#! /bin/sh # This is a hand-written shell script if test ! -d src/SQLite; then (cd src; gzip -dc ../sqlite-3*.tar.gz | tar -xf -) (cd src; ln -s sqlite-3* SQLite) (cd src/SQLite; mv src/sqliteInt.h src/sqliteInt.h.orig; sed -e 's/MAX_ATTACHED 10/MAX_ATTACHED 31/' src/sqliteInt.h.orig > src/sqliteInt.h) fi if test ! -f src/SQLite/Makefile; then : ${R_HOME=`R RHOME`} if test -z "${R_HOME}"; then echo "could not determine R_HOME" exit 1 fi CC=`${R_HOME}/bin/R CMD config CC` # we need to force a PIC build of a static library CFLAGS=`${R_HOME}/bin/R CMD config CFLAGS` CPICFLAGS=`${R_HOME}/bin/R CMD config CPICFLAGS` CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} ${CPICFLAGS}" export CC CFLAGS (cd src/SQLite; sed -e '/^#include.*stdlib.h/a\ #include <unistd.h>' tool/lemon.c > lemon.c.tmp; mv lemon.c.tmp tool/lemon.c; ./configure --disable-shared) fi (cd src/SQLite; make) # we need to pick up the library containing fdatasync TLIBS=`sed -n -e'/^TLIBS =/p' src/SQLite/Makefile | sed -e's/^TLIBS = //' ` sed -e "s/@TLIBS@/${TLIBS}/" src/Makevars.in > src/Makevars