# Tests reading from a connection. # Trying to get the newlines. library(XML) ReadLines = function(con, n) { x = readLines(con, 1) #This works, but tagging the new line doesn't. return(x) if(length(x)) x = paste(x, "", sep="") print(x) x } handlers = function() { tags = character(0) atts = character(0) text = character(0) startElement = function(x, attrs) { tags <<- append(tags, x) atts <<- append(atts, attrs) } addText = function(txt, ...) { text <<- append(text, txt) } list(startElement = startElement, text = addText, .value = function() { list(tags, atts, text)}, cdata = function(x) addText(x)) } h = handlers() invisible(xmlEventParse(file(system.file("exampleData", "cdata.xml", package = "XML"), "r"), handlers = h)) h$.value()