trim = function(x) gsub("(^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)", "", x) textNodesOnly = # Only process the top-level text nodes, not recursively. # Could be done as simply as # xmlValue(x, recursive = FALSE) function(x) paste(xmlSApply(x, function(n) if(is(n, "XMLInternalTextNode")) xmlValue(n) else ""), collapse = "") toNumber = function(x) { as.numeric(gsub("[%,]", "", x)) } if(FALSE) { doc = htmlParse("") tbls = getNodeSet(doc, "//table[not(./tbody)]|//table/tbody") o = readHTMLTable(tbls[[1]], skip.rows = c(1, Inf), header = FALSE, colClasses = c("character", replicate(5, toNumber)), elFun = textOnly) o = readHTMLTable("") x = readHTMLTable("", = FALSE) } setGeneric("readHTMLTable", function(doc, header = NA, colClasses = NULL, skip.rows = integer(), trim = TRUE, elFun = xmlValue, = TRUE, which = integer(), ...) standardGeneric("readHTMLTable")) setMethod("readHTMLTable", "character", function(doc, header = NA, colClasses = NULL, skip.rows = integer(), trim = TRUE, elFun = xmlValue, = TRUE, which = integer(), encoding = character(), ...) { pdoc = htmlParse(doc, encoding = encoding) readHTMLTable(pdoc, header, colClasses, skip.rows, trim, elFun,, which, ...) }) # XXX Should vectorize in header, colClasses, i.e. allow different values for different tables. setMethod("readHTMLTable", "HTMLInternalDocument", function(doc, header = NA, colClasses = NULL, skip.rows = integer(), trim = TRUE, elFun = xmlValue, = TRUE, which = integer(), ...) { # tbls = getNodeSet(doc, "//table[not(./tbody)]|//table/tbody") tbls = getNodeSet(doc, "//table") # XXX probably want something related to nested tables # "//table[not(ancestor::table)]" -> outer ones # if header is missing, compute it each time. if(length(which)) tbls = tbls[which] # ans = lapply(tbls, readHTMLTable, header, colClasses, skip.rows, trim, elFun,, ...) header = rep(header, length = length(tbls)) ans = mapply(readHTMLTable, tbls, header, MoreArgs = list(colClasses = colClasses, skip.rows = skip.rows, trim = trim, elFun = elFun, =, ...), SIMPLIFY = FALSE) names(ans) = sapply(tbls, getHTMLTableName) if(length(which) && length(tbls) == 1) ans[[1]] else ans }) getHTMLTableName = function(node) { id = xmlGetAttr(node, "id") if(!is.null(id)) return(id) cap = getNodeSet(node, "./caption") if(length(cap)) return(xmlValue(cap[[1]])) } setClass("FormattedNumber", contains = "numeric") setClass("FormattedInteger", contains = "integer") setAs('character', 'FormattedNumber', function(from) as.numeric(gsub(",", "", from))) setAs('character', 'FormattedInteger', function(from) as.integer(gsub(",", "", from))) setClass("Currency", contains = "numeric") setAs("character", "Currency", function(from) as.numeric(gsub("[$,]", "", from))) setClass("Percent", contains = "numeric") setAs('character', 'Percent', function(from) as.numeric(gsub("%", "", from))) setMethod("readHTMLTable", "XMLInternalElementNode", #readHTMLTable.XMLInternalElementNode = # # # header is computed based on whether we have a table node and it has a thead. # (We don't currently bother with the col spans.) # # colClasses can be a character vector giving the name of the type for a column, # an NULL to drop the corresponding column, or a function in which case it will # be passed the contents of the column and can transform it as it wants. # This allows us to clean text before converting it. # # skip.rows - an integer vector indicating which rows to ignore. # # trim - a logical indicating whether to trim white space from the start and end of text. # # elFun - a function which is called to process each th or td node to extract the content. # This is typically xmlValue, but one can supply others (e.g. textNodesOnly) # # function(doc, header = NA , colClasses = NULL, skip.rows = integer(), trim = TRUE, elFun = xmlValue, = TRUE, encoding = 0L, ...) { node = doc headerFromTable = FALSE dropFirstRow = FALSE # check if we have a header if(length(header) == 1 && # this node was doc header = (xmlName(doc) %in% c("table", "tbody") && ("thead" %in% names(doc) || length(getNodeSet(node, "./tr[1]/th | ./tr[1]/td")) > 0)) if(is.logical(header) && ( || header) && xmlName(node) == "table") { if("thead" %in% names(node)) header = node[["thead"]] else { if("tr" %in% names(node)) tmp = node[["tr"]] else tmp = node[["tbody"]][["tr"]] if(!is.null(tmp) && all(names(tmp) %in% c('text', 'th'))) { header = xpathSApply(tmp, "./th | ./td", xmlValue, encoding = encoding) dropFirstRow = TRUE } } } # Moved this from before the check for header as we set node here and that seems # premature. Checked on # readHTMLTable("", header = TRUE, which = 1) tbody = getNodeSet(node, "./tbody") if(length(tbody)) node = tbody[[1]] if(is(header, "XMLInternalElementNode")) { # get the last tr in the thead if(xmlName(header) == "thead") { i = which(names(header) == "tr") header = header[[ i [ length(i) ] ]] xpath = "./th | ./td" } else xpath = "./*/th | ./*/td" header = as.character(xpathSApply(header, xpath, elFun, encoding = encoding)) headerFromTable = TRUE if(xmlName(node) == "table" && "tbody" %in% names(node)) node = node[["tbody"]] } # Process each row, by getting the content of each "cell" (th/td) rows = getNodeSet(node, ".//tr") if(dropFirstRow) rows = rows[-1] els = lapply(rows, function(row) { tmp = xpathSApply(row, "./th|./td", elFun) if(trim) trim(tmp) else tmp }) # spans = getNodeSet(node, ".//td[@rowspan] | .//th[@rowspan]") if(length(skip.rows)) { infs = (skip.rows == Inf) if(any(infs)) # want Inf - 2, Inf - 1, Inf, to indicate drop last 3, but that won't work # take sequence of Inf to identify Inf - 2, Inf - 1, Inf skip.rows[skip.rows == Inf] = length(els) - seq(0, length = sum(infs)) els = els[ - skip.rows ] } if(length(els) == 0) return(NULL) numEls = sapply(els, length) # els[[1]] should be a scalar if(is.logical(header) && ! && header && any(nchar(els[[1]]) < 999)) { header = els[[1]] els = els[-1] numEls = numEls[ - 1] } if(length(els) == 0) return(NULL) #XXX we should have a header here so return a data frame with 0 rows. ans = lapply(seq(length = max(numEls)), function(col) { sapply(els, `[`, col) }) if(is.character(header) && length(header) == length(ans)) names(ans) = header if(length(colClasses)) { colClasses = rep(colClasses, length = length(ans)) n = sapply(colClasses, function(x) is.null(x) || x == "NULL") if(any(n)) { ans = ans[ ! n ] colClasses = colClasses[ ! n ] } ans = lapply(seq(along = ans) , function(i) if(is.function(colClasses[[i]])) colClasses[[i]](ans[[i]]) else if(colClasses[[i]] == "factor") factor(ans[[i]]) else if(colClasses[[i]] == "ordered") ordered(ans[[i]]) else as(ans[[i]], colClasses[[i]]) ) } if( { ans =, ...) if(is.character(header) && length(header) == length(ans)) names(ans) = header else if(nrow(ans) > 0) names(ans) = paste("V", seq(along = ans), sep = "") } ans }) getTableWithRowSpan = function(node, r = xmlSize(node), c = max(xmlSApply(node, function(x) length(getNodeSet(x, "./td | ./th")))), encoding = 0L) { ans = matrix(NA_character_, r, c) for(i in seq(length = r)) { col = 1 kids = getNodeSet(node[[i]], "./th | ./td") for(k in seq(along = kids)) { sp = xmlGetAttr(k, "rowspan", 1) ans[seq(i, length = sp)] = xmlValue(k, encoding = encoding) } } }