MathMLOperations = c("power" = "^", "times" = "*", "plus" = "+" ) handlers = function(operations = MathMLOperations) { current = list() state = character() start = function(x, atts, ...) { # Handle the opening tags and set the stack appropriately. if(x == "apply") { # Make a call with a silly name that we will change when we read the next element # giving the operation. current <<- c(call(""), current) state <<- c("call", state) } else if(x == 'ci') { # Expecting the next text contents to be a name of a variable. state <<- c("name", state) current <<- c("", current) } else if(! <- match(x, names(operations)))) { # If we are dealing with a call and the name of this element being opened # matches our operation names, then insert the S name of the corrresponding # function into the previously created call. if(length(state) && state[1] == "call") current[[1]][[1]] <<-[idx]) # make certain that we add something to state stack so that when we close the # tag, we remove it, not the previously active element on the stack. state <<- c("<>", state) } } text = function(x, atts, ...) { if(x == "") return(FALSE) if(length(state) && state[1] == "name") { current[[1]] <<- paste(current[[1]], x, sep = "") } } end = function(x, atts, ...) { # If there is nothing on the stack, then nothing to close. if(length(state)) { if(state[1] == "call" && length(current) > 1) { # If ending an apply (call) and we have 2 or more things # on the stack, then fold this call (current[[1]]) into the argument of the # of the previous call (current[[2]]) at the end. e = current[[1]] f = current[[2]] # Should check f is a call or state[2] == "call" f[[length(f) + 1]] = e current[[2]] = f current <<- current[-1] } else if(state[1] == "name") { # ending a so we have a name, then put this into the # current call. if(length(state) > 1 && state[2] == "call") { # this is very similar to the previous block for call # except we have a Could easily consolidate by doing # this coercion first. Left like this for clarity of concept. e = current[[2]] e[[length(e) + 1]] =[[1]]) current[[2]] = e # Remove the elements from the top of the stacks. current <<- current[-1] } } state <<- state[-1] } } list(startElement = start, endElement = end, text = text, state = function() state, current = function() current) }