\name{sqlite.matrix} \alias{sqlite.matrix} \title{SQLite Matrix} \description{ EXPERIMENTAL: Creates a SQlite Matrix (SMAT) from data frames, matrices and SQLite Data Frames. } \usage{ sqlite.matrix(data, name = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{data}{ a data frame, matrix or SQLite Data Frame } \item{name}{ the name of the SQLite Matrix } } \details{ Creates an SDF with 1 column named V1. The \emph{mode} of the matrix is determined from the data, much like \code{as.matrix} does. It is similar to a \code{sqlite.vector} and has the additional attributes \code{sdf.dim} and \code{sdf.dimnames} comparable to \code{matrix}'s \code{dim} and {dimnames} attributes. Internally, it has extra tables \emph{sdf\_matrix\_rownames} which holds the row names (and implicitly the row count), and \emph{sdf\_matrix\_colnames} which holds the column names (and implicitly the column count). } \value{ A S3 object representing the SQLite Matrix. } \author{Miguel A. R. Manese} %\note{ } \seealso{\code{\link[SQLiteDF]{sqlite.vector}} \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{sqlite.data.frame}}} \examples{ iris.sdf <- sqlite.data.frame(iris) im <- sqlite.matrix(iris.sdf[,1:4]) dim(im) # c(150, 4) } \keyword{data} \keyword{manip} \keyword{classes}