\name{sdfImportSQLite} \alias{sdfImportSQLite} \title{Import SQLite data to an SQLite Data Frame} \description{ Import from SQLite tables directly. } \usage{ sdfImportSQLite(dbfilename, tablename, iname = tablename) } \arguments{ \item{dbfilename}{file name of the SQLite database.} \item{tablename}{name of the table inside the SQLite database that will be imported} \item{iname}{the internal name of the created SDF} } \value{ The SDF containing the imported data. } \author{Miguel Angel R. Manese} \note{ Row names is just the sequence from 1 to number of rows. Text columns are converted into factors. Blobs are not supported. } \seealso{ \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{sdfImportDBI}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ data.sdf <- sdfImportSQLite("data.db", "fuel_frame", iname="fuel_frame") } } \keyword{database}