\name{sdfImportDBI} \alias{sdfImportDBI} \title{ Import Data to an SQLite Data Frame } \description{ Import data from a DBMS to a sqlite.data.frame using DBI. } \usage{ sdfImportDBI(con, sql, batch.size = 2048, rownames = "row_names", iname = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{con}{a DBI connection object } \item{sql}{a select statement to retrieve the data to be imported} \item{batch.size}{the number of rows to be fetched from the connection at a time} \item{rownames}{a string or index specifying the column in the result of the select statement to be used as the row.names of the SDF} \item{iname}{the internal name of the created SDF} } \details{ This function just sends the query to the connection (\code{DBI:::dbSendQuery}) and then loops over the result set of the select statement (\code{DBI:::fetch}). } \value{ The SDF containing the imported data. } \author{Miguel A. R. Manese} \seealso{ \code{\link[DBI]{dbSendQuery}} \code{\link[DBI]{fetch}} \code{\link[DBI]{dbReadTable}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ conn <- dbConnect("MySQL", group = "vitalAnalysis") fuel_frame.sdf <- sdfImportDBI(conn, "select * from fuel_frame", iname="fuel_frame") } } \keyword{database}