\name{typeSvec} \alias{typeSvec} \alias{has.typeSvec} \title{Get Type of sqlite.vector } \description{ Returns the \emph{class} of an sqlite.vector if it were } \usage{ typeSvec(x) has.typeSvec(x, type) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an sqlite.vector} \item{type}{a string containing the class name, like numeric, factor, character} } \value{ \item{typeSvec}{returns a string with the class name of the argument} \item{has.typeSvec}{returns TRUE if x is a sqlite.vector and has type as returned by typeSvec} } \author{Miguel A. R. Manese} \examples{ iris.sdf <- sqlite.data.frame(iris) typeSvec(iris.sdf[,1]) # numeric has.typeSvec(iris.sdf[,1], "numeric") # TRUE } \keyword{classes}