \item{\dots}{additional parameters for methods should they be defined.} \item{recursive}{a logical value that controls whether the full path of the nested includes is returned or just the path in the immediate XInclude element.} \item{fileOnly}{a logical value which if \code{TRUE} means that only the name of the file is returned, and not the \code{xpointer} attribute or line number .} } \value{ \code{getLineNumber} returns an integer. \code{getNodeLocation} returns a list with two elements - \code{file} and \code{line} which are a character string and the integer line number. For text nodes, the line number is taken from the previous sibling nodes or the parent node. } \references{libxml2 } \author{Duncan Temple Lang} \seealso{ \code{\link{findXInclude}} \code{\link{xmlParse}} \code{\link{getNodeSet}} \code{\link{xpathApply}} } \examples{ f = system.file("exampleData", "xysize.svg", package = "XML") doc = xmlParse(f) e = getNodeSet(doc, "//ellipse") sapply(e, getLineNumber) } \keyword{IO} \concept{XML}