\name{dtdIsAttribute} \alias{dtdIsAttribute} \title{Query if a name is a valid attribute of a DTD element.} \description{ Examines the definition of the DTD element definition identified by \code{element} to see if it supports an attribute named \code{name}. } \usage{ dtdIsAttribute(name, element, dtd) } %- maybe also `usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{name}{The name of the attribute being queried} \item{element}{The name of the element whose definition is to be used to obtain the list of valid attributes.} \item{dtd}{The DTD containing the definition of the elements, specifically \code{element}.} } \value{ A logical value indicating if the list of attributes suppported by the specified element has an entry named \code{name}. This does indicate what type of value that attribute has, whether it is required, implied, fixed, etc. } \references{\url{https://www.w3.org/XML/}, \url{http://www.jclark.com/xml/}, \url{https://www.omegahat.net} } \author{ Duncan Temple Lang } \seealso{ \code{\link{parseDTD}}, \code{\link{dtdElement}}, \code{\link{xmlAttrs}} } \examples{ dtdFile <- system.file("exampleData", "foo.dtd", package="XML") foo.dtd <- parseDTD(dtdFile) # true dtdIsAttribute("numRecords", "dataset", foo.dtd) # false dtdIsAttribute("date", "dataset", foo.dtd) } \keyword{file}