setGeneric("simplifyNamespaces", function(doc, ...) standardGeneric("simplifyNamespaces")) setMethod("simplifyNamespaces", "character", function(doc, ...) { pdoc = xmlParseDoc(doc, NSCLEAN) simplifyNamespaces(pdoc, ...) }) xmlCleanNamespaces = # # @eg xmlParse("~/GitWorkingArea/XML/inst/exampleData/redundantNS.xml") # # ?Should we write the result to a file if we are given a file? # # function(doc, options = integer(), out = docName(doc), ...) { if(is(doc, "XMLInternalDocument")) doc = saveXML(doc) options = unique(c(options, NSCLEAN)) newDoc = xmlParse(doc, ..., options = options) if(is.logical(out)) out = if(out) docName(doc) else character() if(is.character(out) && length(out)) saveXML(newDoc, out) else newDoc } setMethod("simplifyNamespaces", "XMLInternalDocument", function(doc, alreadyCleaned = FALSE, ...) { # find all the nodes, but discard the root node. allNodes = getNodeSet(doc, "//node()") # [-1] root = xmlRoot(doc) # For each node, get its namespace definitions, # and then zoom in on the nodes that have namespace definitions. nsDefs = lapply(allNodes, xmlNamespaceDefinitions, simplify = TRUE) w = sapply(nsDefs, length) > 0 tmp = structure(unlist(nsDefs[w]), names = sapply(nsDefs[w], names)) d = data.frame(uri = tmp, prefix = names(tmp), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) multi = unlist(by(d, d$prefix, function(x) if(length(unique(x$uri)) == 1) character() else x$prefix[1])) if(length(multi)) d = d[ ! (d$prefix %in% multi), ] # Now we can move these namespace definitions to the top. # # # by(d, nsDefs, function(x) { u = unique(x$prefix) }) # remove the sapply(allNodes[w], removeXMLNamespaces) nsDefs }) getNodeNamespace = # Figure out what namespace to use for this node and return a reference to that # namespace definition object in C (a xmlNsPtr) function(ns, nsDefs, node, namespace, noNamespace, namespaceDefinitions = NULL, parent = NULL, suppressNamespaceWarning = FALSE) { if(noNamespace) return(NULL) if(is.character(namespace) && length(namespace) == 1L && ! && namespace == "") { if(length(namespaceDefinitions) == 0) return(findNamespaceDefinition(node, "")) } if((is.list(namespace) || is.character(namespace)) && length(namespace) > 0) { # a single element with no name so this is the prefix. if(length(namespace) == 1 && length(names(namespace)) == 0) { if(namespace %in% namespaceDefinitions) { i = match(namespace, namespaceDefinitions) ns = nsPrefix = names(namespaceDefinitions)[i] } else if(namespace != "") { ns = nsPrefix = namespace } } else { # we have names and/or more than one element. So these are namespace definitions if(length(names(namespace)) == 0) names(namespace) <- rep("", length(namespace)) if(length(namespace) > 1 && ![1], names(namespace)[-1]))) { if(length(ns)) warning("ignoring first element of namespace and using prefix from node name, ", ns) else { ns = namespace[1] namespace = namespace[-1] } } if(length(namespace) > 1 && sum(names(namespace) == "") > 1) warning("more than one namespace to use as the default") nsDefs = lapply(seq(along = namespace), function(i) { prefix = names(namespace)[i] newNamespace(node, namespace[[i]], prefix) # Don't set the namespace. This is just a definition/declaration for # this node, but not necessarily the namespace to use for this node. # We set this below }) names(nsDefs) = names(namespace) } } # Now handle the prefix for this node. if(length(ns)) { i = match(ns, names(nsDefs)) if( { if(!is.null(parent)) ns = findNamespaceDefinition(node, ns) else { # raiseNsWarning(ns, suppressNamespaceWarning) # attr(node, "xml:namespace") = ns # ns = NULL ns = newNamespace(node, character(), ns) } if(!inherits(ns, "XMLNamespaceRef")) ns <- newNamespace(node, ns, "") } else ns <- nsDefs[[i]] } else { i = match("", names(nsDefs)) ns = if( NULL else nsDefs[[i]] # if now namespace and we have a parent, use its namespace # if it has a namespace if(!noNamespace && length(ns) == 0 && length(parent) > 0) { ns = xmlNamespaceRef(parent) if(!is.null(ns) && names(as(ns, "character")) != "") ns = NULL } } ns } raiseNsWarning = function(ns, suppressNamespaceWarning) { if(is.character(suppressNamespaceWarning)) f = get(suppressNamespaceWarning, mode = "function") else if(is.logical(suppressNamespaceWarning)) { if(!suppressNamespaceWarning) f = warning else return(NULL) } else f = function(...) {} f("cannot find namespace definition for '", ns, "' because the node is not in a document and there are no matching local namespace definitions for this node") } fixDummyNS = function(node, suppressNamespaceWarning = getOption('suppressXMLNamespaceWarning', FALSE)) { return(NULL) nodes = getNodeSet(node, "//*[./namespace::*[. = '']]", addFinalizer = FALSE) lapply(nodes, completeDummyNS, suppressNamespaceWarning = suppressNamespaceWarning) } completeDummyNS = function(node, suppressNamespaceWarning = getOption('suppressXMLNamespaceWarning', FALSE)) { if(is.null(xmlParent(node))) return(FALSE) prefix = names(xmlNamespace(node)) ns = findNamespaceDefinition(xmlParent(node), prefix, error = FALSE) if(is.null(ns)) raiseNsWarning(prefix, suppressNamespaceWarning) # (if(suppressNamespaceWarning) warning else stop)("can't find namespace definition for prefix ", prefix) else { # remove the current namespace definition and kill it. .Call("R_replaceDummyNS", node, ns, prefix, PACKAGE = "XML") # setXMLNamespace(node, ns) } }