]> The functions in this file are an initial attempt to define some filters for an XML document to produce &Latex; output by translating the contents of the XML document. Note that using XSL is slightly problematic because the result needs to be a valid XML document, which no &Latex; document ever is. xml2tex function(node, mappings=.XMLTexMappings) { n &sgets; 10 x &sgets; print(x+10) x } cat("Got to here\n") xml2texUnderline function(node, tex) { } xml2texCode &sgets; function(node, tex) { } xxx seq(1,n) + 10 xml2tex.map &sgets; list("i"="textit", "b"="textbf", "sfunction"="SFunction", "item"="item", "label"=c("[", "]"), "cite"=function(x) { paste("\cite{", xmlAttrs(x)["id"], "}", collapse="")}, "bibitem"="", "bibliography"="" ) mapXML2TeX function(node, attr) { name &sgets; xmlName(node) el &sgets; xml2tex.map[[name]] if(!is.null(el)) { if(mode(el) == "character") { } else if(mode(el) == "function") { el(node) } } }