JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and
The RJSONIO package
DuncanTemple Lang
University of California at Davis
The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format is becoming widely used
as a means of exchanging data. It is used in Web Services, client
server applications and to some extent as a means of serializing data
for use between applications. We describe an R package that
facilitates both importing data from JSON into R and also exporting R
objects as JSON content. The package is quite simple but the
architecture allows R programmers to customize several aspects of the
application independent data format
Web Services
Things To Fix
- Character Encoding
- Base64 Encoding
JavaScript Object Notation
Purpose of JSON and the need to be able to deal with it in R.
Common uses.
REST, inserting objects in to JavaScript code e.g. HTML documents.
ECMAScript and ActionScript for Flash.
Comparison with XML.
Not a competition, just different purposes and strengths.
Basics of the package: fromJSON and
package offers two primary operations - transforming JSON content into
R objects and serializing R objects to JSON format. This allows us to
import and export JSON from R. The two functions that do this are
fromJSON and toJSON.
fromJSON can read JSON content
from a file or a general connection, or from a string in memory.
The latter is convenient when we obtain the JSON content
from some other computation such as a Web request and the content
is already in memory.
Character encoding
Before developing the RJSONIO package, we used rjson
serializing R objects into JavaScript code within HTML pages. This
worked very well for small objects but was too slow for large objects.
RJSONIO solves some of the speed issues, primarily
by vectorizing the code that generates the content. We developed the
RJSONIO package to be a direct substitute for
rjson so code that used the latter would not need to be
changed to use RJSONIO. So we can think of
RJSONIO as a second-generation of
rjson with a focus on efficiency which was not
warranted when rjson was being developed as means to
effect entirely new facilities for .
RJSONIO also changes the approach used to parse
JSON content into R. Firstly, it uses a C library -
libjson . This should yield two
benefits. Firstly, it should be faster than pure interepreted R
code. Secondly, it relies on code that is used developed by others and
used in other applications. The benefit of this is that we do not
have to maintain it and we benefit from any updates as they are made
in the libjson project. Relying on libjson
means that we also suffer from its deficiencies and bugs and do not
have the flexibility to design things as we want. The hope is that
libjson is used in other projects so that bugs
will be identified by a larger audience than if we had developed the
code ourselves for use only in R. Unfortunately, this may not be the case.
Since we use libjson, it
would appear we have an additional dependency which users must
satisfy. However, to simplify installation for users, we have
included a copy of the libjson code. We use that version
only if we cannot find a version of libjson on the local
machine to which we are installing the source package. This means
that R users can elect to use newer versions of libjson but
do not have to.
While RJSONIO acts as a direct replacement
for rjson, it also offers additional features and controls.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
We start with a brief description of the simple but general
JSON format. In , we
illustrate how to read JSON content into R
in three different contexts: read local JSON files from,
parsing results from a request to the Twitter API,
and interacting with CouchDB, a simple client-server database.
We then discuss how to serialize R objects in JSON format.
In section ,
we discuss how one can customize the parsing of JSON content.
We end with some notes about how the package could be extended
and made more general.
The JSON Format
The JSON format is quite simple and reflects the basic data structures
in JavaScript and other programming languages.
We'll start with scalar values.
Logical values are represented by
true and false.
There is no distinction in JSON between
an integer and a real valued number.
Scientific notation, e.g., 123e10 and 123E-5 is supported.
Strings are enclosed within pairs of ", i.e. the double quote character.
Arrays are ordered collections of values.
Each element is separated by a comma (,).
Associative arrays have names for each of the elements.
These are equivalent to named lists in R although the order
is not guaranteed.
Regular arrays are enclosed by [ ] pairs,
again with elements being separated by a comma.
Associative arrays are enclosed within { }.
Each element is given in the form name: value.
The name term should be enclosed within quotes.
Not all JSON parsers insist on this (including libjson
and hence RJSONIO), but it is good practice
to ensure these names are quoted.
Each element in an associative or regular array can be an arbitrary
JSON object. This allows us to nest values so that we can have
an array whose elements are arrays, associative arrays and scalar values.
The final element of the format is the literal value .
It represent the null object in and is a special constant object there,
useful for comparing the value of a variable to this special state.
In some senses, it corresponds to in .
However, it might also map to an empty vector.
The format is very simple Note that it does not have support for
mathematical terms such as infinity, pi, e.
Nor does it have the notion of a , the missing value in .
Valid JSON requires that the top-level content be either
an array or an object. This means that simple literal values
such as "2" or 'abc' are not valid, but
"[2]" and "{xyz: 'abc'}" are valid.
How do we map to a value in ?
How do we map empty vectors in to JSON?
JSON is written as plain text. It would appear that we cannot
include binary content such as an image.
There is however a way around this. We can take arbitrary
binary content and convert it to text using base-64 encoding
commonly used to include binary content in email messages.
There are several implementation of functions
that convert to and from base64 encoding in various R packages
include caTools, RCurl
and readMzXmlData.
While we can easily include binary content in JSON using
base64 encoding, it is imperative that the consumer
of that JSON content be aware that the content is base64
and so can decode it appropriately. Unfortunately,
JSON doesn't provide a standard or convenient mechanism for identifying
meta-data about elements of the content.
Valid JavaScript and can be evaluated. Security concerns.
Reading Non-Rectangular Data
While many data sets come to us as rectangular
tables made up of rows and columns
corresponding to observations
each with the same number of variables.
This works reasonably well, but is not rich
enough for many more complex data structures.
We may have repeated measurements for different
observational units and so not the same number of
variables in each "row".
For each observation, we might have hierarchical
structures such as their address or
location. We could collapse this into separate
variables at the top-level, but this
might be a different format for different types of
observational units.
So in short, we need a richer format to represent
raw data before we project it into a rectangular
format or data frame in
An example of a moderately complex data set
is the dump of the Kiva database from Kiva is an non-profit organization
that connects lenders and borrowers on-line
to provide micro-loans for people in developing countries.
They make several details of loans, borrowers and lenders
available both via a Web Service API and also
via serializing their database. The provide this serialization
in both XML and JSON formats.
The data can be downloaded from
specifically .
We download and extract the files and this produces
two directories, one for lenders and another for loans.
Each of these contains a collection of files with the .json extension
each numbered from 1 to the number of files in that directory.
We'll look at the loan files.
We can read one of these files with
loans1 = fromJSON("loans/1.json")
The result in loans1 is a list with two elements.
The first is named "header" and provides information about the
contents of the file, e.g. the number of loans, the date it was serialized.
The second element ("loans") contains the data for each loan.
Strangely, there are 795 repeated elements which we can identify
by examining the "id" element. This has nothing to do with JSON
but the way the data were dumped from the database.
The same occurs in the XML version.
So we remove the duplicates with:
w = duplicated(sapply(loans1$loans, `[[`, "id"))
loans1$loans = loans1$loans[ ! w ]
Now we can look at each loan. We can look at the types of each
table(unlist(lapply(loans1$loans, function(x) sapply(x, class))))
So each element has 5 lists, e.g. description, terms, location, borrowers.
The location is made up of several fields identifying the town and country
and also latitude and longitude in a separate list named "geo":
How we chose to represent and work with this data in
depends on what we want to do with it.
lenders1 = fromJSON("lenders/1.json")
The result is a list with two elements:
The header element gives us overview information about
the contents of the file.
The lenders element contains an element for each of the
1000 lenders described in the file.
Each lender object is a list. There are many fields in common,
but not all lender objects have all of the fields. We can see what fields
are in each and which are not with
sort(table(unlist(lapply(lenders1$lenders, names))))
Each lender object is actually quite simple. All of the variables
except image is a simple scalar value.
image is a character vector of length 2.
This example could quite easily be represented as a rectangular table
with some empty or missing cells.
The lenders data can be read in the same manner. It has a simpler
structure with all but one variable for each lender
being a simple scalar. Not all lenders have all variables so
we have a ragged array again. However, we could easily put this
data into rectangular form by having values.
Comparison with XML and speed for overall processing
or XPath to get sub-elements.
XQuery also.
Web Services
JSON is commonly used in Web Services,
specifically as the result format
in REST (Representational State Transfer) services.
The idea is that we make an HTTP request to query
information we want.
We specify a URL and possibly additional arguments
to parameterize our request.
Let's use the Twitter API
as an example.
Twitter allows us to query the the 20 most recent public "statues" or activities
on Twitter.
We send a request to the URL
We can control the format of the result by appending
one of the strings "xml", "json", "rss" or "atom",
separated by a period.
url = ""
txt = getURLContent(sprintf("%s.json", url))
This returns a string containing the JSON content.
This object also has attributes that identify
the content type ("application/json")
and the character encoding. These are extracted from the
header of the HTTP response.
In older versions of RCurl, this was returned
as a binary object. Now, RCurl recognizes
the content type "application/json" as text.
Now that we have the JSON content as a string, we can convert it to
R values via fromJSON.
We do this with
tweets = fromJSON(tt, asText = TRUE)
We use the asText argument
to ensure the function does not confuse the
value as the name of a file. The function
will typically guess correctly, but since we know
we have the JSON content as a string, it is
good practice to indicate this to fromJSON.
The result is an list with twenty elements.
Each element is also a list with 19 named elements:
The "user" element is also a list:
Compelling example: NYTimes? What others?
Gloss over the RCurl requests.
Mention that others have built an R-CouchDB interface.
Creating JSON Content from R
To this point, we have seen how we can consume or import JSON
content in . We now turn our attention to how we
create JSON content from and so export it to other applications.
Basically we want to generate text that we store as a string
or write to a connection and which consists of JSON content.
Any R programmer can create arbitrary JSON content using R commands
such as paste, sprintf and cat
and character vectors or connections (including textConnection).
We focus here however on serializing arbitrary R objects in JSON format
so that the information can be restored within another JSON-enabled application.
The basic function that takes an R object and serializes it to a JSON string
is toJSON.
This function takes an R object and serializes its elements.
Basically, this maps R vectors (logical, integer, numeric, character)
to either a dictionary (or object in JSON terms) or a regular array.
If the R vector has a names, we preserve these and use a dictionary.
x = c(a = 1, b = 10, c = 20)
There are occasions when we have names on an R object, but
we want the resulting JSON value to be a simple array.
We can use the .withNames parameter to control this.
Passing a value of causes the names to be ignored and a regular array
to be created, e.g.
x = c(a = 1, b = 10, c = 20)
toJSON(x, .withNames = FALSE)
There are methods for serializing R objects to JSON for various
classes of R objects. These allow us to customize how some R objects
are translated to JSON.
For example, a matrix in R is
merely a one-dimensional vector with a dim attribute
that allows R to treat as a two or more dimensional object. As a
result, by default, it would be serialized as a single long vector in column-wise
order. However, a matrix might be represented in
as an array of row arrays, i.e. a top-level container in
which element is itself a one-dimensional array for a given row.
So we define a method to handle matrix objects in R.
It is defined as
1 ||
length(names(x)) > 0,
collapse = "\n", ..., .level = 1L,
.withNames = length(x) > 0 && length(names(x)) > 0) {
tmp = paste(apply(x, 1, toJSON),
collapse = sprintf(",%s", collapse))
paste("{", paste(dQuote(names(x)), tmp, sep = ": "), "}")
paste("[", tmp, "]")
With this defined, the code
toJSON(matrix(1:10, 5, 2))
toJSON and its methods could be extended to write to
a connection. The default connection could be a
textConnection and if this was not specified
(i.e. missing in the initial call), the string rather than the
connection would be returned.
This would allow us to avoid collecting the JSON text in memory for
an entire object and to emit/flush content to a connection as it was generated.
This would save memory and could be important for large objects.
Customizing the Parser
We can provide our own handlers to process each element
as it is encountered by the JSON parser.
This is similar to the SAX style of parsing for XML.
Future Directions
At present, we omit/drop attributes on R objects when serializing to
JSON. We use the length, dim and names for vectors, but ignore them
for other types of R objects and ignore any other attributes entirely.
To serialize to R Attributes on R objects. We could use either an
empty name or .Data for the data part of an object and then
"attributes" to identify the list of attributes.
We cannot serialize R functions easily to JavaScript
as they do not make a great deal of sense in that language. Instead,
we can serialize the source code for a function as a string.
This loses information, and this is very important if the
function has a non-standard environment.
We have also experimented with approaches to translating the R syntax
to JavaScript code and possibly R code to JavaScript
in an effort to simplify authoring JavaScript code for use in, e.g.,
Web pages.
The libjson parser expects the entire
JSON content to be in memory when it starts to read,
i.e. passed as a single string. We would like to be able
to have the parser read from a file or connection
and access additional bytes of the input stream as it requires them.
This would reduce the memory required as we wouldn't have to
load the file into memory ahead of time. Instead, we would retain
a smaller buffer of content that is being processed.
We have developed a bi-directional interface between the JavaScript
interpreter SpiderMonkey used in the Mozilla/Firefox browser. This
allows us to pass R objects to JavaScript and vice verse using C-level
references. However, we can also transfer objects by value between the
two languages using RJSONIO with very little