GeneralHandlerNames = list(SAX = c("text", "startElement", "endElement", "comment", "startDocument", "endDocument", "processingInstruction", "entityDeclaration", "externalEntity"), DOM = c("text", "startElement", "comment", "entity", "cdata", "processingInstruction")) checkHandlerNames = function(handlers, id = "SAX") { if(is.null(handlers)) return(TRUE) ids = names(handlers) i = match(ids, GeneralHandlerNames) prob = any(! if(prob) { warning("future versions of the XML package will require names of general handler functions to be prefixed by a . to distinguish them from handlers for nodes with those names. This _may_ affect the ", paste(names(handlers)[!], collapse = ", ")) } if(any(w <- !sapply(handlers, is.function))) warning("some handlers are not functions: ", paste(names(handlers[w]), collapse = ", ")) !prob } xmlEventParse <- # # Parses an XML file using an event parser which calls user-level functions in the # `handlers' collection when different XML nodes are encountered in the parse stream. # # See also xmlParseTree() # function(file, handlers = xmlEventHandler(), ignoreBlanks = FALSE, addContext = TRUE, useTagName = TRUE, asText = FALSE, trim=TRUE, useExpat = FALSE, isURL=FALSE, state = NULL, replaceEntities = TRUE, validate = FALSE, saxVersion = 1, branches = NULL, useDotNames = length(grep("^\\.", names(handlers))) > 0, error = xmlErrorCumulator(), addFinalizer = NA, encoding = character()) { if(libxmlVersion()$major < 2 && !is.character(file)) stop("Without libxml2, the source of the XML can only be specified as a URI.") i = grep("^/", names(handlers)) if(length(i)) { endElementHandlers = handlers[i] names(endElementHandlers) = gsub("^/", "", names(endElementHandlers)) handlers = handlers[ - i] } else endElementHandlers = list() checkHandlerNames(handlers, "SAX") if(validate) warning("Currently, libxml2 does support validation using SAX/event-driven parsing. It requires a DOM.") else { oldValidate = xmlValidity() xmlValidity(validate) on.exit(xmlValidity(oldValidate)) } if(!any(saxVersion == c(1, 2))) { stop("saxVersion must be 1 or 2") } if(inherits(file, "connection")) { con = file if(!isOpen(file)) { open(file, "r") on.exit(close(con)) } leftOver = "" file = function(len) { if(nchar(leftOver) > 0) { txt = leftOver } else { # txt = readBin(con, "", n = len - 1L) txt = readLines(con, 1) } if(length(txt) == 0) return(txt) if(len < nchar(txt, "bytes")) { tmp = mkSubstringByBytes(txt, len) leftOver <<- tmp[2] # substring(txt, len - 1) txt =tmp[1] # substring(txt, 1, len - 2) } else leftOver <<- "" paste(txt, "\n", sep = "") } } else if(is.function(file)) { # call with -1 to allow us to close the connection # if necessary. on.exit(file(-1)) } else { if(!asText && missing(isURL)) { # check if this is a URL or regular file. isURL <- length(grep("http://",file)) | length(grep("ftp://",file)) | length(grep("file://",file)) } if(isURL == FALSE && asText == FALSE) { file = path.expand(file) if(file.exists(file) == FALSE) stop(paste("File", file, "does not exist ")) } file = as.character(file) } branches = as.list(branches) if(length(branches) > 0 && (length(names(branches)) == 0 || any(names(branches) == ""))) stop("All branch elements must have a name!") old = setEntitySubstitution(replaceEntities) on.exit(setEntitySubstitution(old)) if(!is.function(error)) stop("error must be a function") .oldErrorHandler = setXMLErrorHandler(error) on.exit(.Call("RS_XML_setStructuredErrorHandler", .oldErrorHandler, PACKAGE = "XML"), add = TRUE) state <- .Call("RS_XML_Parse", file, handlers, endElementHandlers, as.logical(addContext), as.logical(ignoreBlanks), as.logical(useTagName), as.logical(asText), as.logical(trim), as.logical(useExpat), state, as.logical(replaceEntities), as.logical(validate), as.integer(saxVersion), branches, as.logical(useDotNames), error, addFinalizer, as.character(encoding), PACKAGE = "XML") if(!is.null(state)) return(state) else return(invisible(handlers)) } mkSubstringByBytes = function(txt, nbytes) { letters = strsplit(txt, "")[[1]] nb = nchar(letters, "bytes") i = which(cumsum(nb) >= nbytes)[1] - 1 c(paste(letters[1:i], collapse = ""), paste(letters[-(1:i)], collapse = "")) } xmlStopParser = function(parser) { if(!inherits(parser, "XMLParserContext")) stop("Need an XMLParserContext object for xmlStopParser") .Call("RS_XML_xmlStopParser", parser, PACKAGE = "XML") } xmlParserContextFunction = function(f, class = "XMLParserContextFunction") { class(f) = c(class, class(f)) f }