\name{lsSdf} \alias{lsSdf} \title{ List SDF's} \description{ Lists the SDF's available in the workspace. } \usage{ lsSdf(pattern = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{pattern}{Pattern of the internal name to be searched. Currently not implemented.} } \details{ \code{lsSdf} works much like \code{ls} for examining the contents of R's workspace. It does this by querying the list of SDF's stored in \code{workspace.db} file. See \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{sqlite.data.frame}} for more details on \code{workspace.db}. } \value{ Returns in a character vector the internal names of SDF's \emph{registered} with the SQLiteDF workspace. The internal names are sorted according to (1) those that are attached first and then (2) the usage score. } \author{Miguel A. R. Manese} \seealso{ \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{sqlite.data.frame}} \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{lsSdf}} \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{attachSdf}} \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{detachSdf}} \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{renameSdf}} } \examples{ lsSdf() } \keyword{data}