namespaceNodeHandlers = # # This is to manage a collection of node handlers # which have handlers for nodes with the same name but in an # different namespace. # For example, suppose we have a node array in an R representation # and another in Matlab but these are differentiated by the namespace. # r:array and m:array. # This function arranges to invoke the correct handler when a node is encountered. # # namespaceNodeHandlers("r:array" = function(...) ..., # "m:array" = function(...) ..., # other = function(...) ...) # # # namespaceNodeHandlers("r:array" = function(...) ..., # "m:array" = function(...) ..., # other = function(...) ..., # nsDefs= c(r = "", # m = "") ) # # # If there is no handler for a given node, then call the default one # i.e. .startElement or startElement # function(..., .handlers = list(...), nsDefs = NULL, useDotNames = TRUE) { # Get the node name and namespace prefix/alias for each of the handler names tmp = strsplit(names(.handlers), ":") prefix = sapply(tmp, function(x) if(length(x) > 1) x[1] else "") nodeNames = sapply(tmp, function(x) if(length(x) > 1) x[2] else x[1]) # Now, find out which ones are duplicated. w = duplicated(nodeNames) if(!any(w)) return(.handlers) dups = nodeNames[w] # Now, take out the handler functions that have the same node name # as any other. w = nodeNames %in% dups nsHandlers = .handlers[ w ] # and remove them from .handlers .handlers = .handlers[ !w ] # This function will act as the proxy for doing the dispatch for a particular node. generalHandler = function(node, ...) { # Get the node name and the namespace prefix. id = xmlName(node) ns = xmlNamespace(node) if(is.null(ns)) ns = '' if(length(nsDefs)) { # get the namespace definition from the node # and its URI and then match this to the nsDefs # That gives us the prefix to use i = (ns == nsDefs) if(!any(i) && ns != '') ns = character() #stop("can't match namespace '", as.character(ns), "' in ", paste(nsDefs, collapse = ", ")) else ns = names(nsDefs)[i] } if(length(ns) && ns != "") tmp = paste(ns, id, sep = ":") else tmp = id f = nsHandlers[[ tmp ]] # if we didn't find a handler, use the startElement one if(is.null(f)) f = .handlers[[ if(useDotNames) '.startElement' else 'startElement' ]] # if we have a handler, call it. # Otherwise, just return the node... after all that! if(!is.null(f)) f(node, ...) else node } .handlers[ dups ] = rep(list(generalHandler), length(dups)) class(.handlers) <- "XMLNamespaceNodeHandlers" if(length(nsDefs)) class(.handlers) <- c(class(.handlers), "RequiresNamespaceInfo") .handlers }