\name{rbindSdf} \alias{rbindSdf} \title{Add Rows to a SDF} \description{ Adds rows to a SQLite data frame. } \usage{ rbindSdf(sdf, df) } \arguments{ \item{sdf}{the SQLite data frame with which to insert new data. } \item{df}{the data frame to attach} } \details{ This is equivalent to performing an \code{insert} statement. The data frame names and the column types must match, although they may be not arranged exactly the same. } \value{ Returns the 1st argument (sdf). } \author{Miguel A. R. Manese} \note{ Currently SDFs are not supported as the 2nd arg. This could be achieved by doing batch rbindSdf to chunks of another SDF. } \examples{ b1 <- sqlite.data.frame(iris) rbindSdf(b1, iris) nrow(b1) # nrow(iris) * 2 } \keyword{manip}