\name{sdflm} \alias{sdflm} \title{ Linear Models On SQLite Data Frames} \description{ Currently, a convenience wrapper around biglm. In the future, biglm functionalities will be implemented directly inside the package. } \usage{ sdflm(formula, sdf, batch.size = 1024) } \arguments{ \item{formula}{model formula} \item{sdf}{ the sqlite.data.frame } \item{batch.size}{number of rows at a time to be \emph{fed} to biglm } } \details{ biglm can computes the linear model coefficients and statistics incrementally by \emph{feeding} it with part of the data first at a time. \code{sdflm} just gets data from the SDF into a plain data frame, \code{batch.size} at a time, and then used with \code{biglm}. to Currently, models using only those variables inside the SDF are supported (i.e. do not use variables that is not in the SDF, like those in the global environment). } \value{ An object of class biglm. } \author{ Miguel A. R. Manese } \seealso{ \code{\link[biglm]{biglm}}} \examples{ library(biglm) iris.sdf <- sqlite.data.frame(iris) iris.lm <- sdflm(Sepal.Length ~ Species, iris.sdf) summary(iris.lm) } \keyword{regression}% at least one, from doc/KEYWORDS