setClass("XMLOutputStream", "namedList") setClass("XMLOutputDOM", contains = "XMLOutputStream") setClass("XMLOutputBuffer", contains = "XMLOutputStream") setClass("XMLInternalDOM", contains = "XMLOutputStream") xmlOutputDOM <- function(tag = "doc", attrs = NULL, dtd = NULL, nameSpace = NULL, nsURI = character(0), xmlDeclaration = NULL) { buf <- NULL current <- NULL startingNode = 1 if(is.logical(xmlDeclaration) && xmlDeclaration) xmlDeclaration = xmlPINode("xml", 'version = "1.0"') else if(is.character(xmlDeclaration)) { if(length(grep('version *=', xmlDeclaration)) == 0) xmlDeclaration = paste(xmlDeclaration, "version='1.0'") xmlDeclaration = xmlPINode("xml", xmlDeclaration) } if(length(dtd)) dtd = paste(" 1) paste("PUBLIC", ddQuote(dtd[2])), ">") reset <- function() { buf <<- xmlNode(tag, attrs = attrs, namespace = nameSpace) if(length(nsURI) > 0) { names(nsURI) <- paste("xmlns", names(nsURI), sep=":") buf$attributes <<- nsURI } current <<- integer(0) invisible(buf) } reset() addTag <- function(tag, ..., attrs=NULL, close=TRUE, namespace=NULL, .children = list(...)) { if(missing(namespace)) namespace <- nameSpace addNode(n <- xmlNode(tag, attrs= attrs, namespace = namespace, .children = .children)) if(close == FALSE) { current <<- c(current, xmlSize(getCurrent())) } invisible(n) } getCurrentExpr <- function() { if(length(current) > 0) { p <- seq(2, length=length(current)-1) kall <- call("[[","buf"), current[1]) for(i in p) { kall <- call("[[", kall, current[i]) } } else kall <-"buf") kall } getCurrent <- function() { eval(getCurrentExpr()) } # We want to append this to the currently open (or active) # node as defined by `current' # d[[1]] <- append.xmlNode(d[[1]], xmlNode("phone")) addNode <- function(node) { kall <- getCurrentExpr() if(length(current) > 0){ lhs <- kall kall <- call("append.xmlNode", kall, node) kall <- call("<<-", lhs, kall) } else { kall <- call("append.xmlNode", kall, node) } val <- eval(kall) if(length(current) == 0) buf <<- val invisible(node) } addComment <- function(...) { addNode(xmlCommentNode(paste(sapply(list(...), as.character), sep=""))) } addCData <- function(text) { addNode(xmlCDataNode(text)) } addPI <- function(name, text) { addNode(xmlPINode(name, text)) } addText <- function(text, namespace = "") { addNode(xmlTextNode(text, namespace)) } closeTag <- function(name="", namespace=NULL) { # namespace is ignored since we already have the tag name! current <<- current[-length(current)] } getValue = function() { # Add DOCTYPE if we have a dtd. if(!is.null(xmlDeclaration)) structure(list(xmlDeclaration = xmlDeclaration, root = buf, doctype = dtd), class = "XMLRDocument") else buf } con <- list( value= getValue, addTag = addTag, addEndTag = function(name){ closeTag(name)}, closeTag = closeTag, reset = reset, addNode = addNode, add = function(...) {}, addComment = addComment, addPI = addPI, addCData = addCData, current = function(){current} ) #class(con) <- c("XMLOutputDOM", "XMLOutputStream") # con ans = new("XMLOutputDOM", con) names(ans) = names(con) ans } xmlRoot.XMLRDocument = function(x, skip = TRUE, ...) x$root print.XMLRDocument = function(x, ...) { if(!is.null(x$xmlDeclaration)) print(x$xmlDeclaration) if(!is.null(x$doctype)) cat(x$doctype, "\n") print(x$root, ...) }