isURL = function(file) { is.character(file) && grepl("^(http|ftp)", file) } ############ #XXXXXXXXX # This is now replaced by copying xmlTreeParse. htmlTreeParse <- # # HTML parser that reads the entire `document' tree into memory # and then converts it to an R/S object. # Uses the libxml from Daniel Veillard at # # asText treat the value of file as XML text, not the name of a file containing # the XML text, and parse that. # See also xml # function(file, ignoreBlanks = TRUE, handlers = NULL, replaceEntities = FALSE, asText = inherits(file, "AsIs") || !isURL && grepl("^<", file), # could have a BOM trim = TRUE, isURL = is.character(file) && grepl("^(http|ftp)", file), asTree = FALSE, useInternalNodes = FALSE, encoding = character(), useDotNames = length(grep("^\\.", names(handlers))) > 0, xinclude = FALSE, addFinalizer = TRUE, error = function(...){}, options = integer(), parentFirst = FALSE) { if(TRUE) { doc = xmlTreeParse(file, ignoreBlanks, handlers, replaceEntities, asText, trim, validate = FALSE, getDTD = FALSE, isURL, asTree, addAttributeNamespaces = FALSE, useInternalNodes, isSchema = FALSE, fullNamespaceInfo = FALSE, encoding, useDotNames, xinclude, addFinalizer, error, isHTML = TRUE, options = options) class(doc) = c("HTMLInternalDocument", class(doc)[1]) return(doc) } if(length(file) > 1) { file = paste(file, collapse = "\n") if(!missing(asText) && !asText) stop("multiple URIs passed to xmlTreeParse. If this is the content of the file, specify asText = TRUE") asText = TRUE } if(missing(asText) && substring(file, 1, 1) == "<") asText = TRUE if(!asText && missing(isURL)) { isURL <- length(grep("^(http|ftp)://", file, useBytes = TRUE, perl = TRUE)) } # check whether we are treating the file name as # a) the XML text itself, or b) as a URL. # Otherwise, check if the file exists and report an error. if(asText == FALSE && isURL == FALSE) { if(file.exists(file) == FALSE) stop(paste("File", file, "does not exist ")) } if(!asText && !isURL) file = path.expand(file) old = setEntitySubstitution(replaceEntities) on.exit(setEntitySubstitution(old)) if(!is.logical(xinclude)) { if(inherits(xinclude, "numeric")) xinclude = bitlist(xinclude) else xinclude = as.logical(xinclude) } .oldErrorHandler = setXMLErrorHandler(error) on.exit(.Call("RS_XML_setStructuredErrorHandler", .oldErrorHandler, PACKAGE = "XML"), add = TRUE) ans <- .Call("RS_XML_ParseTree", as.character(file), handlers, as.logical(ignoreBlanks), as.logical(replaceEntities), as.logical(asText), as.logical(trim), FALSE, FALSE, as.logical(isURL), FALSE, as.logical(useInternalNodes), TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, as.character(encoding), as.logical(useDotNames), xinclude, error, addFinalizer, options, as.logical(parentFirst), PACKAGE = "XML") if(!missing(handlers) & !as.logical(asTree)) return(handlers) if(inherits(ans, "XMLInternalDocument")) { addDocFinalizer(ans, addFinalizer) class(ans) = c("HTMLInternalDocument", class(ans)) } ans } #XXXXXX # This is another version that doesn't seem to release the document. Weird. I can't seem to find # out who is holding onto it. myHTMLParse = function(file, ignoreBlanks = TRUE, handlers = NULL, replaceEntities = FALSE, asText = inherits(file, "AsIs") || !isURL && grepl("^<", file), # could have a BOM trim = TRUE, isURL = is.character(file) && grepl("^(http|ftp)", file), asTree = FALSE, useInternalNodes = FALSE, encoding = character(), useDotNames = length(grep("^\\.", names(handlers))) > 0, xinclude = FALSE, addFinalizer = TRUE, error = function(...){}) { doc = xmlTreeParse(file, ignoreBlanks, handlers, replaceEntities, asText, trim, validate = FALSE, getDTD = FALSE, isURL, asTree, addAttributeNamespaces = FALSE, useInternalNodes, isSchema = FALSE, fullNamespaceInfo = FALSE, encoding, useDotNames, xinclude, addFinalizer, error, isHTML = TRUE) class(doc) = c("HTMLInternalDocument", class(doc)[2]) return(doc) } hideParseErrors = function (...) NULL htmlTreeParse = xmlTreeParse formals(htmlTreeParse)$error ="htmlErrorHandler") #"hideParseErrors") formals(htmlTreeParse)$isHTML = TRUE htmlParse = htmlTreeParse formals(htmlParse)$useInternalNodes = TRUE parseURI = function(uri) { if( return(structure(as.character(uri), class = "URI")) u = .Call("R_parseURI", as.character(uri), PACKAGE = "XML") if(u$port == 0) u$port = as.integer(NA) class(u) = "URI" u } setOldClass("URI") setOldClass("URL") setAs("URI", "character", function(from) { if(from$scheme == "") sprintf("%s%s%s", from["path"], if(from[["query"]] != "") sprintf("?%s", from[["query"]]) else "", if(from[["fragment"]] != "") sprintf("#%s", from[["fragment"]]) else "" ) else sprintf("%s://%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", from[["scheme"]], from[["user"]], if(from[["user"]] != "") "@" else "", from[["server"]], if(![["port"]])) sprintf(":%d", as.integer(from[["port"]])) else "", from["path"], if(from[["query"]] != "") sprintf("?%s", from[["query"]]) else "", if(from[["fragment"]] != "") sprintf("#%s", from[["fragment"]]) else "" ) })