\name{inameSdf} \alias{inameSdf} \title{SDF Internal Name} \description{ Get the internal name of an SDF. } \usage{ inameSdf(sdf) } \arguments{ \item{sdf}{a sqlite.data.frame} } \details{ Internal names are those that are listed in \code{lsSdf}, not the names of the R variables holding a \emph{reference} to SDFs. There could be many R variable that refers to the same SDF (when \code{inameSdf(sdf1) == inameSdf(sdf2)}). } \value{ A 2 element string vector with the internal name of the SDF and the SQLite database file name where it is stored. } \author{Miguel A. R. Manese} \seealso{ \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{sqlite.data.frame}} \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{lsSdf}} } \examples{ iris.sdf1 <- sqlite.data.frame(iris) inameSdf(iris.sdf1) # c("data1", "data1.db"), or generally data iris.sdf2 <- sqlite.data.frame(iris, "iris") inameSdf(iris.sdf2) # c("iris", "iris.db"), or if it already exists, iris } \keyword{methods}