library(XML) doc = htmlTreeParse("", useInternalNodes = TRUE) # Use XPath expression to find the nodes #
.. # as these are the ones we want. o = getNodeSet(doc, "//div/table[@class='yfirttbl']") # Write a function that will extract the information out of a given table node. readHTMLTable = function(tb) { # get the header information. colNames = sapply(tb[["thead"]][["tr"]]["th"], xmlValue) vals = sapply(tb[["tbody"]]["tr"], function(x) sapply(x["td"], xmlValue)) matrix(as.numeric(vals[-1,]), nrow = ncol(vals), dimnames = list(vals[1,], colNames[-1]), byrow = TRUE ) } # Now process each of the table nodes in the o list. tables = lapply(o, readHTMLTable) names(tables) = lapply(o, function(x) xmlValue(x[["caption"]]))