\name{renameSdf} \alias{renameSdf} \title{ Rename SDF } \description{ Changes the internal name of an SDF, both in the workspace and in the SDF's attributes table. } \usage{ renameSdf(sdf, name) } \arguments{ \item{sdf}{ The SDF to be renamed. } \item{name}{ The new internal name of the SDF. } } \details{ This simple operation have a quite complicated implementation. The intended name is checked against SDF's already registed to the workspace, the SDF is detached and removed from the SDF workspace, and then re-attached and re-added to the workspace. } \value{ \code{TRUE} if the operation was successful. \code{FALSE} with an error message displayed otherwise. } \author{Miguel A. R. Manese} \seealso{ \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{lsSdf}} } \keyword{data}