\name{getSdf} \alias{getSdf} \title{ Get an SDF } \description{ Gets a handle to an SDF registered in the workspace. The returned handle is a sqlite.data.frame object which can be used with the most common operators for data frames. } \usage{ getSdf(name) } \arguments{ \item{name}{ A string containing the internal name of the desired SDF. This SDF is attached to the SQLiteDF workspace if it is not yet attached.} } \details{ The SDF must be \emph{registered} with the SQLiteDF workspace. To get a list of registered SDF, use \code{lsSdf}. } \value{ Returns an sqlite.data.frame object for the SDF with the specified internal name. } \author{Miguel A. R. Manese} \seealso{ \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{sqlite.data.frame}} \code{\link[SQLiteDF]{lsSdf}} } \examples{ iris.sdf <- sqlite.data.frame(iris) iris.sdf.iname <- inameSdf(iris.sdf) iris.sdf.too <- getSdf(iris.sdf.iname) } \keyword{data}